A patient with NMD arrives with respiratory failure. Some considerations:
1. Don’t immediately anchor on NMD-related muscle weakness. R/o other causes of respiratory failure
May 3, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Ok Tweeples - Time for another #Tweetorial. I thought I’d run through a brief summary on evaluating the hospitalized neuromuscular disease (NMD) patient and figuring out when to worry (and how to worry) [1/]
To start off, for many acute & chronic NMDs, when severe ⏩ respiratory muscle weakness & diaphragmatic involvement, resulting in decreased tidal volumes. Muscles of inspiration >> expiration [2/] erj.ersjournals.com/content/34/2/4…
Apr 28, 2020 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Ok Tweeples, we’re going on a #neurotwitter rapid review of tachy/bradyarrhythmias in strokes. A sprinkle of anatomy/physiology, a mini journal club, and chalk talk all wrapped up into one with a tweet to brain time <4.5min (don’t worry, we’ll spare the EVT 😉) 1/
Starting off. We’ve got our central autonomic network comprising of brainstem structures, as well as subcortical & cortical elements including the A&P insula, Inf & Med-F gyrus, Ant cingulate, vent-med prefrontal cortex, and amygdala. 2/