Dr Natacha Kennedy (she/her) Profile picture
🏳️‍⚧️ TransFeminist, Sociologist. Queer. Co-chair; @NetworkGender 🇪🇺 Opinions my own, RTs not always, also @natacha.bsky.social Hide & Block is good praxis.
Jul 12 8 tweets 2 min read

@WesStreeting's predecessors implemented a policy resulting in the deaths of at least 16 trans children by suicide.

From Matt Hancock to Victoria Atkins at least the Tory health secretaries could plausibly claim that they did not...


...know this would be the outcome, despite people like myself (who is a qualified & published and peer-reviewed expert in this area) and parents of trans children warning very clearly that the puberty blockers ban would kill trans children. This time @WesStreeting cannot...

Jul 6 18 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: In the aftermath of the election it is too easy to underestimate the implications from the catastrophic loss by the “Party Of Women”, which crashed to the most spectacular of defeats, despite being given a fair wind by our biased media.

1. Image In effect what Posie Parker set up was a real life experiment to test the theory that “gender-critical” practices represent “women”.

This is something we have heard from JK Rowling and most of the mainstream media; the idea that “gender-critical” practices represent…

Jun 25 20 tweets 4 min read

The key dishonesty with everything every “gender-critical”/”sex-realist”/”biology matters” anti-trans activist says about trans people’s human rights is the supposed “conflict of rights with the rights of cls women...

1. In fact there is zero evidence that cls women are disadvantaged in any way by trans people having human rights, & a very significant body of evidence to the contrary. First up is the list of countries & federal states where trans people have the right to self-identification.

Jun 8 9 tweets 2 min read
I have now heard of four instances where a trans woman has used a male toilet, at least one of them by accident, others because they were compelled to.

In all four cases they were brutally assaulted.

This is why the “gender-criticals” want to force trans people…

1. …to use the toilets that correspond to their “biological sex”, not because they believe in “the importance of biological sex” but because they want to subject trans people to violence and to make life impossible for us.

So their claim that their rhetoric constitutes an…

Mar 9 4 tweets 2 min read
My peer-reviewed research publication on what I call “deferral” confirms how trans kids have usually known, in one way or another, for a long time, that they are trans.

Like Hollyoaks it shows that “ROGD” is, and always has been, just a lie.


My research publication on deferral is all the more significant because it was independently replicated by another piece of research published 7 months later, which also confirmed that young trans people usually do not “suddenly” become trans…


Jan 19 17 tweets 4 min read
The result in the Hackney council by-election in Caznove ward is significant & significantly revealing for a number of reasons.

Given the enormous swing to Labour nationally; a poll published on the day this by-election took place put @UKLabour 27 points ahead...

1/n Image ... and the Tories down to just 20%, @HackneyLabour should have held onto this seat easily and with a greatly increased majority.

Instead Labour lost the seat to the Tories on an 11% swing AGAINST the national trend...


Dec 3, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Liz Truss is officially the worst Prime Minister ever, (& let's face it) she's up against stiff competition for this title.

However she wants to somehow de-recognise people's gender recognition from other countries where trans people have the right to self-identify...

1/n Image This is obviously an attempt to hit two of the Tories' target hate-groups with one stone; trans people and immigrants.

Transphobia, xenophobia and racism all in one. However her proposal demonstrates just how ignorant she is about this;

Oct 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
There is a section in this “report” by @LabourTogether about trans people which is very one-sided and clearly written without any input from any trans/nb people.

I have attempted to contact author @sundersays and LT’s director @joshsimonstweet many times…

1/6 …about this but have received no response or even an acknowledgement of my communication. So I am asking these two to publicly explain to me why they chose to include a section about trans people without consulting trans people…?

Oct 15, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
This week another trans child was driven to suicide by the relentless transphobia in UK mainstream media.

If mainstream media covers this at all and if any blame is apportioned then the amorphous, cowardly and anonymous group of transphobes on social media will be blamed…

1/18 …that is the way mainstream media avoids accountability for its actions. With anti-trans articles being published at an average rate of 600 per month in UK mainstream media - and with trans people hermetically prevented by editors from publishing our perspectives…

Sep 11, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
My policy is always to block “gender-criticals” and such like here on MuskTwit because they are repetitive, boring, dishonest and always act in bad faith.

It is pointless to engage with them, they are, literally, not worth the time/effort.

However, sometimes this means…

…that I miss the occasional nugget that unintentionally reveals the way they prosecute their propaganda campaign against trans people. And this one is particularly revealing, but only if you unpick the language deployed at a “micro-grammatical”level…

Apr 30, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
The UK is fast approaching a demographic tipping-point. You very rarely get tipping-points in demographics because, outside of wars and pandemics, births and deaths are relatively stable. However IMO we are approaching one which will have profound effects on UK politics.

1… The effect of this demographic tipping-point will be exaggerated by the fact that many people who used to switch from supporting left-of-centre parties around the age of 40, are now not doing so. Indeed the age at which Tory voters start to outnumber Labour ones is…

Apr 23, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
The Observer and The Times are two of the most appallingly transphobic “media” platforms in the UK. They both have a clear policy of excluding trans people from writing about issues affecting trans people, they specifically employ deeply transphobic journalists and…

1… …their “journalism” about us is exclusionary, fearmongering, biased hate-filled mendacity often disguised using “reasonable” sounding language to make the hatred of trans people seem palatable to the middle-classes. It is not “journalism” it is propaganda of the…

Apr 22, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
This is a refreshing piece of journalism by @Cameron_W_Clark in the @MetroUK.

The issue I have with it is the “educating extremists” as a way out & blaming trans people for Glinner and JKR’s extremism….

When almost the entire UK mainstream media…


metro.co.uk/2023/04/20/ant… …(@MetroUK being an exception) have editorial policies that;

a) hermetically exclude trans people from presenting our case (when was the last time you read a piece by trans journalist or heard a trans person speaking uninterrupted on TV/radio?)

b) encourage their…

Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
How establishment oppression works in the UK;

1. The Tories want to publish transphobic 'guidance' for schools during the Easter holidays. (They never introduce nasties for schools during term time.)

2. An opaquely-funded extreme rightwing propaganda group ("think tank")...

1. ...produces a 'report' saying this transphobic 'guidance' is needed, after the entire mainstream media has been clamouring for oppressive measures directed at trans children for many months.

3. That 'report' is published calling for repressive measures targeting trans kids...
Nov 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
.@cambridgeunion There have been two speakers talking about trans people's human rights at Cambridge University this term, both of them cis. Both opposed to trans people's existence.

You platformed one of them.

If there had been two speakers at Cambridge University speaking about lesbian, gay and bi human rights, both of whom were straight, and both of whom opposed the existence of lesbian, gay and bi people there would have been an outcry, and rightly so.
