Nilanjana Bhowmick Profile picture
📢 Women’s rights are human rights. ✨✊🏾💪 Feminist Writer | Journalist | Gender Justice Advocate Represented by @JacarandaLit
Nov 1, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
*toxic newsroom alert"

I have worked twice in Indian newsrooms. Once in the early 2000s and one recently. Sorry to report nothing has changed in the two decades. These newsrooms are as toxic as ever. Incl the othering of women esp senior journalists. I had recently joined @News9Tweets as a part-time consulting editor and my experience there was bizarre and toxic. From the word go they would try to work me over and beyond my hours - which I politely refused. Asking them to respect my hours.
Oct 12, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I struggled with this for a while but I will come out and say it. The @nytimes has a very problematic work culture. I have been burned by their editors before and yet as a freelancer, you learn not to take these things personally and pitch again. Recently I pitched them a story which they "absolutely loved." They wanted to start working on it immediately but they wanted to work with me on the story. The eloquent email couldn't hide the disdain they have for local reporters.
Jul 27, 2020 42 tweets 14 min read
This will be an ongoing thread on high-paying writing opportunities collected from various sources. Below are mostly specialized publications that pay really well. Good luck!
#PitchToThisEditor is looking for entertainment pitches with a focus on reported features, high-profile interviews, and extremely good columnists. Pitch to
Dec 21, 2019 9 tweets 7 min read
The @Uppolice arrested @sadafjafar on Dec. 19. She posted three Facebook lives from a protest site. Throughout her videos, she makes it clear that the protesters were women and young children. The arson and violence was being carried out by hired rioters. She's nowhere near the protests, she's asking the media to show the faces of the rioters, and yet she's arrested, her family not informed. Her whereabouts have remained unknown for two days now. Her young children are alone and scared. #WhereIsSadaf @myogiadityanath?