Shachi Nelli Profile picture
“If not us, who? If not now, when?”
Jun 27, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Threats in India, whether from parents/teachers/disciplinarians or trolls/strangers always involve violence.

It’s a national & cultural mindset. Some degree of violence is inherently acceptable. That’s why only videos/accounts of extreme gore invoke outrage.

Change starts here. “Do thappad lagenge toh akkal thikaane aa jaayegi”

“Police ke dande padne chahiye inhe”

“If the protestors are not listening then cops will obviously hit/fire/charge no?”

Justifications. Trivialisations.
Constant reaffirmations that Punishment = Violence.
Mar 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I don’t play Holi for the simple reason that from the ages of 6-13 years where I did participate in the festivities, I got molested.

It scarred me. To this day, “Holi hai” sounds like a war cry to me, a justification to attack me in any way they wanted, with no consequences. Raising my voice meant that I was behaving outside the norm. I was just supposed to wear white and let it all happen. Why am I being such a spoilsport. When I got my period I began using it as an excuse each Holi to get out of playing.

Menstrual stigma trumped Holi stigma.
Feb 15, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Bombay HC in a welcome judgement protecting the rights of anti-CAA protestors said:

“It is the dissent of people against the act made by the Government and the bureaucracy needs to be sensitive when it exercises powers given by law. Unfortunately, many laws which ought to have been scrapped after getting freedom are continued and the bureaucracy is exercising the powers given under those laws and now against the citizens of free India. The bureaucracy needs to keep in mind that when the citizens who believe—
Feb 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread: National Security Act (NSA)

NSA is a provision by which Central & State govts van arrest and detain any persons who they deem prejudicial to the security of the India, for a period of up to 12 months.

The Act is a safeguard for prevention of serious crimes & terrorism. The authorities have up to 5, and in exceptional cases 10 days to provide the reasons for arrest to the offender. And even then, they can withhold information they deem necessary in “national interest.”

Entirely arbitrary in nature, the NSA has been consistently misused.
Dec 25, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Manusmriti Dahan Divas is highly relevant in today’s context of Brahminical ideas gaining mainstream fervour: of who deserves to own, live and prosper in this land.

89 yrs ago Babasaheb started this tradition in hopes of creating social reform.

And where are we today?

Thread. A crime is committed against a Dalit every 15 minutes. Every day 6 Dalit women are raped. NCRB figures showed anti-Dalit crimes rose by 25 percent over the decade to 2016.

We are a LONG way from fulfilling Babasaheb’S dreams.…