Uppity African šŸ‰ Profile picture
M&G 200 Young South African 2022. Author of ā€˜Invisible Stringsā€™ available in SA from @_BlackBirdBooks & UK from @Legend_Times. Views my own. She/her.
Jun 18, 2024 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
ā€œEat less and move moreā€ is based on the assumption your body treats calories like a transaction. Whatever you put in is whatever youā€™ll use through direct actions like exercise. But in reality, your body treats calories like a thermostat. Iā€™ll explain a bit more For survival reasons, your body has evolved to be not lose weight super easily. Your body has all sorts of checks and balances, many of which are subconscious, to try and stop you from losing weight. These can include things like hunger signals. If you eat way more food today
Sep 8, 2023 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
For those of you considering moving overseas, I just paid around Ā£780 (so around R18600) to rent a room in a house with 2 bathrooms and 6 other people. This is the best space and best price Iā€™ve been able to find for a decent sized room relatively central in London Studios tend to start at around Ā£1700 (about R40,500). Everyone I know who is splitting a decent sized apartment with one friend is paying around Ā£1100 (R26,200) in rent. To SPLIT. Donā€™t come to London you arenā€™t willing to deal with a certain level of scammery
May 24, 2023 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
The more radfem discourse I see on here the more Iā€™m convinced that there are some women who call themselves feminists but donā€™t really recognise women as decision-making agents who are actively making choices to make navigating society easier/better And I started noticing this when I read more into sex workers, saw how many sex workers had chosen sex work over other economic opportunities because sw gave them better earnings & control over their schedules, & read how many spoke of feminists who had proposed+
May 2, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
I remember reading that part of the reason women pushed for public restrooms was because a lack of them meant that women couldnā€™t be out for long & was an effective way of keeping women out of public spaces. I think about that a lot now when it comes to trans people The bathroom debate is a convenient smokescreen for eliminating trans people from public life altogether. The people arguing against trans people in bathrooms donā€™t want to keep women safe. They want to stop trans people from existing