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📻 Broadcaster and actor 🎭 Political reporter @politicshome🖊️ 📧 Send me stories🕵🏽 #BCFC 💙 Views my own 💭
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Barney Stevenson Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What’s the longest queue you’ve ever been in? As an ADHDer queuing for too long absolutely ruins me, makes me wanna cry
Sep 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The year is 2023. The Queue is still growing.

Paddington Bear is now our Overlord. Marmalade sandwiches are compulsory with every meal. If you don't, you are imprisoned in Center Parcs.

The UK has rejoined the EU to allow frictionless movement after The Queue reached France. There are babies born in The Queue. Yes, babies.

They are held up like Simba when they are born - some say these babies will go on to do great things after The Queue.

One baby took its first steps in The Queue.

"A step for the Queen," their mother said tearfully. "So moving."
Sep 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Conferences still going ahead is absurd

We’ve had a summer of being in limbo with Boris Johnson going on holiday despite a cost of living catastrophe incoming

The new PM’s energy announcement has been derailed by the Queen dying and parliament’s been suspended for 10 days Parliament’s then in recess again at the end of next week for conference season until mid-October

MPs need to be in parliament, especially if small & medium size businesses won’t get support from 1 October like households

National interest should come first, not conferences
Sep 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Interesting line in this article: 'Charles... commented on “the appalling atrocity of slavery” that “forever stains our history.” Elizabeth simply wished the country well for the future.'

Recommend reading this if you want insight on the Queen's… Harry has also highlighted talking about this (and was subjected to a massive amount of backlash by the British media) for it.

Charles, I think, is aware of the need to change with the times. Harry, I imagine, is influenced by having a wife of colour.…
Feb 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/3 Extraordinary thread from Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny on Vladimir Putin, who has already been poisoned with Novichok and imprisoned.

Can't be overstated how brave this is, he calls Russian security council 'thieves', accuses Putin et al of 'imperial nostalgia'. 2/3 Excoriating stuff here from Navlany.

"It would be funny if the drunken grandfather was not a man of 69 who holds power in a country with nuclear weapons."
Feb 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Quite a take.

This was posted several hours before Putin's almost one hour long televised spiel - a spiel where he barely mentioned NATO.

Instead, he spouted ahistorical nonsense & propaganda, said Ukraine wasn't a real country, & then promptly and unilaterally invaded it. And, remember, anyone following what was happening with a reasonable level of attention would have been aware of moves like Putin's letter where he literally used this argument last year.

Again, NATO is a footnote in it.
Nov 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: New 2019 'Red Wall' Tory MP Christian Wakeford, who has a razor thin majority of 402, has expressed concern about Tory sleaze and the cut backs to HS2.

"An electrified route between Manchester and Leeds is incredibly important," he said.… "If you want to call it 'levelling up', if you want call it 'building back better'- it's just economic development," he said. Adding: "To try to abandon that - it's not good."

He joins other northern Conservative MPs expressing similar concerns.…
Nov 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The way in which antisemitism is being weaponised to delegitimise Azeem's experiences of racism by people who are *overwhelmingly* not Jews is demonstrative of a serious issue in the British political landscape.

It's not new, it's just another chapter in the saga. Every Jew on my newsfeed, left or right, that has tweeted about this has been accepting of Azeem's apology and pointed out that he was brave on speaking out about racism.

Funny how the people most angry with him aren't Jews.
Nov 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Average spending per head on transport in England over the last 10 years:

1. London: £864
2. North West: £379
3. East of England: £365
4. South East: £343
5. West Midlands: £333
6. Yorkshire and the Humber: £328
7. North East: £310
8. South West: £270
9. East Midlands: £258 Average spending per head on transport in England 2019/2020:

1. London: £906
2. South East: £536
3. West Midlands: £505
4. East of England: £484
5. North West: £451
6. South West: £342
7. North East: £326
8. Yorkshire and the Humber: £321
9. East Midlands: £301
Nov 17, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The thing with antisemitism in progressive spaces is that a lot of 'progressives' *know* there's a serious issue - but so much of their identity, and so many of their friendships, are tied up in these spaces that they won't confront it

Which means the inevitably become complicit Life can be hard for Jews in these spaces both because of antisemites, but also the friends of antisemites that defend them - because not doing so would threaten their identity and many of their interpersonal relationships

That's why there's so much wilful cognitive dissonance
Nov 16, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
In anti-racist spaces, I’ve frequently found I’m listened to more as Black woman than as a Jewish woman.

In society more broadly, I’ve experienced structural racism because I am Black not because I’m a Jew.

On social media, I receive far more abuse for being Jewish than Black. As a Jew, I’ve been treated with suspicion.

As a Black woman, I’ve been criminalised and underestimated.

Straddling two identities means I feel I have a pretty decent understanding of whether “Jews count”.
Nov 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I spoke to @NadiaWhittomeMP, MP for Nottingham East, about the issues rocking parliament: lobbying, MP salaries, and second jobs.

Whittome, who worked a second job as a carer during the pandemic, donates over half her salary to charity.… Whittome says she donates so much of her salary on principle.

"I came into parliament as a workers representative, and so I take a worker’s salary - because I don’t want to be on a salary that massively separates me from the people I represent," she said.…
Nov 16, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Azeem Rafiq breaks down in tears as he outlines 'constant' racist abuse… "I wasn’t present in that dressing room, but what I understand [is] that Alex went on to name his dog ‘Kevin’ because it was Black - it’s disgusting how much of a joke it was," said Rafiq.…
Nov 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
@fonehouse I'm utterly shocked by my treatment.

I ordered a new phone last night and was told it would be here within 3 days. Then I got a message on the website being told it might be longer - didn't specify how long.

I called and they're telling me it's going to be weeks. I need the new phone sooner rather than later, so I said I'd cancel the contract and asked if they'd done a credit check.

They said yes, despite not having the phone in stock and misleading me on the site.
Nov 15, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
This is what happens when antisemitism is portrayed as entirely fabricated against the left.

Fresh-faced students are impressionable, so it is a dangerous combination when influential people they look up to suggest it’s all a conspiracy.… Has antisemitism been weaponised by some? Absolutely. Issues like this always are.

That’s why if you’re anti-racism, and not an antisemite, your responsibility is to cut through the noise - instead of bowing to it or staying silent, which creates an environment hostile to Jews.
Jul 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
DON’T TAKE ME HOMEEEE 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Trees are being thrown 😭
May 26, 2021 158 tweets 25 min read
Dominic Cummings has just apologised to the families of people that died of Covid-19, blaming his/government’s negligence... this is astounding

This is an active admission of negligence [THREAD] He says the western world “completely failed” to take the danger of Covid-19 seriously
Apr 26, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 With my journalism hat off, these stories about the govt have made me grateful that my family and I ignored the govt from day one and went into shielding in February 2020.

My mom is still in semi-shielding, and will be until our second vaccines have kicked in. 2/8 But others didn’t, or couldn’t afford to - and trusted the govt.

To find out our commander and chief was making comments about letting “the bodies pile high”, or annoyed he didn’t stay open like the mayor in Jaws, turns the stomach. It brings rage.