Nik Algo Profile picture
Semi-retired trader | Co-founder @spread_fighter
3 subscribers
Jun 7, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
If I were to start trading from scratch, this is what I would do.

Simple framework for beginners.

Thread 🧵 Image In the markets, everyone is unique, but none are special

We all have different risk tolerance, psycho-type, lifestyle and etc

For this reason, there is no strategy that would suit everyone

Here, I’ll explain the steps I would take to achieve a refined trading approach
Feb 28, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
How do you get started in algorithmic trading?

I presume that many of you have this question.

Thread for beginners 🧵 Image Have you been looking to get into quant space, but don’t know where to start?

It’s an extremely broad area and very easy to get lost.

Here is a brief guide on where you might want to look first.
Dec 22, 2022 35 tweets 8 min read
Does your strategy work?

Here are 3 trading approaches that have helped me to achieve financial independence.

I would learn this if I started trading from scratch in 2023.

Thread 🧵 Finding a working strategy is challenging.

But it’s definitely possible.

And it just takes time to find something suitable.

If you don't want to YOLO your life savings into OTM SPY puts or load it in some low-cap shitcoin either, then consider learning something new