Nathan Cofnas Profile picture
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at Cambridge Substack:
Jun 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
People were surprised by @RichardHanania's observation that Alabama has a higher per capita GDP than Japan or S. Korea, but no one (incl @KirkegaardEmil & @NoahCarl90) questioned his inference that it is therefore "wealthier." (Aerial views of Montgomery, AL vs Seoul, below.) 🧵 ImageImage Per capita GDP is correlated with what we'd call wealth, but it can be particularly misleading to make state comparisons. GDP is designed for countries. Per capita GDP ≠ personal disposable income, and even personal disposable income doesn't tell you what you can get for your $.
Jul 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
@Sean__Last @UBERSOY1 The claim that Jews "transformed our elite culture by pushing it left...partly to pursue their ethnic interest" isn't "stat[ing] the facts." That's an unjustified inference only loosely based on facts. I've provided evidence against this claim, and you responded by repeatedly @Sean__Last @UBERSOY1 lying about me, saying that I think J leftism is explained entirely by IQ and city living. Theoretically, the fact that Jews don't support anti-Semitic movements shouldn't surprise anyone. But JQers often point to a lack of J leadership in RW and white nationalist movements as
Feb 27, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
New paper:

"Combing through history books and newspapers to pick out examples of Jewish radicals while ignoring gentile radicals, and spinning unsupported tales about the nefarious motivations of the Jews, is not 'race realism.'"… In my 2018 paper on MacDonald, I neglected the issue of the Jewish role in mass immigration. @TOOEdit claims that his views (i.e. Jews killed the national-origin quotas in order to turn whites into a minority) are supported by the work of Hugh Davis Graham. I show this is untrue.
Jan 25, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Twitter has spoken.

I think all four responses can be defended. You're not allowed to vote in your own poll, but I would have voted for "bad incentives/reward system." THREAD Recent progress in computers/genetics seems to have been driven mostly by the application of old discoveries rather than advances in basic science. AI and CRISPR will be transformative, but they haven't profoundly altered our *understanding* of the world.
Dec 15, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Do sports build character?

"A…consistent problem in sports today, at all levels, is the prevalence of…poor character. Cheating scandals, drugs, violence, disrespect, and other inappropriate behaviors in sport, have almost become expected or the norm."… "physical education majors and student athletes had significantly lower scores than general students on moral reasoning and had less principled moral thinking than general students....Again, athletes displayed lower moral judgment than did non-athletes."
Jul 10, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read
@rachellaudan Here's why I objected to your article: The idea that grain—or the transition away from a hunter–gatherer diet/lifestyle—is responsible for many "diseases of civilization" is a scientific hypothesis for which people have marshaled theoretical and empirical evidence. @rachellaudan You can take this hypothesis seriously without rejecting a progress narrative. Agriculture can be good on balance without being good in all respects. Hunter-gatherers could have been worse off while having much lower rates of certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, etc.