Natalie_Zion✡️🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱 Profile picture
Activist against antisemitism Jewish enough to be put in a camp not enough to be saved-Ethnic BA Hons Business Management & AAT lv2 -job hunting
3 subscribers
Jan 23 5 tweets 2 min read
Before World War I, for several centuries, Palestine had been a part of the Ottoman Empire. Palestine was so severely saturated in malaria, it was either uninhabitable in many areas or otherwise very thinly populated.

Palestine was described by an officer with Allenby's army as "one of the most highly malarious countries in the world" (Austen 1919). The disease had decimated the population to the point that Mark Twain in 1867 wrote on his visit to Palestine, "A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action... We never saw a human being on the whole route" (Twain 1869).Image
In its 1876 Handbook for Palestine and Syria, the travel agent Thomas Cook and Son said of Palestine that "Above all other countries in the world, it is now a land of ruins. In Judea it is hardly an exaggeration to say that...for miles and miles there is no appearance of present life or habitation, except the occasional goatherd on the hillside, or gathering of women at the wells, there is hardly a hill- top of the many within sight which is not covered with the vestiges of some fortress or city of former ages" (Cook and Son 1876).
Nov 17, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
Masada is an ancient fortress in southern Israel’s Judean Desert. It's on a massive plateau overlooking the Dead Sea.

The fortress was built in the year 30 BCE by King Herod & JEWS, IN THEIR INDIGENOUS HOMELAND

THREAD ON MASADA 🧵 whose architectural feats have left their mark throughout the country. At the beginning of the great revolt against Rome in the year 68 CE, the site was conquered by a group of Jewish zealots, and Masada became their last stronghold. Image
Jul 6, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
This has to be one of my greatest finds on the Internet, EVER. You will be AMAZED.

You are looking at the pedigree for the Dayan family traced all the way back to KING DAVID held at the Sephardic Heritage Museum.

THREAD on the Musta'arabim (Arabized Jews) Image The original Jews in Aleppo and the rest of the Middle-East date back to Israel from the time of king David and arrived in Greater Syria, Iran etc just after the babylonian exile. Remember these Jews arrived before Islam and before Christianity so they took with them their
May 29, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
I have found the FAFO family. They keep dying and coming back alive. Their same home has been bombed many times and magically rebuilt to be bombed again. The children keep dying, coming back alive and dying again in a new bombing.
THIS PALLYWOOD THREAD WILL BLOW YOUR MIND Remember this photo that we posted about showing the children in different positions after moving the other child's hands? Well, suprise apparently the Al-Attar family lost 7 children in this (fake studio) bombing Image
May 5, 2024 21 tweets 12 min read
Why do people pose as Jews to lie?

ASHKENAZI Jews originate from the levant. The majority of modern scientists have agreed and shown countless studies to prove Ashkenazi heritage to Israe, DNA being Middle-Eastern.

Not all Jews were exiled,many remained in the land even after the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple & still remain today Image
Mar 11, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
Last night at the #Oscars2024 our celebrities like @billieeilish @MarkRuffalo sunk to their lowest and supported terrorism by wearing this badge that they claim to support a #ceasefire but in fact represents the brutal lynching & murder of two innocent Israelis in 2000.
THREAD 🧵 Image These were the badges that were designed and distributed by @artists4ceasefire at the #OSCARS last night.

Mar 8, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
Do you know why London is now a no go area for Jews? Because a Leader of Hamas is running these protests. We literally have a proscribed terrorist group terrorising the Jews in Britain and everyone sits silent. Let me prove to you....

