Kim Votes Blue Profile picture
Proud to be Certified Vermin & a blood warrior for democracy. #Resist #Persist #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue #DemCast #HarrisWalz2024 #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
Jul 4, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵 Here's an off the wall idea: STOP FUCKING PERPETUATING IT. Disengage. Reject the damned distraction and do what they WANT YOU *NOT* TO DO: Work your asses off to re-elect Biden, Democrats down ticket EVERYWHERE, take back the House & keep the Senate. Biden is NOT dropping out. He was never going to drop out. Sane, rational people DO NOT WANT HIM TO DROP OUT. And every single time some dipshit whinges about it, every single damn time this rumor is perpetuated, ESPECIALLY BY DEMOCRATS, they are doing EXACTLY what MAGAts want.
Oct 18, 2023 8 tweets 7 min read
No, 15 million "illegal aliens" have NOT entered the US in Biden's term. People sound dumb when they say that.

Here's a 🧵w/the FACTS & cites.


There are ~11.39 million undocumented immigrants in the US - in '17, the # was ~10.5 million.

In '17, more newly undocumented ppl OVERSTAYED THEIR VISAS than crossed a border ILLEGALLY.


Sep 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Just read Judge Engeron's order. 🧵 Alina Habba shd surrender her law license & retire to the Galapagos Islands. My god. I almost feel sorry for her.

This is a brutal decision that illustrates some terrible lawyering - & it cost each of them $7500.… The judgment seizes Trump properties that will go into receivership w/in 10 days.

The stark breadth of the fraud is stunning.

Having worked for a Madison Ave real estate firm, I guarantee there is much rejoicing that Trump will finally be required to pay the piper. ...
Jun 11, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
🧵Burisma, the Story That Will Not Die

Conspiracy theories @ the firing of the corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine (Shokin) & its relation to Burisma have been debunked to a fare-thee-well, but the rw keeps bleating them & the "base" keeps believing & rebleating them.

So, A THREAD: Here's the FACTS.

Claim: Biden pushed out a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son

It apparently is still a belief among some on the right falsely that then-vice-president Biden in 2015 pressured the Ukrainian government to fire Viktor Shokin, the top...
Apr 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Us to You, after Dobbs: "IT WILL BE MARRIAGES NEXT."

You: "Stop being so dramatic. 🙄"

Us, TODAY: "County clerks can refuse to grant licenses to LGBTQ+, ***INTERRACIAL*** & ***INTERFAITH*** COUPLES IN TENNESSEE."

Like. We. Told. You.

1/3… We REALLY hope you get it now.


The GOP doesn't care about YOU or YOURS, or ME & MINE.

The GOP cares about their power & their rich donors.

MAGAs have shown us their America, and let's face it: most of US aren't in it.

The question is:

Mar 19, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read
The fear & anger of White evangelicals is driven by fear of replacement & loss of power. It's louder every day.

Their numbers are rapidly disappearing.

It scares them so bad they're embracing Christofacism & a virulent hatred for anyone different. 🧵 They know it's too late. There's simply not enough of them left to wield the electoral power they took for granted for so long. Their cohort is dying & they daily alienate the very people they need to preserve their power base.

Look at the numbers.
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@thejackhopkins is onto something here. This has been my thinking since the inauguration. Some people were concerned about violence after the midterms. Not me. There's simply no appetite for this shit now. Outrage fatigue has become resolve. That's why we kicked ...
🧵 ass in '22.

We've been in a paradigm shift for what feels like fucking forever. I think we're in phase 4 - Crisis. The next phase is completion of the shift. I believe there are enough of us who are resolved to stop this ... 🧵
Feb 28, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
@walter_report A 🧵addressing one of the stories Walter continues to repeat about @MriyaAid, that of the "$20,000" & the Hospitaliers.

They explain why the supplies didn't get to the Hospitaliers & that they DID get to soldiers - which is, after all, the mission, right? This explains the issue of the Canadian Armed Forces & Right Sector. Out of an abundance of caution, @MriyaAid followed the lead of the CAF.

But a long, worldwide tourniquet shortage caused a long delay & the connection was lost.
Feb 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@walter_report Why is Walter slandering @MriyaAid like it's his job? Is it what they know that could hurt him?

I mean, he was w/the org, then they parted ways. It happens. Why the constant onslaught trying to convince you...
🧵 this legit org is the devil incarnate? It's sketchy af, right?

Multiple times a week, he "warns" you not to trust them, uses the same 2 bs stories & a hit piece he created w/a pro-Putin "journo" 2 mos ago. It's just sus.

It's not like he has any unique insights @ the war.
Feb 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
One year into Putin's invasion in Ukraine & one org stands above so many others.

If you haven't heard of @MriyaAid, check them out now. Follow them. Donate. I know them, they work w/passion & dedication to get aid to Ukraine.

