NICK Profile picture
Social Media Infomarketing. Extreme hater of all things not extremely elite. @launchsocials
Dec 11, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
everyone should own a faceless Instagram theme page that earns $3,000/mo on autopilot

sadly, most people think it takes years to build

here’s how to do it in the next 90 days:

UPDATED FOR 2025 for most people, $3k/mo is the “go full-time” number

living costs are covered
can keep the lights on
gf still gets sushi dinners

life is GOOD

and you can transition from [insert job you hate] to going full time on your biz
Jun 24, 2024 26 tweets 8 min read
6 years ago I quit my car sales job to go full-time on Instagram

today i make $31,000/mo on autopilot

without ever showing my face

for context, i own 19 faceless Instagram pages

- $31,000/mo income
- now only 60 minutes/week of work

in the beginning i worked more

now my team takes care of everything and this is essentially an automated side hustle
Jun 18, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Kim K + Instagram = $1,000,000 per post

You + Instagram = fried dopamine receptors & feeling bad about yourself

here’s how to go from content consumer to $3k/mo cash collecter on Instagram in 90 days:

(no sex tape required) the Kardashians got rich because they were early to the game of ATTENTION

maybe you can’t balance a champagne bottle on your a$$, but you can take advantage of the same principle

every day you’re scrolling & seeing these different business models:
Jun 15, 2024 27 tweets 5 min read

first biz: $0 to $100k/mo in 2 years

second biz: $0 to $100k/mo in 9 months

the difference? i already knew HOW to do it

this THREAD is everything i did to escape low 5figure month jail and chad scale to $100k/mo in record time: $10k-$20k/mo is the “danger zone” for new online biz owners

the 10k milestone was your obsession for so long

now you’ve passed it and you’re doing better than 95% of the world

you’re young, and it feels good

but then something happens…
Jun 11, 2024 24 tweets 6 min read
I run a network of 19 faceless Instagram pages

- $31,000/mo income
- now only 60 minutes/week of work

here’s how to start & scale your first page to $3,000/mo: $3k/mo = the “go full-time” number

living costs are covered
can keep the lights on
gf still gets sushi dinners

this is not the end goal, it’s the STARTING line

the goal is to get there as fast as possible so you can transition from 9-5 to going full-time on your biz
May 15, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
everyone should own a faceless Instagram page that earns $3,000/mo passively

sadly, most people think it takes years to build

here’s how to do it in the next 60 days: for most people, $3k/mo is the “go full-time” number

living costs are covered
can keep the lights on
gf still gets sushi dinners

life is GOOD

and you can transition from [insert job you hate] to going full time on your biz
Apr 30, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Instagram got me to $1,000,000 by age 24

Here’s how I’d start a new faceless page and get it to $10K/mo: 1. Niche

the first thing i’d do is pick a niche that i KNOW is going to grow fast & print $$

most profitable overall niche is wealth

within that, you can choose:

- investing
- personal finance
- trading
- mindset
- business

i’d go with MINDSET, because there’s a huge audience for it
Apr 23, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
i own 19 faceless Instagram pages that make me over $350k/yr on autopilot

my secret: plug & play the same system every time

7 rules to build a $10k/mo faceless IG page (without getting lucky): 1. ignore your passion

i like playing golf

could i start a faceless IG page about golf? YES

would it make as much money as a page in one of the “big 3” niches? NO

profit > passion
Apr 11, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
everyone thinks you need to create content to grow an audience

you don’t

i've grown over 4,000,000 real followers on instagram faceless pages without making a single original post

PRESENTING: the easiest content strategy no one is talking about… no one is bullish enough on social media attention

we’re still so early it’s a joke

over half the people alive today grew up WITHOUT social media

they use it because they’re FORCED to

imagine what happens when we’re older & the majority of people alive have grown up with it
Apr 3, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
I run a network of 19 faceless Instagram pages

- $31,000/mo income
- 30 minutes/week of work

here’s how to start & scale your first page to $10,000/mo: for context:

these pages are NOT my main business

for the last few years, they’ve been a semi-abandoned side project, and yet they’ve STILL been making me an extra 5-figures a month

money i’ve been able to invest in stocks/crypto to build real wealth
Apr 2, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
everyone should own a faceless Instagram page that earns $6,000/month passively

sadly, most think it takes years to build

here’s how you can do it in 90 days: for context:

i have 19 IG pages
4,000,000 total followers
1 post per day on each minimum
income primarily through selling ads