Image A former Hamas chief is behind one of the groups planning a pro-Palestine protest in London and other groups with them.…
Dec 6, 2023 25 tweets 10 min read
Oh my Gd. I've been trying to prove that the whole Palestinian made-up identity is just a continuation of the final solution. I finally have damning proof, it begins with Al Husseini and ends with Abbas his protégé. Here's my evidence with historian Francisco Gil-Whites who's an Image Amazing historian and investigative researcher. You'll find Francisco's research paper in full at the end of this thread. I'll be using snippets from the paper for this thread. Now let's begin with;
Who was Al Husseini? Image
Oct 28, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I just received this email. My synagogue is CLOSED because of a pro-Palestine march. Look @RishiSunak @SuellaBraverman we no longer have the freedom of worship in England, due to the threat to life that these barbarians marching on the streets cause. When will you realise how bad Image These marches have gotten? How bad does it have to be for Jews to shut our synagogues on a Sabbath where we ALWAYS have to go to synagogue on a Saturday like Christians go to church on a Sunday. I can't do that today, my child misses out on her Hebrew school, I cannot pray
Oct 27, 2023 28 tweets 8 min read
I'm sick of people playing victim 😒 The Ottoman Empire was EVIL,& now the countries play innocent like we've all forgotten history? Just because the British & others defeated the EVIL EMPIRE, now they get to play victim?
LET'S LIST THE GENOCIDES DONE IN/BY THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE 🧵 These are not in chronological order.
Armenian genocide (1914-18)-Ottoman Turks jointly deported, raped and killed over a million (at least) Armenians. It was so covered up by the Turks that we barely hear about it even to this day.…
Apr 30, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
The SILENT Jewish Nakbar. People speak about the "Nakbar" like it only happened to Arabs but fail to mention that 850,000 Jews were attacked & subsequently exiled or forced to flee Arab lands in 1948, when the Arab league FAILED IT'S ATTEMPT at GENOCIDE against Jews in Israel Image Jerusalem was the beginning when 7 Arab armies invaded and took Jerusalem from Jews whom many had consistently throughout generations over thousands of years had lived there. By ridding Jews with thousands of years ancestry they then began to deny our history in the land. ImageImageImageImage
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
People talk about the Arab "Nakbar" but fail to mention the Jewish Nakbar which began in Jerusalem and then spread out to the rest of the Middle-East where about a MILLION Jews became refugees, fleeing to Israel & other countries. The Nakbar was a failed Genocide attempt on Jews Image Many of the Jews in Jerusalem were indigenous & had ancestry dating back thousands of years CONSISTENTLY IN the Holy land.Jordan kicked those Jews out just to deny our history in our land, so the Arabs could steal & claim it.That's what they did with Judea & Samaria now WEST BANK ImageImageImageImage
Apr 30, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
@guardian cartoonist Martin Rowson is an antisemite and no one is buying his fake apology. The only thing we all wonder is why he's still employed by anyone at all? Here's a recent leaked DM from him (not sorry) and Let's look at some more of his allegedly not antisemitic work... Image Here's the cartoon in question (left) where Martin paints Richard Sharp in an almost identical way to the stereotypical Jewish Caricatures drawn in Nazi propaganda during the Holocaust (right). To deny this is antisemitism is worse than the actual drawing of it in the first place ImageImage
Apr 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Isaiah 49;14
But the people of Jerusalem said,
“The Lord has abandoned us!He has forgotten us.”
15 So the Lord answers,
“Can a woman forget her own baby & not love the child she bore?
Even if a mother should forget her child,I will never forget you. I will never forget you.
16 Jerusalem, I can never forget you!I have written your name on the palms of my hands.
17 “Those who will rebuild you are coming soon, and those who destroyed you will leave.
18 Look around and see what is happening!Your people are assembling-they are
Apr 28, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
According to the ten stages of genocide theory, the Jewish people are at the last stages of Genocide, the only stages left now are the actual killings (Genocide) and the usual denial afterwards. I'd say we've gone through these stages over the last decade and it's getting worse Image The ten stages of genocide, formerly the eight stages of genocide, is an academic tool and a policy model which was created by Gregory Stanton, the founding president of Genocide Watch, in order to explain how genocides occur. The stages of genocide are not linear, & as a result,
Mar 28, 2023 39 tweets 10 min read

Before 1964, there wasn't a Palestinian Arab identity. Jews were the Palestinians until Russia created the PLO terrorist group for spreading propaganda/terrorism, to ki|| J€₩$ & go up against the West. At the time Russia was still on its Jewish pogroms, attacking, Ki||ing & spreading antisemitism, forcing almost all Soviet Jews to flee. Synagogues, Schools & Jewish businesses were shut/destroyed, and Jews were essentially banned from practising their religion in Soviet Russia.
Mar 27, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
That's a GREEK ORTHADOX MONASTERY in Jericho. Jericho being the place where remains of the Shalom al Yisrael synagogue are. The synagogue is believed to date back to the 6th or 7th century CE and sits in the basement of a non-descript building at the western edge of town. Jericho went from being an administrative centre of Yehud Medinata ("the Province of Judah") under Persian rule to serving as the private estate of Alexander the Great between 336 and 323 BCE after his conquest of the region.
In the middle of the 2nd century BCE Jericho was under
Mar 27, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
All these Pro-Palestinians calling for human rights when they have no rights under Palestinian law. Feminists supporting a place where marital r@p€ is legal and r@p|$t$ are exonerated if they MARRY (probably forcefully) THEIR R@P€ VICTIM. Let's look at each law individually - Domestic Violence- is LEGAL in Palestine as there are NO LAWS against it. Meaning a Husband can beat his wife anytime he likes.
MARITAL R@P€- IS LEGAL Meaning a husband can r@p€ his wife whenever he likes and no one will do anything about it.
Mar 26, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
China bans Muslims from Fasting during Ramadan, Iran has signed a 20-25 year joint military & economic deals with China, Saudi opens talks with Iran. Moral of the story Iran funds terrorism, China pays Iran and is attacking Islam but no one cares because Palestinians are pushing Their own lies instead of fighting real problems. Instead of fighting terrorism they are spreading it with Irans money. When will the world wake up to the Iranian DJAAL.Did you know Jewish prophecies say that when the end of the world comes when a 2m man army marches on Jerusalem
Mar 23, 2023 30 tweets 7 min read
four out of five of the most evil men in modern history were Arab nationalists. Check out my next post on Arab Nationalism/Pan-Arabism, how it's linked to the KGB and the biggest threat to modern civilization with the spread of terrorism that we've ever seen . Image Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany’s Nazi Party, was one of the most powerful and notorious dictators of the 20th century. Hitler capitalized on economic woes, popular discontent and political infighting to take absolute power in Germany beginning in 1933. Germany’s invasion of
Mar 22, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
The date matches up to around 1906 after Zionists came to the land in the late 1800s. Here's the Ottoman records telling how they tried to settle the "lawless" and "uncouthed" bedouin whilst getting the Zionists to clean up the inhumane swampland the Bedouin had been living in Basically the Ottomans had tried to settle the Bedouin by helping them buy land and settle instead of living in tents and being Lawless nomads. The Ottoman empire at this time was beginning to fail (only 8 years before the world war) and Palestine was leaking alot of money from