Naima Cochrane Profile picture
Gen X emissary. Snack aficionado. Storyteller. Industry veteran. Black girl. #MusicSermon. @clivedavisinst. @bma_coalition.
Ella Sanders Profile picture Joshua Cypess Profile picture thetygryss Profile picture 3 subscribed
May 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This ain't about Eboni but about folks replies...

Um.. union jobs with them good benefits and pensions? Chile please.

In our increasing "aspiration" we've forgotten the strong points of blue collar jobs and trades. Lemme tell you what a bus driver can do....

Retire with a monthly income.
May 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

Chelsea was HYPER aware of the cameras and was gonna make sure that sh*t looked how SHE wanted it to look. #LoveisBlind4 Kwame was CORNERED, fam. CORNERED.
Apr 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I feel like the Brian McKnight is a trash father thing came out back when he first got remarried. Like Brian Jr aired him out then, but then it got quiet bc Brian himself doesn't make alot of noise. But I def remember knowing he was a trash husband and father. It was somewhere around Show You How Your P*ssy Works, I feel like
Apr 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
... is also not attractive 😂. Puff needs to go home so bad.
Mar 26, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
This pic of 17 year old Slash is telling me why he wears long hair, hat and sunnies in public at allllll times. Bc the Black is RIGHTTHERE. "Lemme gon' head and just...." - Saul Hudson
Mar 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Say it ain't so, Jonathan... I need this man to not be derailing his career bc he can't keep his hands to himself while playing heavyweight fighters and supervillians.
Mar 24, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Oh sh*t... #LoveIsBlind dropped today.

Lemme go get a drink... #GobletGang I'm so happy to see all these ages OVER 25
Mar 26, 2020 45 tweets 16 min read
*Steps into pulpit in front of video camera*
*Adjusts mic*
*Opens text*

Good evening, family. I hope tonight finds you and yours safe, healthy and comfortable. If not, I pray you're on the path to that soon. I said on Sunday that we'd do this week's #MusicSermon on Monday.
Then time got away from me so I said during the day yesterday.
Then I forgot (my bad).

So here we are. And the musical word will go forth even if we're not able to be present in the sanctuary.
Dec 9, 2018 17 tweets 6 min read
There is also, I believe (looks at @WEKetchum) a new @VibeMagazine #MusicSermon going live in a bit. In the new year, the twitter #MusicSermon will be like the party and the “service” @VibeMagazine will be the afterparty, giving a more focused and intense look into our topics. For the next few weeks, though, we’re revisiting some worthy sermon subjects that deserve love.