Dr. Naomi Wolf. 8 NYT Bestsellers. DPhil, Poetry. Profile picture
'The Pfizer Papers': https://t.co/UnzhwYzTOQ
6 subscribers
Feb 7 8 tweets 2 min read
‘As a 30-year cybersecurity veteran, I find the activities of DOGE thus far concerning. Its broad mandate across government, seemingly nonexistent oversight, and the apparent lack of operational competence of its employees have demonstrated that DOGE could create conditions that are ideal for cybersecurity or data privacy incidents that affect the entire nation.’theconversation.com/is-doge-a-cybe… 2/ ‘DOGE operatives are quickly developing and deploying major software changes to very complex old systems and databases, according to reports. But given the speed of change, it’s likely that there is little formal planning or quality control involved to ensure such changes don’t break the system. Such actions run contrary to cybersecurity principles and best practices for technology management.’
Jan 11 4 tweets 2 min read
I am following the LA fire news religiously from multiple sources but am baffled by one question. In a catastrophe such as this there are normally floods of evacuees OUT. Do you see that? Where are 180,000 people plus those who are trying to avoid the fire, going? 2/ I don’t see images of people fleeing the fires, stories about how infrastructure is handling or not handling what should be 1000s of Angelenos fleeing the fires, announcements about help to flee the fires. I don’t see maps telling people how to leave safely, just warnings that highways are closed or may close. What am I missing? It’s almost as if a/people are not leaving in a normal way or b/ that narrative is being suppressed or c/ the usual assistance given to help people leave safely is being blanked out.
Oct 26, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Feeling much better due to oil of oregano yesterday. But to be sure I killed off harmful bacteria (from food poisoning) I am having tea I simmered with graviola (soursop) leaves and Jamaican hibiscus. I threw in a teabag of vanilla black tea for flavor, sweetened with monkfruit Image 2/ Look up ‘Is Jamaican hibiscus antibacterial’. ‘Laboratory tests
In laboratory tests, Jamaican hibiscus water has been shown to kill twice as many bacteria as chlorine and up to five times more than commercial disinfectant. ‘
Sep 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Can I say how much money I’ve saved going non-pharma for skin and hair care? This coconut oil cost $4.99; lasted months. It removes makeup like a charm and leaves skin soft. Glycerin was five bucks - same. Lanolin, maybe $12. Vit E, 4. I used to spend $70/month at drugstore.. Image 2/ Water


