Nichole Liza Profile picture
I am not ashamed, and unlike the abortion industry I’m not selling anything. // ‘Let me live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man’ -SW Foss
3 subscribers
Aug 18, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
Anyone familiar with alcoholism has to see that Kamala Harris has a drinking problem, right? 🧵

1. She's drunk in public and on video. She's not *stupid* or *awkward* or *joyful* She's drunk. Day drunk. On the job. In front of cameras. In front of kids. She's drunk.

Watch the videos and see for yourself.

2. Her campaign team and the Biden Admin manage her the way families attempt to manage alcoholic parents:

The campaign is hyper-controlling, keeping her from any situation that might expose her secret - hence not allowing her to speak off-script, and refusing press conferences.

The Biden Admin was unhappy with Kamala and reluctant to give her responsibility. Though the administration did not admit it publicly, aides and staff reported it to the press with enough regularity that it was considered basic fact.

3. The ENTIRE *JOY* CAMPAIGN IS AN ELABORATE COVER FOR HER PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS. It's the classic "Mom's not drunk, she's just really happy!" on a national scale.

It's like being gaslit by dysfunctional parents into pretending our alcoholic mom/aunt/grandma/whatever is just fine, thank you, keep smiling, the world is watching and if we pretend hard enough maybe we can fool ourselves into being happy, too! 🙄

1/ You'll have to up the volume but look at the kids' faces. They know. 2/ She even looks a mess here...
Aug 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
He wouldn’t settle for beating her up.
He had to sexually assault her as well.
He’s not a competitor. He’s a predator.

Shout out to @TruthAgape for pointing out what I missed!

#IStandWithAngelaCarini @femaxxnews
Jun 10, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
My heart is broken 💔: As friends & family know, I got pregnant at 15.

Unfortunately for people like me, living in Connecticut at the time, that was only the beginning of my nightmare.

All my life, family, friends, teachers, reporters… Image …even celebrities told me that abortion was no big deal, that it just removed a clump of cells, and afterward life would return to normal.

They even said it was a woman’s right, and that abortion would make me stronger, freer, and more successful…
Apr 12, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Just a reminder that I had an abortion at age 15 with zero opposition to abortion. I believed it was just tissue and I was exercising my right as a woman. I was not raised in a Christian home or culture and no one told me it was wrong.

I suffered greatly afterward, but because… …of people like the aptly named “cage” I couldn’t place the pain.

For years, I believed the lie that abortion doesn’t harm women, and so for years, I tried to blame my struggles on anything else.

So many of the people recovering from abortion wounds tell a similar story….
Oct 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Abortion coercion is so effective because it takes only a little drop to poison the whole well:

Humans are social creatures. We require community for survival. Rejection is the near-equivalent to a death sentence for social creatures.

When a woman is pregnant she is at her most vulnerable and she knows it on an instinctual level. She is keenly aware that she needs her community to survive.

So when her community abandons her or threatens to do so (overtly or by implication), she slips into survival mode.

Jul 31, 2023 31 tweets 12 min read
This is a resource for you to save and use later. But also it was a ton of work, so maybe read it at least once. Because you love me!
OK here we goooooo!!!!
CONDUCTED BY THE PRO-ABORTION ADVOCACY GROUP, Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH). Although this does not automatically discredit the Turnaway Study, it's worth noting that they have a clear interest in a certain outcome.
May 1, 2023 21 tweets 10 min read
I have had it with proaborts still using the dishonest Guardian photos. So here we go:
1) This is NOT what a miscarriage or an abortion looks like. This tissue has been rinsed of all blood in a fine sieve and the EMBRYO IS EITHER MISSING OR HIDDEN. We'll come back to this! Image 2a) At no point in development is a human strictly microscopic. Here are screen shots of an embryologist's video of human eggs next to a dime. The videos were taken with only his phone. L: 10 human eggs R: 1 human egg ImageImage
Apr 30, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
To watch women rejoice because they can legally kill their own children breaks my heart in ways I cannot express

Because in doing so, they are not only rejecting their own children,

they’re rejecting their very selves

And in turn rejecting all women everywhere. 1/ Only a society that’s deeply anti-woman could convince women that their equality depends on a legal right to kill their own children.

Even if a woman never has an abortion, she harms and diminishes herself by agreeing with this insidious lie. 2/
Dec 6, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
I am increasingly convinced that many of the problems we face today are a result of divorcing ourselves from our own humanity.

When people say “I didn’t consent to a baby being in my body” or “abortion just ends a pregnancy” or "what I do to myself doesn't affect you" /1 they are ignoring the reality that we are biological beings.

More specifically, we are highly advanced mammals with sophisticated physical, social, and emotional needs that must be met in order for us to thrive. /2
Dec 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Nov 30, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵 1/ No, pro-lifers don’t need the Bible to defend the rights of babies in the womb. Not all pro-lifers are Christian after all. But I am, and sometimes I just love to marvel at God’s word. So here are a few of my favorite pro-life verses. 2/ I’ll start with one of my absolute favorites:

…Rebekah became pregnant. The babies jostled each other within her and she said “Why is this happening to me?” So she went to inquire of the Lord. The Lord said to her “Two nations are in your womb,
Oct 21, 2022 15 tweets 7 min read
If something is hidden from our eyes, does that make it less real?
Lennart Nilsson may have used a powerful camera to capture this photo of an embryo at approximately 6-8 wks post-fertilization but does that mean we should disregard what this image has to teach us? 1/ As my daughter said: Isn't it somehow more amazing that this little being, just over 1/2 inch long, is so obviously human, that he or she has hands, feet, eyes, and a heart?! That we can even see a developing spine:
Oct 13, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
One day a friend was discouraged because she sees so much brokenness and destruction in the world, but does not have the power to make others see it themselves.

This is the burden of those gifted in truth-telling: they are truth-seers first... and even in the faithfulness of truth-telling, they cannot make others see.

I reminded her, then, of the gift of holy witness. God has called us to be His witnesses.

Unfortunately, when we hear this we often jump ahead to evangelism...
Oct 13, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
This is weird to talk about as a woman who's had two abortions, but I'll do my best to lay out my "whys" and "why nots."

Why Not Charge Women Who Abort:
1. Too many girls & women are misled, threatened, coerced, manipulated, and straight up abused into having an abortion... /1 ...Arresting women and putting them on trial is just piling trauma on top of trauma. I don't see how this helps women or advances the pro-life cause. /2
Sep 24, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Direct quote from my friend:
In 1968 when I was studying to be a nurse, an assignment in the Obstetrics course was to get a copy from the library of an old 1965 Life magazine that featured photos of fetal development taken by Lennart Nilsson and to make notes. /1 (His book A Child Is Born was published later.) His extraordinary photos allowed the world to look inside the womb to see what transpires between conception and birth. The professor commented that an embryo is only an amorphous clump of tissue for a very brief span of time. /2
May 3, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵At 15, I had my first abortion because I was told it was no big deal, a simple solution, that would give me my life back. What I got was PTSD, anxiety, depression and worse, all of which took years for me to place because everyone insisted abortion doesn’t cause problems /1 At 18 I got pregnant again and this time, even though I told them I couldn’t handle another abortion, I was harassed, bullied, pressured, coerced, and threatened by family and Planned Parenthood staff into having one. I gave in and it nearly killed me. 2/