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Defining A New Path!
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May 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
1/5Today, Parliament considers the Electoral reforms and amendments bill. May Zimbabwe never miss this special moment and opportunity to deal with all the challenges that undermine the credibility and legitimacy of our elections. 2/5 As Mps are girding their loins to debate this bill, it’s important to consider i)the right to vote especially the diaspora vote.
Dec 8, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
Zimbabwe currently has a national electrification rate of 42%. While electricity has reached 83% of the urban households, rural electrification is still around 13% as per the National Energy Policy of 2012 (as per last updated stats) 2/Our estimated electricity demand is 2300 MW against actual generation of below 1100 MW. The current output of 1100 MW is not sufficient to guarantee support for a rapid economic growth programme.
Aug 9, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Today is an important day, a historic day, one penned in the history of the birth of our nation Zimbabwe by the sacrifices and toil of many men, women and children who paid the ultimate price to liberate this nation. 2/22To our revered uniformed forces, to all our men and women in uniform of all ranks - top to bottom, we love and honour you all. I salute you, our dedicated men and women in uniform on the occasion of this special day, a day to celebrate our Defence Forces.
Aug 3, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
1/12 The recent MID TERM BUDGET review confirms that Zimbabwe is in a serious leadership crisis and citizens are exposed to extreme poverty and suffering. I say this for the following reasons: 2/12 At a time where inflation has reached 257% in July and people in extreme poverty are 7.9 million (49%), the budget disbursements to social is extremely low, e.g., ministry health has been given 27% of the budget by June instead of a min of 50%.
Jun 21, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
The CITIZENS government will come up with policy framework and turnaround strategy which among others includes the following: 2/16 Develop demand driven policies informed by inclusive policies and inclusive politics anchored upon an inclusive dialogue with all political actors, economic players, labour, business, civil society and academia with a view to build A NEW CONSENSUS and buy-in.
May 1, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
WORKERS’ DAY is a special day to appreciate,salute &celebrate the amazing efforts,resilience and endurance of all the hard pressed workers who gave & continue to give their sweat and blood to building our ZIMBABWE great even under difficult and times 2/This Day,we remember that everything won was through the struggle & sacrifice of working citizens.A standing ovation to all the workers who keep the show going & our nation ticking.Workers are the backbone of any nation,being the turbines of history& architects of any society.
Apr 29, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8The economy is tanking and Zimbabweans are suffering at the hands of bad leadership, poor governance and porous economic policies. As the alternative government, we propose the following to be considered and adopted: 2/8There is a crisis of confidence in the market,citizens are suffering from the price hikes and deepening poverty level.All gvt policies must be demand driven,inclusive &fully consultative.The recent attack on CZI position paper by Gvt is regrettable and must never be tolerated!
Apr 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4The brutal murder of Elvis Nyathi is a terrible assault on all human dignity raising the urgent need &necessity of collective leadership to resolve all issues affecting the region.The sanctity of life is debased when violence& Afrophobia become normalised in politics &society 2/4 We mourn with the family of Elvis Nyathi, who like many compatriots was forced into economic refuge by a tragic failure of leadership in his country and the region.Nyathi was was sacrificing to feed his family. He could have stayed in Zimbabwe if circumstances were different.
Feb 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4Today the world woke up to grave news of war in Ukraine.This is a sad day for humanity.War is bloodshed, misery & great suffering. In all this, women, children &ordinary citizens are the most vulnerable victims. Peace is fragile and it must be jealously guarded at all times. 2/4 Humanity has made great progress over the decades,but we are reminded once again of our capacity for self destruction.Its not as if the world has a shortage of problems. It’s utterly uncalled for to start a war when the world is battling a deadly pandemic & climate change.
Sep 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/The economic ‘stability’ is fragile stability and is not going to last! The 2 giant elephants in the room are exchange rate disparities between the formal rate & black markets which are far apart by 100% (the black market rate is 2x the official rate) and corruption. 2/The exchange rate disparities and the punitive export retention negatively affect exporters – the goose which lays the golden eggs.This has created arbitrage opportunities and unofficial forex trading which will worsen the disparities, total collapse of the auction system.
