Nadine Dijkstra Profile picture
Senior research fellow @WCHN_UCL of mental imagery, perception and reality monitoring. She/her. mstdn:
May 31, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
I am excited to share our new paper “Confidence ratings do not distinguish reality and imagination” with @mmazor and @smfleming! A thread: 1/10 @mmazor @smfleming In recent years, we have developed a psychophysical paradigm to experimentally investigate confusions between imagination and perception in healthy participants. In our paradigm, participants simultaneously imagine and detect simple gratings 2/10 Image
Jul 1, 2021 22 tweets 6 min read
I am VERY excited to share our new preprint “Fundamental constraints on distinguishing reality from imagination” with @smfleming in which we use large-scale single-trial psychophysics, computational modelling and neural decoding analysis. A thread! Research from different fields has demonstrated that the neural mechanisms supporting imagination are similar to those supporting regular perception. This overlap raises a fundamental question – how do human minds keep track of what is real and what is imagined? 1/20
Sep 25, 2019 15 tweets 12 min read
Our new preprint on the ‘Neural dynamics of perceptual inference and its reversal during imagery’ with @LucaAmb and @marcelge is out now! We reveal feedforward and feedback dynamics of stimulus processing during perception and imagery. A thread 1/N… @LucaAmb @marcelge Highly similar representations in visual cortex are activated during imagery and perception. However, the temporal dynamics underlying this activation is likely very different. Here, we characterized the spatiotemporal dynamics of stimulus information using MEG and decoding 2/N