Nate Hochman Profile picture
Senior adviser @America_2100. Writer @amspectator. "Good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created." 🇺🇸
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Sep 13 10 tweets 4 min read
This how every single argument for mass immigration goes.

Step 1: "Oh, you have concerns about [X group] coming into your country? Well, here's one person from that group who's good. What do you think of that, huh? Do you hate this person, too??"Image [when presented with evidence that said person isn't representative of said group writ large]

Step 2: Actually, all those bad things you just mentioned are America's fault. And anyways, it's good for them to come here. I don't have to explain why. It just is.Image
Sep 7 4 tweets 2 min read
Seeing lots of stories like this on the local Springfield social media pages.

I wrote this, on the topic of Haitian immigration, back in March:

"That’s the double-edged sword of 'assimilation': The people become more like their adopted home, but their adopted home also becomes more like them."

Sep 7 5 tweets 2 min read
One of the equally admirable and frustrating things about Americans is how open-minded they are. Even when their town is literally getting invaded by Haitians, their first instinct is to try to patiently explain to the invaders why they need to behave themselves. Image Imagine the Romans meeting the barbarians at the gates and going, "I have read about some of your countries and it was scary. I understand why you left. But there's a huge cultural difference. So if you want to be part of this great city then you need to understand our culture."
Sep 1 4 tweets 2 min read
Europe's insane speech laws—whereby just uttering forbidden phrases are often grounds for criminal prosecution—undermine the entire story that Western liberal democracy tells about itself. If this was happening in an enemy nation, we'd be sanctioning them for human rights abuses.
Well, we probably wouldn't sanction them for persecuting people who use "Nazi phrases," specifically, because "we"—i.e., the people who run our foreign policy—approve of wielding state power to crush the so-called "far right." But the speech laws in principle would be condemned.
Jul 28 4 tweets 1 min read
If Kamala Harris wins, her persecution of political enemies may well end up dwarfing Biden's. I'm not sure that the miraculous restoration of free speech on this website would survive. Elon himself would almost certainly be subjected to coordinated, heavy harassment and lawfare. My view is, this alone is reason enough to vote for Trump. Many have noted that free speech on the internet is one of the most important issues of our time; the struggle for control of our future, to a substantial extent, hinges on the struggle for control of the online world.
Jun 19 9 tweets 3 min read
The Juneteenth federal holiday emerged alongside the 1619 Project, Black Lives Matter, and critical race theory. Its purpose was clear from the start.

Conservatives who think they can celebrate it for "different, better" reasons are being taken for a… Until it became a federal holiday in 2021, Juneteenth was a largely obscure regional affair. As @realJeremyCarl pointed out in this thread, Biden never mentioned it until he was running for president—and 60% of Americans knew "little to nothing" about it.
Jun 8 4 tweets 2 min read
The same thing is true on gay marriage.

From 2021 to 2023, Gen Z's support for gay marriage dropped by double digits, even as support increased in every other generation.

Zoomers—specifically Zoomer boys—are going to be much more right-wing than a lot of people expect.Image The other thing is, the overall Gen Z numbers are almost certainly concealing a far more drastic rightwards shift among boys.

The unprecedented ideological gender gap within Gen Z is an international phenomenon. This is from an Ipsos survey across 26 countries a few months ago: Image
May 27 4 tweets 2 min read
I think about this post a lot.

So many of the Right's failures have come from its inability to grasp this essential truth: Today's Left is conservative. Liberals are devoted to protecting the established order. The Right is (or should be) seeking to overturn and transform it. Image The “traditional American values” in question — or at least, the very specific versions of them that Ian is referring to — are only “traditional” if you think the country began in 1960. But other than that, no notes Image
May 21 7 tweets 3 min read
The assault on America has very little to do with abstract "principles." It is a very real war against a very real nation and people. To suggest otherwise is to reduce our cold civil war to a theoretical classroom debate. @amspectator… As @NateAFischer pointed out, America's original constitutional architecture crumbled long ago. Today, much of what is often mistaken for the Constitution of 1787 is actually the constitution of the post-1960s civil rights regime. Per Chris Caldwell:

May 11 4 tweets 2 min read
The British Conservatives rode the coattails of Brexit to historic majorities, and then promptly presided over the highest immigration levels in their small island nation's history.

42% of the U.K.'s total foreign-born population came in after 2010 — all under Conservative rule.Image As I noted in this column, all signs point to an extinction event for the Tories in this year's election — almost entirely because of this issue.

It’s difficult to think of another time in recent history when an electoral wipeout was more richly deserved.
May 10 6 tweets 2 min read
Once, when I was in college, three black kids showed up demanding to be let in to a private, invite-only party at the hockey house. When they were turned away, they dragged the hockey team in front of a makeshift student tribunal and forced them to apologize for their racism: Image It was one of the more surreal moments in my college experience: Standing in a crowded room of a hundred kids — the hockey guys forced to sit in chairs in the middle — I felt like I was the only person in the world who hadn't completely lost their mind.…
May 6 4 tweets 2 min read
Has there ever been a time, in Jonathan Greenblatt's estimation, when antisemitism was not at "an all-time high"?Image
This isn't just embellished rhetoric. Every single year, groups like the ADL put together studies purporting to prove that "hate" is at an all-time high, which are then fed to the media and repeated everywhere until it becomes conventional wisdom
Mar 9 5 tweets 2 min read
Ireland voters just overwhelmingly rejected an elite left-wing effort to rewrite their constitution.

