Neurodivergent_lou Profile picture
Lou (she/her)🌈 Autism | Finding a place in a neurotypical world 🌎| 📧
Kristi Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 26 8 tweets 2 min read
The hidden costs of being an autistic adult

#Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Disability #Neurodivergent Image Slide 2: text reads- Autistic people often have additional costs that we have to face due to being autistic. Our autistic traits as well as living in a world that is not built for us, can make a lot of things more expensive. It does feel like a forgotten part of the autistic experience and when I see conversations around the 'hidden costs of autism' it often focuses on the hidden economical costs of autistic people on society, speaking as if we are a burden. It hurts. So anyway, this post is taking back that idea and looking at the hidden costs for autistic people.
Jun 24 8 tweets 2 min read
Autism and Sensitivity to Sunlight #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent #Disability All slides have a purple background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: text reads - Autism and sensitivity to sunlight Slide 2: text reads- For a lot of autistic people, sunlight can be absolutely unbearable in terms of the brightness. Not only can temperature be difficult, the light from sunlight can also trigger sensory overload. For lots of autistic people, sensory input can feel amplified and the light can feel incredibly intense for autistic people.
Jun 21 9 tweets 2 min read
Autistic and Getting ‘Locked into Repetitive Thoughts… #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent #Disability All slides have a pink background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: text reads - Autistic and Getting 'Locked' in Repetitive Thoughts... Slide 2: text reads- Autistic people sometimes struggle with getting stuck on repetitive thoughts and emotions. We may be completely unable to bring ourselves out of the experience of being 'locked in' to our repetitive thoughts. It may really impact our lives such as impacting our ability to sleep or to carry out the activities we enjoy.
Jun 14 8 tweets 2 min read
Autistic Traits Becoming More Disabling Over Time #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Disability #Neurodivergent All slides have a purple background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: text reads - autistic traits becoming more disabling over time. Slide 2: text reads- Sometimes autistic traits may become more disabling over time. It is often assumed that someone's capacity and support needs always stay the same over time, but for many (but not all!) autistic people, this changes over time. This can be due to, for example, autistic burnout or change in life context. Sometimes, there is no clear reason as to why an autistic person’s capacity or support needs change over time.
Jun 12 8 tweets 2 min read
Autistic traits passed off as being ‘too sensitive’ #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodiverent All slides have a light background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: text reads - Autistic traits passed off as being too sensitive. Slide 2: text reads- I, like many autistic people, have often been described as being 'too sensitive'. However I think sometimes autistic traits are passed off as being too sensitive and being 'too sensitive' is often seen as a character flaw in society. I am much better now at leaning into and being at peace with the autistic traits which society has labelled 'too sensitive.' This post describes how autistic traits are sometimes passed off as someone being 'too sensitive'.
Jun 4 8 tweets 2 min read
Autistic and Can’t Regulate Temperature #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent #Disability All slides have a yellow background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: text reads - autistic and can’t regulate. Slide 2: text reads- Autistic people can be hypersensitive to hot and cold temperatures. This may mean that we feel the cold and the hot more intensely than non-autistic people. It can become quickly overwhelming and can trigger sensory issues. The feel of, for example, sweat on skin may feel completely unbearable to an autistic person.
May 24 8 tweets 2 min read
Autistic people process on average 42% more information at rest.. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. All slides have a yellow background with black text. Slide 1: Text reads- Autistic people process on average 42% more information on average at rest. Slide 2: Text reads- Research found that autistic brains on average generate 42% more information at rest. The intense world theory of autism suggests that autistic people experience the world in extreme ways, to the point that it can become unbearable.
May 16 9 tweets 2 min read
Anxiety triggers for autistic people All slides have a light background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- anxiety triggers for autistic people. Discrimination/ fear of being discriminated against Struggling to get across what we would like to communicate Lack of sleep Crowds
May 14 9 tweets 2 min read
Anxiety triggers for autistic people…
#Autism #Disability #neurodivergent All slides have a grey background with black text. Slide 1: Text reads - Anxiety triggers for autistic people. Slide 2: text reads - Discrimination/ fear of being discriminated against Struggling to get across what we would like to communicate Lack of sleep Crowds
May 12 9 tweets 2 min read
Autism and Sudden Anger Triggers #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Neurodiversity #Disability All slides have an orange background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- Autism and sudden anger triggers. Slide 2: Text reads - One part of being autistic that I don’t feel is spoken about enough is experiencing sudden anger or frustration out of nowhere. It can be really hard because it can be unexpected and feel really overwhelming. We might not understand why we are experiencing it.  It can be a part of emotional regulation struggles, where an autistic person feels emotions in a stronger way than might be experienced by a neurotypical person. It can also be a part of living in a world not built for us and due to trauma.
