Nick Wallis Profile picture
Broadcast journalist. Author of ‘Depp v Heard: the unreal story’ and ‘The Great Post Office Scandal’. DMs open. Dipping my toe into the gender wars...
Canis argentīnus 9999 Profile picture Ian Henderson Profile picture Jean Smith Profile picture The Twisted Wono of Pootlesville 🌛🌕🌜 Profile picture Thomas Long Profile picture 32 subscribed
Jul 30 201 tweets >60 min read
Good morning and welcome to the final day of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry (day 174) before the summer break.

Susannah Jemima Storey is giving evidence today. She is the former ShEx director on the Post Office board... Image ... and is by far the poshest-sounding witness we have had for some time. Her accent is somewhere between aristocratic and minor royal (says affirm "a-fyaarm"

She is currently DCMS Permanent Secretary and has been sworn in, along with her Witness Statement (WS)
Jul 29 94 tweets 17 min read
SS also raises SC raising the 2S issue - can you tell us what you spoke to PV about on the back of this note
NM no - can reflect on what I think I would have said
SS any recollection about tenor of convo?
NM not sure if this is a recollection or an imagining but... Image ... my reaction is that SC was being "over-emotional" - resigning over the 2S report would be "daft" - we were right to do the review. And resigning over the board meeting situation - yes it's clumsy, but it's not a resigning matter. Post Office was in a real mess.
Jul 29 154 tweets 34 min read
Welcome to the Post Office scandal's Hotel California. This is day 173 of the public inquiry into the various failings by multiple individuals who were either corrupt, incompetent or asleep at the wheel. Today we're going to hear from... Image Neil McCausland - former Senior Non-Executive Director and Interim Chair of Post Office Ltd. It looks like Sam Stevens is going to ask the questions. McCausland is being sworn in. Live tweets to follow. You can also watch along here:
Jul 25 174 tweets 35 min read
Good morning and welcome to day 171 of the Post Office Inquiry. Sir Vince Cable and Greg Clark - two former Biz Secretaries giving evidence today. Cable first. Here's his welcome committee outside Aldwych House. Image I'm joined on the press bench by Adam and Emily from BBC Online. The hearing room is slightly less sparse than it was yesterday for Margot James. This is my report on her evidence - she spoke about the PO being great at playing the victim in this scandal.…
Jul 24 218 tweets >60 min read
Welcome to day... 170 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. I am at Aldwych House. Very few other people are, including the witness, former minister Margot James, who is giving evidence remotely. It really does feel like the dog days... Image ... I spoke off the record to Ms James a while back about the Post Office Scandal to see if she'd be interviewed on the record, but she didn't seem to know much and then we landed Vince Cable (tomorrow's witness) who didn't seem to know much either.
Jul 19 180 tweets 38 min read
Good morning and welcome to day 168 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Jo Swinson is in the witness chair this morning giving evidence about her tenure as Post Office Minister in the coalition government. She has been sworn in. Image Julian Blake is asking questions on behalf of the Inquiry Image
Jul 18 265 tweets >60 min read
Good morning and welcome to (oh god) day 167 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Evidence today from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the leader of the Liberal Democrats, better known as Pat McFadden and Sir Ed Davey. Lots of former Postmasters in attendance! Image In fact the Inquiry ante-room is very busy this morning. I'm guessing the pols have brought their "people" - there are certainly lots of self-important people striding about and they're not all lawyers. Poor show on the journalism front, though. I was expecting more, though...
Jul 17 288 tweets >60 min read
Good morning and welcome to day 166 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Today we're going to hear from former Senior Independent Director of the Post Office Ken McCall, followed by former Post Office minister Kelly Tolhurst. At least four former Subpostmasters are here Image ... including Alison Hall and Sharon Brown (pictured in the last tweet). I will be live tweeting proceedings. I have never met Ken McCall, but I have briefly met Kelly Tolhurst whilst she was Post Office minister - read about that here:…
Jul 16 260 tweets >60 min read
Good morning and welcome to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry - day 165. Today we're going to hear from Fujitsu's Andy Dunks, who tried to mislead a High Court judge during Bates v Post Office. Live tweets follow...

