Descendant of Afrikans enslaved in SC and GA Profile picture
Man of my times, the times just don’t know it yet. Mandinke Fighting Man. Guerilla Essayist. All Black Lives Matter. Revolutionary Pan-Africanist. Fisk Man.
SonofOlodumaré ✊🏿🌍🩺🔬🧙🏿‍♂️ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 11, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
The TikTok below claims that MLK was a homophone who cut ties with Rustin because Rustin tried to bring LGBT rights into the Civil Rights Movement. This is complete and utter horse shit, and I have actual sources (thread)… …For one thing, Rustin’s partner, Walter Naegle, says Rustin never got publicly involved in gay rights advocacy until the 80s, and only then because Walter was there to push him into accepting invitations from gay organizations…
Aug 18, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
One big problem with the “Africans sold us” narrative is that lacks a class analysis. Wealthy Africans collaborated with colonizers, and many African elites profited from the slave trade. Many elite families then went on to be powerful after decolonization… …Because colonialism in many places relied on a system of “indirect rule” where you used local elites to manage the masses, Europeans typically declined to completely destroy the pre-colonial power structure, they just parasitized it…
Aug 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
One could make the case that for some people the informality of “cussing” would be appropriate in that setting, but I think the tone when treating people should always be deliberate, and therefore, “tone policing“ is 100% appropriate in this context… …Y’all love taking analytical terms out of their natural habitats to justify whatever your particular bullshit is. “Tone policing” is about oppressors not using the “tone” in which the oppressed speak about their oppression as an excuse to continue oppressing them…
Aug 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If, in fact, furries are a symbol of capitalist degeneracy, just abolish capitalism and they should all disappear right? There’s no point arguing about symptoms unless you can show me where people who get off on wearing fur suits are key to upholding the capitalist order… …What keeps me from being overly bothered by harmless outlier behavior is a keen awareness of how adept humans are at finding fucked up shit to do to each other. Humans are crazy, and whatever keeps you motherfuckers occupied that doesn’t involve hurting others is fine by me…
Aug 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
“The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness.”- Marcus Garvey “The world has made being Black a crime, and I have felt it in common with men who suffer like me. And instead of making it a crime, I hope to make it a virtue.”-Marcus Garvey
Aug 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Can we just agree that “accountability” being a core part of the therapeutic process ultimately depends on what the patient wants out of therapy? If somebody sabotages their relationships or keeps putting themselves in predictably bad situations, pointing that out makes sense… …But I think a lot of the issue here is the assumption that for Black men specifically, therapy is purely about holding us “accountable.” The fact that therapy is actually solely for the benefit of the person getting the therapy seems to be getting lost…
Aug 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Let’s not forget that these professions were already white supremacist as hell, they were built by people who wanted to persecute us and they are the ones who certify and hire these other people… …One thing I always am bothered by in the gender discourse is how easily people slip into speaking as though the primary abusers of any group of Black people are Black people of another gender. Particularly in professional spaces, these people are avatars of white supremacy…
Oct 17, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The funniest part about this, to me, is I don’t think about opposing White supremacy in terms of “identity,” and I don’t think most serious thinkers do. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade, Jim Crow and the prison industrial complex aren’t matters of my “identity” they. happened… …How I think of myself as a Black person or a person of West African descent is very separate from the question of Black children getting exposed to lead at higher rates than any other group of children; from Black defendants being more likely to be executed etc…
Jul 8, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
This thread is basically blaming Africans for having oral cultures. I too am angry at my ancestors for not failing to predict that practices that worked incredibly well (better than the West’s in many ways,) for thousands of years could be disrupted by greedy Nordics… …Folks are so used to defining paper documentation as the gold standard that I’m sure it’s shocking to hear me say that orally preserved culture is in many ways superior to written archives. Sure, we have all these archives, but most people have no idea what’s in them…
Jul 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
All these pictures of the Carter’s from when they were younger make me wonder about young Jimmy’s orientation toward Jim Crow. He was born in 1924 in the Georgia Black belt and his father farmed cotton. I’m guessing ignoring the regime of terror wasn’t an option… …I’ve been ignoring this all day because who cares about a wedding anniversary. But it’s not like if you were “nice,” enough you could just ignore Jim Crow. Especially since they would’ve been surrounded by a majority Black population. Choices had to be made…
Jul 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
This, on top of many other things, is why it’s so absurd that conspiracy theories have grown up about Cosby being persecuted by the White power structure. He’s their man, he’s worth his weight in gold to them. A respected longtime Black public figure who justifies state violence. …”He wanted to buy NBC,” shit, I’m surprised they didn’t give it to him for free. He’d have renamed it the “Poor n*ggas ain’t shit,” network and broadcast classist anti-Black propaganda 24/7.