Jan 20, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1/5Earlier today I spoke to Fadzayi Mahere who briefed me of the unsanitary conditions in our jails & her own positive COVID19 test after her unjust detention. Her situation exemplifies the despicable tactics being used by the regime to weaponise this pandemic against opponents. 2/5The unjust & prolonged detention of vocal citizens such as Job Sikhala, Hopewell Chin’ono & student Allan Moyo exposes them to unnecessary risk & further reveals the malicious intent of this regime in jailing opponents through unconstitutional provisions & repressive laws.
Jan 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/The arrest of journalist @daddyhope & @JobSikhala1 for allegedly committing offences that do not exist at law represents dictatorial rule,severe abuse of power &an attack on the rule of law.Persecution thru prosecution reflects the authoritarian tendencies of this dictatorship. 2/The regime is hell-bent on selective application of the law, with law being weaponised against political opponents &critics.These arrests on spurious charges during a severe pandemic are designed to expose political opponents to hazard.This is sadistic,heartless & abominable.
Jan 3, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
1.Sound public policy requires broad consultation of citizens. It must be scientific and for this reason it ought to be evidence-based.The latest lockdown measures lack scientific rigour,rationality &consistency.We suggest consultation with business, labour &Church #MaskUpZim 2. The application of rules must be fair and non-selective because the virus does not select on the basis of status, class or political affiliation. Rules are effective not only when they apply to others, but when applied to those who make them. #MaskUpZim
Jun 26, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
1/Zim sinking courtesy of bad policies & bad leadership causing abject poverty & untold suffering.Take Policy inconsistency & reversals e.g termination of the multiple currency regime in favour of the local currency & later on return back to dollarization in less than a year. 2/Replacing of a fixed exchange rate with an interbank market rate &then going back to a fixed exchange rate &a month later disbandment of the fixed exchange rate regime with an auction system points to tragic policy reversals & policy contradictions just within a few months.
Mar 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 For many this lockdown is a decision between livelihood &health.The challenges we face are real but the threat of ignoring this virus will be catastrophic. It remains Gvt duty to provide safety nets &provisions for the vulnerable as we face twin evils of poverty &Covid-19. 2/7 We are living in difficult times.The entire world is engulfed by COVID-19.This disease is real. It does not discriminate.Public health systems across the world, including ours, are overwhelmed.This is why it is vital to do everything to prevent the spreading of virus.
Sep 12, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 I’ve been to the Mugabe family residence to pay condolences as a gesture of Ubuntu, rising above political differences and personal animosities. The circumstances right now inform us that this is the time for mourning not political point scoring or politicking. 2/4 We have very many guests and dignitaries coming into our country from around the world to pay their respects and we must welcome them as one family despite our challenges and differences. So we shall not do or say things except all in the spirit of Ubuntu/hunhu hwedu.
Aug 17, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
1/15 All said and done, I acknowledge you the peace loving people of Zimbabwe.I salute those who supported the march despite the challenge. To those who got injured and were assaulted, I wish you quick recovery. Your bravery and courage are not in vain.We shall overcome! 2/15 To the regional leaders, their countries, citizens of Africa and to the international community, thank you for your solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe. Ours is a peaceful and just cause, indeed a democratic struggle for a better, free and truly new aZimbabwe.
Mar 19, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
1/16 The visit to the Manicaland cyclone affected areas was more of a listening-interface and interaction with the communities platform.The affected spoke about their ordeals & shared their harrowing experiences. 2/16 I went to Mhandarume, Wengezi, Nyanyadzi,Tanganda halt, Devuli primary school and Birchnough bridge but couldn’t make it to Nedziwa, Ngangu,Kopa, Skyline and other areas in Chipinge most affected by this catastrophic disaster as the roads were impassable.
Jan 22, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6We continue to mourn our lost relatives and empathise with the wounded and displaced fellow citizens. Our solution to the crisis requires sincerity, honesty and compassion for those we lead. It is not about lofty words or wordplay unsupported by conduct on the ground 2/6We’ve long offered a hand to resolve our national challenges. Regrettably this hand has been spurned & mocked. It is sad that some seem to have reluctantly come to this realisation following the loss of lives. It doesn’t have to be that way but such is the price of arrogance