#PostOfficeInquiry Image Dunks has had something of a charmed life as Fujitsu's "cryptographic key manager". He did not cover himself in glory when he last gave evidence to the Inquiry, and is one of the few witnesses to be recalled. Read more here:…
Jul 15 180 tweets 30 min read
Good afternoon - I'm covering day 164 of the Post Office Horizon IT remotely. I'll live tweet it for those who cannot watch it live here:

Today's evidence comes from former Shareholder Executive official Sir Stephen Lovegrove (SL). Before he takes the oath, the inquiry chair Sir Wyn Williams (SWW) has announced a research project relevant to the 7th and final stage of the inquiry...
Jul 12 235 tweets >60 min read
Good morning and welcome to Aldwych House for day 163 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Today we hear from former government man on the Post Office board, Richard Callard. Image I'll live tweet as much of this as I can - I might have to duck in and out of the Inquiry today and possibly leave early, but I will write up what Callard has to say. You can read about his successor on the govt board (who gave evidence on Wed) here:
Jul 10 182 tweets 37 min read
Good morning and welcome to day 162 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Former director Tom Cooper is giving evidence. He's just been sworn in and is going through the corrections to his Witness Statement (WS). Live tweets to follow. Image Catriona Hodge is asking the questions for the Inquiry Image
Jul 9 240 tweets >60 min read
Welcome to day 161 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. All this week we're going to hear from UKGI (UK Government Investments) execs who had "oversight" of the Post Office whilst it was completely off the rails. First in the chair is Mark Russell who has just been sworn in. Image I am going to be live-tweeting today’s evidence. You can also follow proceedings live on Youtube here:

Jul 3 222 tweets >60 min read
JB notes the main source of info for JS was the legal depart of the PO, who are, as we now know, complicit in the scandal and its cover-up Image JB did you know the PO legal dept was the main source of info for the review
TP yes
Jun 25 213 tweets >60 min read
Welcome to a busy Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry hearing room. Former Fujitsu engineer Gareth Jenkins is giving evidence for the first of four days. He has taken the oath. All five of his witness statements have been sworn into evidence. 🧵 Image Jenkins (GJ) has been read the notice of privilege against self-incrimination by the Inquiry chair (SWW) which gives him the right to ask not to have to answer a question if he feels it might incriminate him if he is criminally prosecuted in the future.
Jun 18 269 tweets >60 min read
Good morning from the Post Office IT Inquiry at Aldwych House in London. Evidence from these two today, Ron Warmington (left) and Ian Henderson (right) of Second Sight. This will be a thread of live tweets. I bumped into... Image Ian on Kingsway this morning and asked him how he was feeling. "I've been waiting eleven years for this!" he said. In Mr Bates vs The Post Office Bob Rutherford is a composite of Ian and Ron. Ian's middle name is Rutherford. Ian is being sworn in now. Image
Jun 14 132 tweets 28 min read
Welcome to Day 151 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry at Aldwych House in London. We await Andy Parsons second day of evidence, which I will live tweet, with documents... 🧵 Aldwych House About ten minutes ago I bumped into Andy Parsons in the loo. I said "Hello Andy, how are you?"
He did not reply. I wrote this about him yesterday:

Jun 13 255 tweets >60 min read
Good morning and welcome to Aldwych House in London for Day 150 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Andy Parsons (AP) from Womble Bond Dickinson (WBD) is giving the first of two days of evidence. Wombles used to be Bond Dickinson and before that, Bond Pearce. Live-tweets... Image AP has been sworn in. He has given a 500+ page witness statement which will shortly be uploaded to the inquiry website. You can watch the evidence live here on the Inquiry's youtube channel:

Jun 11 70 tweets 15 min read
JB takes him to an email from Tom Beezer and reads it out Image Rest of the note: Image
Jun 11 194 tweets 39 min read
Good morning and welcome to Day 148 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry at Aldwych House in London. I have already bumped into fellow Horizon Scandal Fund trustee Varchas Patel, who says hi.

This morning we are going to hear from... Varchas Patel Anthony de Garr Robinson KC, who represented the Post Office during the Horizon issues trial as part of the Bates v Post Office litigation. This afternoon we're going to hear from Lord Grabiner KC, who led the attempt to have Mr Justice Fraser recused...
Jun 6 253 tweets >60 min read
Good morning and welcome to Day 147 of the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry at Aldwych House in London.
We are awaiting Day 2 of former Post Office Chair Alice Perkins evidence. You can read my write up of Day 1 here:

#PostOfficeScandal… I will be tweeting proceedings. Nothing is a direct quote unless it is in "direct quotes". It is a summary or characterisation of what is being said.