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Aug 4, 2018 26 tweets 8 min read
Its open secret that Mugabe was removed from power through a coup. What many didn't know back then was that although Mnangagwa & Chiwenga were very close, the duo's marriage would quickly fade within a space of 6 months. They pretend to be close, but its very clear not anymo 2/
Soon after Chiwenga's appointment as Vice President (VP), Kembo Mohadi who had previously been appointed Minister of Defence, State Security and War Vets, lost that ministry to Chiwenga. But according to our constitution a VP must hold that post only, not to double as Minister
May 9, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
I have always told people that they should never under-estimate the intellectual prowess Mnangagwa has. That guy is a great visionary who can plan today for something that will take place 10 years later. Mnangagwa faked sour grapes between him and Kasukuwere to mislead G40. 2/
On 4 June 2015, While Kasukuwere, then-Political Commissar, was introducing Mnangagwa to party supporters in Headlands, he narrated every detail of Mnangagwa's credentials from 1964 to that day in question, praising him all the way and declaring him Mugabe's most trusted man.
Mar 31, 2018 25 tweets 5 min read

After reading u should be able to understand why Mnangagwa made sure Tsvangirai wont be declared winner in 2008, why Mujuru was fired, why icecream poison saga was faked and who will be declared 2018 elections "winner" 2/
No one believed Grace Mugabe when she was talking, but she knew what she was talking about. At Rufaro Stadium on Sunday 5 November 2017 while addressing mapostori members she revealed that since 1980 Mnangagwa has always wanted to topple Mugabe & be Zimbabwe's next President.