May 10 10 tweets 3 min read
It is estimated that those with ADHD receive 20,000 corrective or negative messages by age 10. #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Disability #Neurodivergent All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- 'It is estimated that those with ADHD receive 20,000 corrective or negative messages by age 10' Slide 2: Text reads- Although this statistic considers children with ADHD, it feels relevant to other neurodivergent children too. It feels like an often missed but vital part of understanding the experiences of neurodivergent people.
May 7 6 tweets 2 min read
What the autism spectrum might really look like… All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. All slides have a light background with black text. Slide 1: Text reads - What the autism spectrum might really like… Slide 2: Text reads- what people think autism look like… line going from less autistic to more autistic. What autism actually looks like…
Apr 30 5 tweets 2 min read
Self Advocacy Scripts I Rely on As an Autistic Person…
#Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Disability #Neurodiversity #Neurodiversity All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- Self Advocacy Scripts I Rely On As an Autistic Person… Slide 2: Text reads- Sometimes I struggle with processing information, could you please give me time to think about that please? I rely on my headphones and stim toys as disability aids. I am still listening. These aids help me to take in information more easily.
Apr 26 9 tweets 2 min read
What people think self diagnosis is Vs what it actually is All slides have a pink background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- what people think self diagnosis is Vs what it actually is. Slide 2: Text reads- One day, randomly deciding 'I'm autistic'. What people think self diagnosis is?
Apr 19 10 tweets 3 min read
Ways You are Masking Your Autistic Traits Without Realising… #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Disability #Neurodivergent All slides have a light background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- Ways you are masking your autistic traits without realising 🫶 Ways autistic people mask… Going along with spontaneous plans even though you need routine to feel comfortable Researching other people so you know what to talk about with them Repeatedly checking your belongings so you don’t lose stuff (due to execution functioning struggles) Not carrying out tasks in front of others in case our traits become obvious E.g. not eating in front of others due to co-ordination difficulties
Apr 2 9 tweets 2 min read
Hygiene Tips for Autistic People 🪥 All slides have a yellow background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- Hygiene Tips for Autistic People. Slide 2: Text reads- Autistic people often struggle with hygiene and this can be for a variety of different reasons such as difficulties with sensory issues, struggles with executive functioning as well as issues with co-ordination. Autistic people may also struggle with interoception, affecting our ability to carry out hygiene tasks. The following post shares tips on different areas of hygiene.
Mar 31 10 tweets 3 min read
Sensory Item Recommendations #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Neurodiversity #Disability All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads - Sensory Item Recommendations. Slide 2: Text reads- 3. Pop it. A Pop It is essentially like reusable bubble wrap and makes a really satisfying noise. 4. Spinner rings If you are anything like me, it can be difficult to remember to take stims toys with you, so it's good to always have my spinner ring. They come in all different designs too.
Mar 24 9 tweets 2 min read
Autistic People are often told to change ourselves #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Neurodivergent #Disability All slides have a light green background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- Autistic people are often told to change ourselves Slide 2: Text reads- Autistic people are often told to change ourselves… ‘Ask more questions about the other person in the conversation, otherwise they might think you are not interested in them.’ ‘Sit still. Don’t move your hands like that, it’s rude.’ ‘Don’t talk for too long about your interests, its boring’ ‘Only show an appropriate amount of joy, otherwise other people might find it too much’
Mar 21 9 tweets 2 min read
Autism and Boredom
#ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Disability #Neurodivergent All slides have a light purple with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- Autism and Boredom. Slide 2: Text reads- Sometimes autistic people describe how they don't experience boredom. Their brain is always busy and they describe how they are always entertained by their special interests or seeking patterns in things. They enjoy processing the detail. The repetitive tasks which neurotypical people may find 'mundane' or boring' are sometimes soothing for autistic people.
Mar 19 9 tweets 2 min read
Signs of Autistic Burnout #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Neurodivergent #Disability All slides have a light purple background with black text. All slides have my username @neurodivergent_lou in the bottom left hand corner. Slide 1: Text reads- Signs of Burnout Slide 2: Text reads- Increased irritability Sometimes autistic people might experience increased irritability when we are on the edge of a burnout. For me, this is because everything just feels too much.   Lack of motivation Even the things which I used to really enjoy doing, when I am burntout or on the edge of burnout, I can no longer do these things.   Struggling more with self care This might include forgetting to or struggling to carry out self care activities such as brushing teeth or having a shower.
Mar 13 7 tweets 2 min read
You are not alone as an autistic person if… #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Neurodiversity #Disability Image Slide 2: Text reads- All autistic people are different just like every non-autistic person is different. Not fitting every autistic trait doesn't make you any less valid or any less autistic. You are not alone as an autistic person if you don't relate to every autistic trait or experience which you read or hear about. For example, sometimes autistic people struggle with replying to messages due to issues with executive functioning but equally, other autistic people are really quick at replying to messages. You don't fit every autistic trait.