The amendment would have removed the claim that marriage is the basis of the family, as well as a reference to women's "duties in the home."

More than 67% of Ireland voted no. Image It's difficult to think of another Western country with a larger ideological gap between the people and the elites. Every single poll consistently shows the Irish people overwhelmingly want less immigration, for example — but the Irish elites are uniformly in favor of more.Image
Jan 26 4 tweets 2 min read
As an aside, this map is a good illustration of why a "national divorce" scenario would be so untenable. Unlike the Civil War, the nation's political divisions aren't cleanly divided into North/South geographies. Instead, we'd have three, four or even five distinct confederacies.
Image There are various "radical federalism" options that could, in the event of total breakdown, be amenable. But the long and short of it is that — even if you think it sounds desirable in the abstract (and I don't) — there really is no viable exit plan. The only way out is through.
Jan 21 10 tweets 4 min read
This is one of the great ironies of American guilt about the treatment of Native Americans: It's only because we documented our sins.

"History" didn't exist in pre-European America. Natives routinely brutalized one another. The difference is, they never thought to write it down. Even the most infamous examples of European mistreatment of the Natives illustrate this fact.

Everyone's heard of The Trail of Tears. But far fewer people know that the march included a substantial number of African slaves, who were then the property of Cherokee slaveowners. Image
Jan 14 12 tweets 5 min read
Last week, Bill Ackman pledged to fight DEI "to the end of the earth."

Now, he's donating $1 million to Dean Phillips — a Democratic presidential candidate who has actively worked to expand DEI.

Ackman says that Phillips is "sensible." His record tells a different story 🧵 As I noted in a prior thread, Phillips co-founded the Stakeholder Capitalism Caucus, dedicated to defending and advocating for ESG.

According to RollCall, the caucus is committed to "embracing an economic concept that Republicans have...railed against as 'woke' capitalism." Image
Dec 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A substantial number of today's self-styled "defenders of the principles of the Founding" would be horrified by what the Founders actually believed Image Various people have made this point already in the context of the debate over the Satanic display in Iowa, but the idea that our "Founding principles" compel us to accept these provocations is absurd. This wouldn't have even been a subject of debate with the Founding generation. Image
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
The attack on Confederate statues and symbols was framed as a way to right an old wrong — to finally put the issue of racism and slavery to rest.

In reality, it was just the dress rehearsal for a far larger and more radical assault on American heritage. In 2015, neoconservative Peter Wehner wrote that removing the Confederate flag from state grounds was "an opportunity" for the GOP "to finally put to rest an issue that has bedeviled their party."

Of course, as we know, it never put anything to rest. It was only the beginning. Image
Dec 13, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
A Tale of Two Harvard Presidents

In 2006, Harvard president Larry Summers was forced to resign.

His crime, among other things, was a speech he had given the year prior, in which he suggested that gender disparities in science and engineering might be the result of innate differences between men and women. The speech led to a furious backlash, and a no-confidence vote from Harvard faculty.

When Summers became president of Harvard in 2001, he boasted an impressive resume: He had served as the Secretary of the US Treasury, chief economist at the World Bank, and the youngest-ever Harvard economics professor to achieve tenure.

He had published six books and well over 100 academic articles. None of his work had ever been accused of plagiarism.

Fast forward to 2022: Harvard appoints Claudine Gay to serve as its newest president.

At the time, Gay had published a career total of 11 academic articles. For context, Summers published more than that in the single year of 1987.

Gay had never published an academic book. As David Randall of @NASorg noted when she was appointed, "very few professors can even get tenure with so thin a publication record — absent the tailwind from [diversity] quotas."

But Gay was able to ascend to the most prestigious position at the most prestigious university in the world.

Now, thanks to the reporting of @realchrisrufo and @realChrisBrunet, we know that Gay's anemic academic output wasn't even all hers. She lifted entire paragraphs of her work from other authors, without proper attribution.

As we saw with Larry Summers, Harvard presidents have been ousted for far less. But in spite of all that, the Harvard board is unanimously standing by Gay — and the legacy media is circling the wagons.

This is business as usual for modern academia: Political favoritism, racial preferences, and corrupt self-dealing. It's a racket. And if the polls are any indication, Americans are finally beginning to realize as much. The latest data on American trust in higher education, published by US News & World Report today (survey was conducted December 8-10): Image
Dec 11, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
It's also just a question of political survival: Americans who get married, buy homes and have lots of kids tend to vote Republican. Unmarried, childless renters vote Democrat.

In 2016, homeowners went for Trump by about 6 points. Renters went for Clinton by nearly 30 points.Image
The "marriage gap" in voting preferences has been a consistent feature of American politics for some time:

Married: R+14
Unmarried: D+27

Married: R+8
Unmarried: D+18

Married: R+7
Unmarried: D+18Image
Nov 26, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
The hate speech law that Ireland is preparing to pass is arguably the most radical legislation of its kind we've seen in the West.

It criminalizes the mere possession of materials that are "likely to incite violence or hatred" — books, videos, or even memes on your phone.

Image The bill defines "hatred" as "hatred against a person or a group of persons in the State or elsewhere on account of their protected characteristics."

Protected characteristics include "national origin."

Would criticizing Ireland's open borders even be legal under this bill? Image