Jun 25, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I think we should abandon the phrase “hate never wins.” Maybe it hasn’t yet been able to win permanently, but of course, that can’t happen until all the humans are dead, but it certainly has been able to wreak massive amounts of suffering on those waiting for it to lose… …I think this idea that pro-social elements have some kind of built in natural advantage makes it harder for people to recognize things are getting bad when they start getting bad…
Jun 24, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Those activists earned their platform by being “visible faces of the movement,” while Samaria Rice got hers by being….the mother of a 12 year old murdered by the state. They’re raising money on the back of her pain, not the other way around. The burden of proof is on them… …On one side you have someone who I’m sure would give everything in this world to not be in this spotlight created by a murdered child; on the other side, you have people who make their living on activism. Which isn’t inherently bad, but, tails ought not to wag dogs…
Jun 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Y’all hate this plantation so bad—leave. We’re staying in the slave quarters our ancestors built. If y’all don’t like if here you have passports—go! That’s where I’m at with it. Truly … and I’m speaking as someone who does not think that all of us leaving and going to Africa is a viable solution, but I have every right to stay in and hate the country that enslaved my ancestors. This “love it or leave it,“ stuff doesn’t make any sense…
Jun 23, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
His name was ignored by a White majority that disregards Black death. White martyrs’ families got condolence calls from the president. Jackson’s family got nothing. Also, why are we framing everything in terms of George Floyd? Again, it creates the illusion that there has been some kind of turning point when, demonstrably, there hasn’t been one. Jimmie Lee Jackson knew police brutality. His grandfather knew police brutality….
Jun 23, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Folks keep having this debate about gen-ed, when….college just needs to be cheaper. There need to be other paths to a decent career like paid apprenticeships. There should also be more publicly subsidized lifelong education options and more leisure time to pursue them… …But also, college should be cheaper. You should be able to basically blow those years and not have it be a major financial hit. “Education as an investment,” is a really shitty concept because admins use it to justify sky high costs and people expect investments to pay off…
Nov 11, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The mask comes off: “We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other ‘undesirables’ into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization.”...… ...Just a few weeks ago I heard a Black Trump supporter in the New York area get mad at a reporter for calling the Proud Boys White nationalist. Sometimes I'm wary of overusing the term, but damned if these feathered, quacking things don't all turn out to be ducks in the end...
Nov 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Nothing other than cowardice and the fact that it wouldn’t work. If Trump was wildly popular, we’d be living under a dictatorship. If Trump could get a sizable portion of the military to seize power for him. We’d be living under a dictatorship... ...One big problem with organizing a coup is that the state has to be weak enough that you can organize it without getting caught and executed. If anyone even breathes seriously in this direction and starts trying to amass the firepower, they’ll be left holding the bag...
Nov 9, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
If the Democratic leadership had any sense, rather than running from "Defund the police," they would take control of the messaging to maximally engage both progressives and swing voters who don't know what the slogan actually means... ...One problem progressive messaging runs into is that people don't actually know what radicals want. They're convinced that abolitionists want a world where some drifter can murder your family with an ax and post the video on TikTok with no repercussions...
Nov 9, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This is a great example of how the default way we’re all trained to address Black folks is rooted in a “command and control,” mindset. Pivoting from the assumption that Black folks need to be controlled to a mindset based on agency and empowerment is key to mental liberation... ... Black folks are not congenitally less able to make decisions for ourselves, we are not insensate to the value of healthy food; healthy food is more expensive, healthy food isn’t as easy to preserve and for a lot of folks it’s just not as easy to access...
Nov 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Contrary to bootlicking opinion, tenderizing yourself for White supremacy does not help you navigate White supremacy to your own benefit. On the other hand, a strong sense of self developed in an affirming Black environment can help you avoid internalizing racism... ...In the few cases where I’ve observed Black HBCU grads and Black PWI grads dealing with racism, the Black PWI grads seemed emotionally damaged by their experiences, while the HBCU grads were pissed but understood that racism reflected negatively on the Whites, not them...