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Nov 17, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read

the light of the setting sun shone through the window into the house, the owner of the room lying on the bed, closing his eyes. not to mention what that person's wearing, big shirt and shorts. now, the holiday has been ended for nearly 3weeks. And those 3weeks that should be extremely fun and comfy after got back home to meet the family member. but during this time, thiwat who used to love semester break, was bored with life.
Nov 16, 2019 27 tweets 6 min read
[ch.30] - back home (a thread)

*i can't finish this chapter i have no time to continue this since 2 days ago lol 😭 let's make it simple below this tweet instead... - after they became official and spent weekend together, finally its monday. they go to uni as usual and suddenly bumped to techno & champ.

- they eat breakfast tgt and since yesterday type rejected champ's call for many times..
Nov 8, 2019 26 tweets 5 min read
⚠️[may contains spoiler]⛔
THTY last ch. 24

Techno and Tharn was in practice room. Techno wanted to see him playing drums.

"Shia! That fucker Type never tell me that u such a god, otherwise I have to come and see it myself..." And accidentally he spill out that Type is going out with Puifai. It made Tharn freeze.

"You just said that Type... is chasing a girl?"

Damn it.
Oct 16, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
#TharnType ch.9
(A thread) - spoiler

After Type fully recover, he don't even wanna fight over Tharn anymore. He even bought Tharn a meal as a payback for taking care of him tat day ofc for the shake of his 'roomie'. Since tat day Tharn being the most happiest person in earth xx It's been a few days also Type didn't get that creepy nightmares again he also wondering why. He feels like every night there's someone who always keep him company when he slept that made him feels warm, comfy, and safe.