Neez 밸니스 ❄️🦋🌼 Profile picture
Or at least tries to. Minseok’s loyal subject. ChanBaek | KaiSoo | SeHo | XiuChen | KrisHo | OT12 | OT9 | Fan Account | also @neezthefangirl
Jul 21, 2019 239 tweets >60 min read
The car ride was awkward – for Baekhyun at least. The teenager with him looked like he couldn’t care less about being with an enclosed space with a stranger. In fact, Sehun seemed very comfortable, even humming under his breath. Baekhyun’s thoughts on the other hand were a tangled mess. Who was this kid? How did he know so much about him and Chanyeol? If he was indeed lying, he was doing an exceptional job. Baekhyun chastised himself for even considering that Sehun was telling the truth.