Nemil Dalal Profile picture
Writer, coder, hacker. CryptoFinance. Y Combinator alum. Stanford Electrical Engineer/MBA. To email, send a note to twitter /at //
Apr 3, 2019 18 tweets 5 min read
So you want to be a writer? A thread on building a writing habit (focused on software engineers with the writing bug but open to anyone who benefits) 👇🏽 There are two main rules to becoming a writer. Write a lot. Read a lot. That’s it. (It’s a bit like coding)
Jan 3, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 A quick thread on how best to donate your crypto earnings to any/all US 501c3 charities, while maximizing your donation and minimizing taxes: start your own donor advised fund (DAF). 2/9 Fidelity Charitable (@FidelityChrtbl) is the easiest/most trustworthy, with one fatal flaw — restricted to Bitcoin/Ethereum donations only (cue maximalism ire here): Big issue if you hold other cryptos, as often taxable event when betw cryptos