Anne-Laure Le Cunff Profile picture
• founder @ness_labs ( • neuroscience of learning @KingsIoPPN • I write about lifelong curiosity, creative thinking & mindful productivity
Emma Hayward Profile picture Raph Profile picture jessie@Fat-Garage 🦇🔊 Profile picture Fei Zhao Profile picture Hakan Profile picture 9 subscribed
Feb 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I don't actually use that many mental models on an everyday basis, but this one has been the most helpful to me.

Think of your actions not as a scalar (magnitude) but as a vector (magnitude and direction).

Let me explain 👇 Scientists call a “scalar” a quantity that can be fully described by its magnitude alone.

Speed is a scalar (“I’m driving 80 miles per hour”), and so are volume, mass, and time.

When you’re talking about how fast or how big something is, you’re describing it as a scalar.
Jan 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The concept of meta-emotions is incredibly helpful to better accept and manage our feelings.

It's basically an emotional detangling tool 🌀 Image Say you worked hard to prepare for an interview for your dream job. You think it went well, anxiously wait, and then... You learn that you didn't get the job.

What happens? You probably feel a mix of emotions and don't even know where to start to untangle all those feelings.
Jul 5, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
This is such a shocking stat, but I can't find the original source: allegedly an 80% average of people across age brackets report their lives to be meaningless

What about folks on Twitter? Please answer the questions below 🙏🏽 Image Let's use an adaptation of Schnell's (2016) 5-item Meaningfulness Scale (with only 4 choices because of Twitter polls' limitations)


"I think that there is meaning in what I do."
May 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Playing with metaphors to illustrate my 4 pillars of creativity...

1. The creative scientist 🧪

• Cognition = set up your lab
• Collection = gather some good samples / data
• Connection = look for interesting patterns
• Creation = publish new insights & get feedback! 2. The mind gardener 🌱

• Cognition = pick a plot of land
• Collection = plant some seeds
• Connection = grow branches & trees
• Creation = harvest the fruit of your hard work!
May 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm half-French, half-Algerian. Today was the first time I saw paintings of Algerian landscapes in a museum 🥺♥️ Image Related: if you find yourself at the Louvre in Paris, they just finished restoring "Women of Algiers", a beautiful Delacroix painting which was praised by van Gogh, Gauguin, Baudelaire & countless artists for its melancholia, calm & colors Image
Mar 8, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Happy #IWD2022! Let's play a game... Can you spot what's wrong with this list of "intellectual giants" by @farnamstreet? 👀

Men don't hold a monopoly over impacting the world with their brilliant thinking. Here are 10 women that changed the world & their thinking strategies 👇 Image 01. Let's start with the obvious... Marie Curie, the first person to win two Nobel Prizes!

It’s an understatement to say that she profoundly impacted the world with her ideas, and there is a lot to learn from her approach to problem-solving 🧠
Mar 2, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Did you know that the higher your interest in neuroscience, the more likely you are to believe in neuromyths? 🤔

This month I'll try to dispel one neuromyth each day for the next 30 days 🧠 ⚡

01. You're not "right-brained" or "left-brained", you're whole-brained.

#NeuroMarch Neuromyth: right-brained = creative; left-brained = analytical.

Reality 👇 Image
Sep 24, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
We had a great chat with @ness_labs members about learning in public. The main barriers were:

(1) Fear of judgement: when you feel like you suck too much & don't want to pain people with your current skills level

Example: are you confident enough to learn how to sing in public? (2) Imposter syndrome: when you think documenting your learning journey is akin to "stealing" content from course creators

Example: are you confident you can add your own spin on what you learn & craft a personal take so it becomes original content?
Sep 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
devs on @github be like 🤞🏻🤞🏼🤞🏽🤞🏾🤞🏿 Hope this works!
Sep 22, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
How I grew my twitter from 0 to 49.9K followers in 13 years - AMA The two most common questions were:

1) how I feel about it: it's an arbitrary number & doesn't really "feel" like anything, but I'm immensely grateful for the global community of curious minds 🙏🏽

Seriously, where else can you share shower thoughts & get actual feedback?
Mar 9, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
"What gets measured, gets managed" is one of the biggest fallacies in management circles — a dangerous trope people keep on repeating without ever really thinking about it... 🧵 Original quote from the 1956 paper: "Quantitative measures of performance are tools, and are undoubtedly useful. But research indicates that indiscriminate use and undue confidence and reliance in them result from insufficient knowledge of the full effects and consequences."
Feb 24, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Let me tell you about a sad but illuminating story, where a visionary physician informed the world of a transformative way to save lives, only to see his own life destroyed 🧵 In 1846, the Vienna General Hospital was experiencing a troubling problem.

