How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, I'm pretty sure most of us DID say that this was a bad way to do it prior to the election., I don't dispute that low-quality pollsters might herd. But the originally quoted tweet is looking at higher quality pollsters. of it is undecideds/item nonresponse. If your margin is 90-7-3 (+83), then any deviation makes the margin difference look huge. be clear, I do not have inside info on how public pollsters are currently weighting, I just know YouGov's practices, and I know what happens when I weight polls in different ways (topline vs. subgroup). Topline only has different results for subgroups.'ve been saying for years that Dems have an organizing problem in Texas. Beto O'Rourke was never going to single-handedly solve that, nor was all the out-of-state support specific to Beto. think the real answer to why Democrats underwhelm is that we're more of a centrist country than most liberals want to believe. estimate that 10% of Americans are adherents to Christian nationalist beliefs. Another 19% are sympathetic to those beliefs.