= $31,000 a month

and the best part:
Mar 5, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
content = eyeballs on your brand

to get your attention, I must TAKE it from someone else, which I can only do if my hooks tickle your brain in just the right way

this THREAD is how you do that with YOUR content to get millions of eyeballs every month: right now your brain doesn’t want to be here

u clicked on the first tweet which means ur interested but your brain is actively LOOKING for a reason to leave

it doesn’t want valuable information

it wants DOPAMINE

and there’s much more of that waiting for you on the timeline
Feb 22, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
you think your content sucks because you suck…

and that might be a bit true, but the MAIN reason is that you don’t know how to turn your vanilla ideas into giga viral topics

THREAD on how to up your game immediately and get millions of impressions: a viral piece of content needs 2 things (it needs more, but stick with me):

1. idea
2. angle

most people are struggling to get views, lacking inspiration, and generally hating the process of creation because they find an idea and stop there

mistake… you need both
Jan 15, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
I’m telling you right now…

You can realistically get to $10k/mo from instagram in under 1 year without showing your face a single time

This is coming from someone who has done it dozens of times in the last 5 years


I started my first faceless theme page at the end of 2018 and reached $10k/mo and 100k followers in 4 months of starting

Since then I’ve grown dozens of pages and scaled my business to consistent 6 figure months for a few years in a row
Nov 16, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
You’ve got bills to pay, rent is due, you need to eat, you’re working 65 hrs a week and your gf says if you don’t start showing her some love soon she’ll leave you

Here’s how to produce some CASH in the next 30 days without spending a dime: Image Okay this is URGENT

We don’t want you to lose your sweet p but more importantly, we want you to become a rich Chad who can eat whole food steaks and mog the neighborhood in his Jeep Gladiator

So here’s the gameplan:
Jan 10, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
HIRING: We are growing our team at Launch Socials right now

Available Roles:
- Video editing (long/short & manager)
- Sales Role (Setter/Closer)
- Content Marketer (Intern/Manager)

(Agencies & freelancers this is not for you)

Roles & how to apply explained below Video Team:

Video is a huge priority. We NEED skilled editors on the team.

Looking for those with experience in the following roles:

- Short form editors
- Long form editors
- Video team managers
Jan 4, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
never forget what got u there in the first place

2018 i quit my job and went all in on wifi money, was still living with parents (19 yrs old) & barely doing $4k/mo

put in my 2 weeks and had a shock moment that i needed more cash

which is the hardest id ever worked

THREAD during that 2 weeks i scrambled for cash

within 3ish days i built out a new product and dropped it on my ig page network at the time

overnight started doing ~$8k/mo

aggressive overnight action doubled my income instantly
Dec 12, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
My theme pages: millions of views weekly

The Associates Pod: ZERO to 15M views in 3mths

It’s because we do it differently

This is our entire content distribution playbook: turning ONE idea into dozens of pieces of content… This strategy applies to ALL of your content, not just video

And it’ll save you a fuck ton of time because you don’t need to think of new & creative angles for every post

All you need to start is ONE idea (i go over idea creation in this doc)…
Dec 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
eating majority carnivore along with potatoes, fruit & heavy supplementation of glutamine is what healed my gut and subsequently my terrible acne

cut out majority of the grains, vegetables etc

kept the occasional ice cream tho 🥂

its all diet (at least for me) also feel like i just overall function better on high quality meats w/potatoes and fruits as carb source

higher quality & more focused work
Nov 23, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
The 9-step content creation process we’ve used to build 100+ high-quality personal brands & generate ~$12MM over the past 3 years: 1) Storytelling

Write out your story.

1-3 pages in a google doc. 

Spill everything - from childhood, to growing up, to adulthood, to how you got where you are today (+ where you’re going).

This will give you a TON of content + make people fall in love w/ your brand.
Nov 22, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
As it’s my birthday today i naturally was reflecting on where im at, where im going & what i want to see from myself

So consider this a look into my private thoughts as i rant on getting older and the thought process & of building a business and lifestyle surrounding it Every year on my birthday I get deep in my thoughts and just write about where im at and what im doing

Its kinda interesting that in years past it was about having or doing something wild, crazy trips, buying the fast cars, other new and random experiences etc