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interpreter of dreams.
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Apr 10 7 tweets 2 min read
There are some people who think that the only reason men do not break down crying when losing a job is only because of a “performance.” As in, they want to cry but prevent themselves to maintain “facade.” Ofc this is a female way to think, but I will explain the actual reality. Tears are a result of being overwhelmed by a situation. As a child, I remember (as many do) some personal calamity that would provoke an emotional response of overwhelming emotion. The immature response is to cry, because this is how infants ask parents for help.
Jul 20, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] Today marks 54 years since the American space program first landed men on the surface of the moon. On that day, the whole world celebrated the success of the Apollo mission. But what if they had failed? Image The risks were enormous, the outcome was never certain. Malfunctions and fatalities were common in spaceflight, and a mission of this scale had never been completed before.
Jul 18, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
When Toyota first started building cars in the US, they came out all wrong, with myriad quality problems. Toyota Japan blamed American manufacturers and said they weren’t following the plans correctly … (cont) The American plants insisted they were manufacturing to plan with allowed tolerances. There were arguments and investigations.
Jul 5, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
GM. There are updates on the Douglass Mackey AKA Ricky Vaughn case. He goes to appeals in August.

I wrote a piece that, for the first time, gives a window into his trial in March.

The justice abuses that occurred in this case are outrageous. Summarized below /thread/ 1. Douglass Mackey was accused of participating in conspiracy based on conversations that occurred in group chats where he wasn’t even a member. "Conspiracy" was proven based on conversations he didn't have: the key witness claimed they had a "silent conspiracy" together.
May 30, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Reflecting this Memorial Day. I want to tell you about America's secret Constitution, buried at Arlington Cemetery in the Tomb of the Unknowns. /T/ Image The Tomb of the Unknowns, dedicated in 1921, is a monument in Arlington Virginia dedicated to the memory of all American soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen.
May 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My Pet Theory: they are banging. Elon is actually banging this woman. This would actually be a good thing. Loyalty. Wait to see if she’s pregnant, that’s the tell.
May 4, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
What’s going on is the government has depersonalized itself out of existence. It used to be that if one broke the sovereign’s peace it was treated as a personal affront; justice was a matter of personal retribution. /1 This system was seen as crude and morally deficient so was gradually replaced with impersonal “systems” of discipline with a veneer of science and morality. /2
Apr 1, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts about Douglass Mackey, the hard times ahead, and how we win in the end. The United States as we know it will pass away. I cannot say how, but I know that it will, because BOTH the left and the right want it gone. The left has their insane race and sexual grievances, and the right is realizing more and more that the US is a decaying, abusive monster.
Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
From beginning to end the trial of Douglass Mackey was a kangaroo court. He was tried in Brooklyn because the prosecution argued the fiber optic cables passed through there. A sham. The FBI groomed a witness, and held the threat of conviction over his head based on his cooperation in the Mackey trial.
Mar 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Community notes is actually a great feature. Remember how NPR had to retract a tweet after they got a community note? This should have a note saying “There is currently no evidence of any credible threats to the trans community in Tennessee” For that matter, every single tweet by every media organization should always have a community note.
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Doug Mackey's case is just wrapping up another day of deliberation. I'm taking pause here to consider how everything hangs on the knife's edge: either this jury acquits him or we open a new era of brutal censorship. Please lend him your support and send him messages of encouragement. Justice in America, unfortunately, is expensive. Even if you've already given, give again. This is important.
Mar 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The larger reason why the DOJ, the courts, and the media are going after Douglass Mackey is every more interesting. It's because they are scared of YOU. During the 2016 election, the establishment suddenly had to contend with a new and powerful force: anonymous people on the internet who could engage with them directly and hold them to account.
Mar 13, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
The reason why comedians can make election jokes like this is that it’s “common knowledge” that Election Day is on Tuesday. Why didn’t this standard apply in the case of Doug Mackey? Surely it’s common knowledge that all voting must occur at a polling place or using an official mail ballot? Yet Ricky was arrested for a satirical post encouraging people to “vote by text.”
Mar 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
For those who are just reading about the case of Douglass Mackey, I understand that many people might find what he was posting objectionable. That is not the issue here. The issue is that he was arrested for speech made on a public forum. Period. The joke he made was common. There are examples of the same joke, on the same day, by left-leaning twitter accounts, that remain un-prosecuted (as they should be). The government has no business determining what's true and what's a lie on a public forum.
Mar 13, 2023 20 tweets 11 min read
Here's the story of Doug Mackey, the twitter poster who helped Trump win the election in 2016, and is now being persecuted by the Biden DOJ for posting memes. He goes to trial today, and faces ten years in prison. This is the situation, and what it means for you. Image Ricky rose to fame as a brilliant twitter personality. At his peak, he was more influential than NBC, CNN and the Colbert Report. He reached and energized millions. Image
Mar 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a recipe for a very delicious and strong lemonade OK?

You will need a cocktail shaker and a grater / micro plane. Add juice from 2 lemons
Zest from 1 whole lemon
5 tablespoons sugar
Lots of ice
Some cool water…
Mar 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
To expand on this idea, imagine if the United States had fucking executed pedophile warlords in Afghanistan by firing squad instead of supplying them viagra so they could rape little boys. This is why we lost. No will to make a common moral foundation that matters to the common people. This is why we can't build an empire.
Mar 7, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
"Buenos dias. Los sacrificios humanos pararán YA." Image "All these atrocities," added Cortes, "must cease from this moment..." To this the caziques, the papas, and all the other personages answered, "That it would be impossible to abolish their idols and the human sacrifices: for everything that was good they received from these idols
Mar 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
When you start to read the actual historical record it’s clear that Indians on the NA continent were varied between tribes but they were almost universally tough, resourceful, and often shockingly brutal. They fought a technologically superior civilization for centuries. Many of them chose to fight rather than lose their way of life, which is highly admirable. Unfortunately for them, they lost.
Jan 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Was once in Paris eating a hand-minced burger and watched the sanitation service slowly make its way down the street (they only work at rush hour) The line of cars stuck behind them must have been a mile long.
Jan 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hell yeah dude, get it. Story about a young guy who drops out of uni to join the Army, wins a slot to Ranger School and the third try, earns his tab, then goes back to school and launches a small business.