Aloe vera

Benzalkonium chloride

Cucumber juice


Dipotassium phosphate

Dipropylene glycol

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

Mineral oil

Peg-4 dilaurate

Sodium chloride
Jul 16, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Nothing at that level is "a random stop." I advised two Presidential campaigns. EVERY stop is vetted long in advance, the attendees onstage are vetted, the route is vetted, the SS detail is vetted. Why was Jill Biden nearby? Why did her safe, small, indoor event require extra security? Did she communicate with Cheatle re the Trump event? Reports suggest that SHE is the reason Biden is not stepping down. I'd look at her motives in assessing who may have enabled an atttempt on her rival's life. Because that is what Pres Trump is: First Lady Biden's rival, not her demented husband's. Lady Macbeth: Image
Jun 2, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Reading the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, in Hebrew. This text’s word choices give a significantly different picture of Jesus, than do English translations from Greek or Latin. This Gospel depict a Jewish rabbi engaged in recognizably Jewish scholarly activities, and the later theologically… 2/ weighted terms are absent. Yeshu does not ‘preach’ but ‘doresh’ which is the same root as ‘Midrash’, to analyze, comment on or investigate the Torah. He does not simply ‘heal’ - he ‘ropheh’, which also means ‘to doctor to’, to ‘make whole’ and ‘to renew.’ He is not followed by
May 16, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
When I saw that @RealAlexJones had sources stating that manny ‘illegal immigrants’ were UN soldiers in disguise, I thought, of course. But it’s not confirmed yet. Everything made sense though: call an invasion ‘migration’. Call barracks throughout the county, ‘housing.’ I hoped… 2/ that @BrianOSheaSPI would say that that was nonsense when I raised this with him but he responded, ‘that makes sense.’ This possibility is not trivial . As he has pointed out, these immigrants walk in cadence as if they are marching. Their physiques are like people who have military training…
Apr 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Hi all -- so. I skipped ahead to the New Testament, with a Koine Greek - English side-by-side literal translation, and what am I to do -- so much of the NT has been mistranslated, or, shall I say, creatively translated, in addition to the OT having often been mistranslated. Is it offensive if I analyze this fact when we get to the NT? The creative translations or outright mistranslations of the NT often write out what was familiar language of a radical/reforming Jewish teacher/Redeemer of Israel, and heighten or present other language that introduces or showcases the idea of the establishment of a new (Hellenistic-oriented) religion. As in later translations of the OT, there is often distance introduced in later translations of the NT between "the Sons of God" (that is, humans) and God, that is not there in the original. I think this set of insights is important but I do fear offending people. 2/ In the original, there is also less distance between humans and Jesus than there is in later translations. For instance the same term -- "Son of God" "Sons of God" is used for Jesus and for, well, people.
Feb 12, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Who wants me to report on herbal aphrodisiacs in time for Valentine’s Day? (Guess who markets Viagra, a company that probably doesn’t want me to report on herbal aphrodisiacs in time for Valentine’s Day? You have one guess). Herbal aphrodisiacs have been part of human connection for centuries, in every culture. 2/ ‘What does maca root do for a woman's sexual function? One older 2015 study of 45 women who experienced antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction also found that taking 3,000 milligrams (mg) of maca root per day for 12 weeks significantly improved sexual function and libido compared with a placebo.’
Jan 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Binge-watching Billions. Around Season Five into Season 6, ‘lockdowns’ and vaccinations imposed on shooting. Painful to see the inflamed tissues and ghostly paleness of the recently-beautiful, recently-healthy-looking actors , and what sounds like a subtle mini-stroke (slurring that is hopefully transient or due to something else) affecting the enunciation of Corey Stoll. 2/ OMG this won’t age well. At 5:46 in Season 5 Episode 10 of ‘Billions’ (ironically titled ‘Liberty’) the CEO of Axe Capital tells the vaccinated employees to take off their masks as ‘you won’t be transmitting viral load’, then fires all the unvaccinated employees.
Dec 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Finally watching the ‘Winston Smith’ interview with the alleged NZ whistleblower ‘Winston Smith’. I know this story is unfolding but first maybe-off detail: someone who sits in front of a computer screen all day long (now wearing a loose shirt) has the build of a special operator. 2/ Sorry, I may be wrong, but my instincts are on guard with this story. The man speaks in perfect media soundbites. ‘These data are a river of tears.’ Also downloading the NZ data led to @Kevin_McKernan ‘s servers switching him off, wiping out his other valuable data. Catch and kill?
Nov 26, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Death rate in 2020-2021 among African leaders so much above normal that BMJ noticed: 'In the 12 months between 6 February 2020 and 6 February 2021, COVID-19 claimed the lives of at least 24 national ministers and heads of state, which is well in excess of the reported in-office death rate for such politicians in recent years. Seventeen of these deaths are from the African continent (and the count kept growing after 6 February 2021), putting the COVID-19 death rate at 1.33% among national ministers and heads of states—seven times above estimates of the world's average for a demographic profile of similar sex and age average for the same period.' . 2/ For no reason at all, Reuters saw fit to take up valuable editorial space to deny that African leaders were dying subsequent to a stance on COVID vaccine issues. reuters.com/article/factch…
Nov 18, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
This is just one J6 tape. Two protesters are apparently handcuffed. The female twice moves her arms to one side and the cop guarding her does not react (ordinarily, it could be a weapon). At about three minutes in (hard to manage timestamps) the male in handcuffs looks back and smiles at the cop guarding him. The female cop guarding the female in handcuffs pats the handcuffee on the back. The female cop leaves, a male cop takes her place, she gets a bottle of water, returns. A random apparent protester walks past them all NOT in handcuffs and no one blinks. There are ten anomalies if this is a crisis scenario, and I am four minutes in. Of course no violence is ever acceptable in a civic context but I have no idea what I am looking at here. It does not look like any crisis scenario I have ever witnessed. And I've been arrested twice by police.
Image 2/ So the clip from which the above was taken is now not playable on my computer; I moved on to this one: . At about 3:30, a handcuffed male is helped to lie down by a copl; he then reclines. The handcuffed female from the last clip is still visible on the right, now standing. Cops mill around, not looking at the arrestees, not trying to get them out of there or else into a safer context (again, anomalous). A big stream of alleged protesters then enters the hallway -- there are three alleged protesters now VISIBLY handcuffed on BOTH SIDES OF them -- and none of the new entrants even GLANCES at either of the overtly handcuffed protesters. The newly entered protesters look like they are heading to predetermined points, and not doing what you'd expect a protester would do -- hesitate, pause - if he or she sees fellow protesters visibly trussed like chickens.cha.house.gov/cha-subcommitt…
Oct 6, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Interesting that a famous writer is sure that proximity cannot affect women's physical symptoms, even though there is evidence for "menstrual symchrony" elsewhere. Pfizer warns vaccinated men not to have unprotected intercourse with unvaccinated women. Rabbis are giving dispensations from sex to unvaccinated orthodox Jewish women with vaccinated husbands. We don't know everything yet about transmission. 2/ "Results: A higher occurrence of menstrual migraine among women living together (9, 50%) compared with women living alone (3, 16.7%) (P = .03) was detected. After binary logistic regression analysis, this finding was not related to the main influencing factors detected, that is, use of a contraceptive, test stress, or sleep deprivation (P = .03, adjusted odds ratio: 7.87; 1.23-50.36). These women also showed menstrual cycle synchrony with their roommates (8, 44.4%) and the presence of headache crises during the menstruation of their colleagues (11, 61.1%)."
Mar 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Query: I’m reading Geneva Bible, translated accurately from Hebrew in 1560 by Protestant refugees. Gripping. Comparing to 1966 Jerusalem Bible, issued by revamped Catholic Church. No disrespect, but latter is full of mistranslation. Much softened. Why? Is this common knowledge? 2/I’ve reached the end of Joshua; I see no solid audio readings of the whole 1560 Geneva Bible online that I find. Those I see are ‘revised’ , partial or oddly merged w KJV. Since I am reading this anyway, query: if I read it on Stream yard and created audio, is this of interest?
Apr 20, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
TY. Dozens of cases of uterine bleeding or menstrual irregularities. 42 "spontaneous abortions", otherwise known as "miscarriages", which I would list under "fatalities." That is a lot of lost pregnancies post vaccination. UK alone. How can reproduction not be looked at now? 2/ I am getting. really angry at the crickets/silence out here. Where are all the people who have made careers out of protecting women's reproductive health and wellbeing? Even to say hey, let's pause and GET SOME STUDIES on this issue? Before other women lose their babies?