Nighat Dad Profile picture
Lawyer - feminist - Digital Rights - member UNSG AI Advisory Body - TED fellow (views expressed are solely my own)
May 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
If you are a Pakistani woman, important documents you should have a copy with you
1: One Copy of Nikah Nama - in YOUR possession
2: Find out if your your Nikhah/marriage is registered at Union council
(Thread 🧵)
3: If not register your marriage at UC & get marriage certificate 3: Keep one copy of Nikah/Marriage registration certificate(MRC) from UC for yourself
4: Get the dower amount documented (if cash then you should remember/note the date)(if online then must have a receipt) and if you receive gold as a gift ask details with invoices.
Apr 29, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
The Right of Khula (imp thread)
The women’s right of Khula can be divided into the following two categories;
A. Khula through Judicial Process under the Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 [“MFLO”].
B. Fault-based Khula under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939 [“DMMA”] Khula through Judicial Process refers to a type of divorce initiated by the wife. Khula is an independent legal right of the woman to terminate a marriage contract/seek divorce from her husband without first obtaining his consent. Image
Oct 25, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Some lessons learnt for Pakistani women from Aliza Sultan’s case
1- If you are facing Domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault etc, please keep building evidence, share it with trustworthy people and keep them safe somewhere than the phone/device you normally use. Perpetrators at home or in close proximity often have a tendency to surveil your movements physically and now more on social media and through your devices, monitoring your device means controlling your ability to take any action or make any decision. So keep cleaning your device
Jul 5, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Many folks wonder abt my last name, some jokingly say “are you from Javed Miandad clan 😊”. No I am not, I am a daughter of Mehar Allah Dad who hailed from a distant village in Jhang, not as a landlord but a farmer. 5th July, his 8th death anniversary (pic: abu in a beard) (cont) Back in 60s Abu along with my grandfather tended to land owned by rich feudals in the area but at the end of each harvest they would be given a small share of crops which would hardly be ever sufficient for a year for a family, abu knew he would always be a (Mazara) here
Jan 19, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Perfect time to also celebrate the recent amendments made to the Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010, they are landmark & will have a significant effect on how harassment will be deliberated under the law. Thread on imp newly inserted provisions👇🏾 The definition of “employee” has been broadened to include freelancers, performers, artists, entertainers, sportspersons, students, domestic workers, intern trainees or apprentices working with or without pay.

This broadens who is defined as a worker in the law.