Nigel Santos MD Profile picture
lifelong learner | stoic | Chief Resident PGH IM 2021 | PGH IM 2020 | La Salle Med 2016 | Avid interest in Vascular Medicine
Oct 31, 2019 25 tweets 6 min read
Interesting case presentation today @ellamimasamayor of a 20 yo, female, with an episode of hematemesis. EGD done revealed H. pylori +, duodenal ulcers. CT scan showed pancreatic head mass. Referred due to elevated blood pressure, recurrent hypokalemia and blurring of vision. BP
Upper Ext - R 200/120. L 160/100
Lower Ext - R 160/100. L 170/100
PE did not show cushingoid features. CV exam showed decreased pulses on the left arm. Rest was unremarkable