You know how sometimes an org is so good 🧵 it makes lesser people angry & jealous? Well, it happened to this NGO. And that jealous person found a pro-Putin "journalist" & got a 4,000 word hit piece published in a newspaper. Now this jealous person is attacking the org like it's his job. 🧵
Jan 17, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
(PART 2🧵)
The U.S. government pays a lower interest rate on Treasury securities because of the unparalleled safety and liquidity of the Treasury market.

Some estimates suggest that this advantage lowers the interest rate the government pays on Treasuries which translates
25/40 to interest savings of roughly $60b this year, and over $700b over the next decade. The cost to the taxpayer could be significant.

There would inevitably be legal challenges over payments & federal obligations.

The motivation to pay principal and interest on time to
Jan 16, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
118th 4: The Debt Ceiling

The “debt ceiling” is a statute passed in 1917; authorizing the US Treasury to borrow money to pay the government’s expenses. It doesn’t constitute an authorization to fund the govt or set a limit on govt spending.

Here’s how the budget works: Congress authorizes spending through its appropriations power. If tax revenues don’t cover that spending, the Treasury borrows money from bond buyers to pay the authorized expenses.

Much of what the Treasury pays is interest on earlier
Jan 8, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The Holman Rule: A thread 🧵

First a reminder from my previous thread, "What the 118th Congress Can (& Cannot) Do":

While the House may enact The Holman Rule, any legislation that arises from applying the Rule must first be passed by...
the majority of the House before going to the Senate for a vote. McCarthy can afford to lose no more than 4 R votes to pass any piece of legislation.

What is the Holman Rule?

The Holman Rule allows amendments to appropriations legislation that would reduce the salary...
Jan 8, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
🧵What the 118th Congress Can (& Cannot) Do
How Scared Should We Be?

Start with this exhaustive resource that outlines legislative powers & restrictions. Trust me, you'll want to save this one.…
1/19 Next, a guide to the Rules, Precedents & Procedures of the House of Representatives - which you also might want to save for future reference.…

(The following 4 tweets come from this resource.)

Note that the oversight powers of the House apply...
Jan 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Ffs, the Dem fear-mongering & hand-wringing has already started & McCarthy isn't even Speaker yet.

A 🧵

These "deals" are all for naught, considering they'll require a majority of Senators to agree with them on any bill of any kind that they pass in the House.
Yes, that includes the debt ceiling, which they don't seem to grasp is money ALREADY SPENT. There is ZERO new spending in the debt ceiling.

Holding it hostage harms the American people bcos it will destroy US credit rating. It would be disastrous. Rank & file Rs know this.
Nov 2, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Seven. Days.

Stop. Reading. Polls.

Not one state - NOT ONE - is "safe Blue." There are local races, including school boards. There are races for county seats, and townships and state offices, SECRETARY OF STATE, for State Congress and Senate, and governors races. 2/10 NO STATE IS SAFE.

Flipping every possible Red seat to Blue up & downticket is the *only way* to stop the creep of Christofacism & the only way to codify into law the human and civil rights that women & LGBTQIA+ people & people of color have worked so hard for generations.
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Here's screen grabs that fly in the face of the disgusting conspiracy theories & rank speculation by MAGA Rs @ the heinous attack on Paul Pelosi.

This violence is what happens when vile rw rhetoric is absorbed by mentally vulnerable people. ImageImageImageImage DePape was a "nudist activist" in 2013. He has 3 kids w/Gypsy Taub who is a nudist activist & in 2013 marched against a Dem who sponsored legislation to make it illegal to be nude in public.

The conspiracy theories & the churn of lies @ Paul Pelosi are disgusting & vile. ImageImageImageImage
Oct 23, 2022 25 tweets 13 min read
1/24 These are pictures of cells removed from the uterus at 4 weeks & 5 weeks of gestation.

At 4 weeks gestation, the diameter of the sac is ~2mm.

At 5 weeks, size is ~5-6mm.

These cells are identified as "the pre-born" by pro-life activists. ImageImageImage 2/24 These pics are cells removed at 6 and 7 weeks.

Note that at 6 weeks, the clump of cells is the size of a pomegranate seed.

There are no organs - there's a primitive cardiac tube of cells that emit electrical pulses. ImageImageImage
Oct 19, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
1/10 Stop. Reading. Polls.

Not one state - NOT ONE - is "safe Blue." There are local races, including school boards. There are races for county seats & townships & state offices SECRETARY OF STATE, for State Congress and Senate, and governors races.
🧵 2/10 NO. STATE. IS. SAFE.

Flipping Red to Blue up & downticket is the *only way* to stop the creep of Christofacism, the only way to codify into law the human & civil rights that women & LGBTQIA+ people & ppl of color have worked so hard for generations.

Don't let them down.