NoBody Profile picture
A human on a human journey.
Oct 25, 2019 37 tweets 10 min read
Earlier this month I read David Futrelle's article in response to writer Liz Bruenig's tweets on the Incel movement.  While I generally enjoy his work, I felt he was somewhat dismissive and over critical of Bruenig's thought process.

No shade intended.… I have observed several things over the years regarding the RedPill/Incel phenomenon and so after reading Futrelle's post I felt compelled to talk more about some of what I've learned about the men who are attracted to this subculture.
May 10, 2019 38 tweets 11 min read
Sooo...did you know that SSRI's like apparently make teenagers into bloodthirsty maniacs?

Oh wait...

When I was 16 I went through a battery of different antidepressants and at one point was prescribed desipramine. It turned me into a rageful banshee… which was terrifying, like my brain was staging a coup.

I know that SSRIs come with exactly these types of warnings when it comes to teenagers and I know that the second STEM shooter, Nicholas Cruz, Adam Lanza and Eric Harris were all prescribed SSRIs.

But, correlation does
Apr 16, 2019 51 tweets 10 min read
Once Upon a Time,

I was Somebody.

I was a grassroots organizer and an aspiring writer.


A relentless eating disorder, severe depression, a sexual assault, a broken heart...these things drove my passion from me entirely. No segue here.  I have a lot to get to and at the end of the day, who really cares how I became some anonymous loser with a cartoon avi?

As the years passed I kept writing...but my sorrow remained an ever present stain over my world perspective.