Its two maternity wards, both housed within the same hospital, had dramatically different maternal mortality rates: around 10% versus 4%. Almost all the maternal deaths were due to puerperal fever.
Feb 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I finally did it! Uploaded my very first YouTube video. Just saying hello 👋

If you like my articles and would like to get videos around the same topics, hit subscribe :)

200 subscribers - thank you! Also I got my first dislike, I don't know if I'm psychologically prepared enough for YouTube 🥲

Things to improve for the next video:
• Look at the freaking camera!
• Straighten the painting
• Add an outro like the pros?
Dec 31, 2020 11 tweets 8 min read
If you wanna level up the fastest hack is to hang out with DIVERSE people who are already at that level.

The beauty of twitter is that you can hang with ANYONE.

The problem is people follow the wrong accounts. It's noisy as f*ck.

Here's 27 women you should follow & why. @stephsmithio - Incredible writer, SEO expert & generous soul. Perfect follow for content creators.

@mariepoulin - Productivity extraordinaire, permaculture student & online courses expert. Go, go follow.

@alyssaxuu - Designer, developer, entrepreneur? Yes, all of that & more!
Dec 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Think you have a good memory? Think again 🙃

I give you 10 types of memory bias:

1) Rosy retrospection bias = we tend to remember the past as better than it was
2) Consistency bias = we incorrectly remember our past self as similar to our present self (self-image bias) 3) Mood-congruent memory bias = we better recall memories consistent with our current mood
4) Hindsight bias = we consider past events as being predictable (the knew-it-all-along bias)
5) Egocentric bias = we recall the past in a self-serving way (this happened to ME)
Dec 14, 2020 101 tweets 19 min read
Joining @threadapalooza - a challenge to write 100 tweets about anything. My topic is what I'll vaguely call "interconnected patterns" and our philosophical & scientific quest for discovering the underlying code for reality. No idea where I'm going with this so buckle up! (1/100) A note before I get started: if that doesn't sound interesting, you can mute this thread by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the tweet and selecting "mute this conversation" - no hard feelings, I won't even know! (2/100)
Dec 1, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Yay - we are now 1500 members in the @ness_labs community! I've been learning so much and meeting such fantastic people during the past few months 🙏

Not that I'm an expert, but here are some thoughts if you want to build a community... (1) Take it slow

Fast growth can be detrimental to building a community. Especially at the beginning, focus on quality, not quantity. It's easier to foster a sense of community when you attract few like-minded people (vs lots of random folks)
Sep 18, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Want to come up with new ideas? Try the innovation equation.

1. Subtraction: Is there anything you can remove from the equation?

Sony removed the recording function to launch a new product: the Walkman.

Apple got rid of the headphone jack to create the AirPods.

🧵 2. Multiplication: Is there any element you can multiply?

Retina screens are the result of a multiplication of the number of pixels, leading to increased sharpness.

Dropbox stayed competitive by increasing storage space for their users over the years.
Jun 12, 2020 17 tweets 11 min read
So @visakanv asked me to do a book thread of this one, I just started reading it tonight and I'm very excited 🗺️ First, it's impossible not to think of phrenology when you see the cover - and then when you Google phrenology you'll find that exact image

Phrenology was a scam, who would use an illustration of a well known scam as their book cover? Now I'm even more curious 👀
May 1, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Some common fruits, then and now

1. Watermelon from the 17th century vs today 🍉 2. Banana before/after selective breeding 🍌
Feb 9, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
A thread about trilemmas — hard choices between 3 options or the impossibility to combine 3 different options

A popular one in tech is the project management trilemma

You want things to be great quality, fast, and cheap? Too bad, you can only pick two Another fun trilemma is the Zizek trilemma, which illustrates the impossibility of demonstrating loyalty to the communist regime while also being honest and intelligent

Go through each of these, it's actually pretty funny