Thomas C. Theiner Profile picture
Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus. Now: Film, Documentaries Ex: Comando Truppe Alpine
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Feb 12 23 tweets 8 min read
This is a map of Canada... and if you read this thread the circles will make sense.

Canada is lies on 3 oceans:
• Atlantic Ocean to the East
• Pacific Ocean to the West
• Arctic Ocean to the North

Canada should be able to patrol and defend all of them... but it can't.
1/23 Image Canada's fighters are based at CFB Cold Lake and CFB Bagotville. The two circles show the combat range of Canada's current and future fighter with an air-to-air weapons load:

• red: CF-18 Hornet with three external drop tanks.
• orange: F-35A with internal fuel only.
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Feb 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Immediately after becoming Prime Minister of Italy Benito Mussolini made his close ally Emilio De Bono the Chief of Police.
De Bono then turned police in a tool of fascist oppression and ordered the murder of dissidents.
1/4 Image Immediately after becoming Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler made his close ally Hermann Göring the Chief of Prussia's Police.
Göring then turned police in a tool of fascist oppression, created the Gestapo and ordered the murder of dissidents.
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Feb 10 9 tweets 3 min read
Let's bust some more Gripen E myths:

Of course Gripen has a fast turnaround time - due to having the fewest hardpoints of all Western fighters and the smallest fuel tank of all Western fighters.

The Gripen also has the shortest combat range at full weapons load. If you want
1/9 Image to extend the range, either you can't use the full weapons load or you have to mount external fuel tanks, which of course use weapon hardpoints.

The Gripen E also has less thrust than all other Western fighters and it doesn't "supercruise". That's a load of bollocks.
Feb 10 9 tweets 5 min read
The Gripen E is least capable fighter produced in Europe. Both Rafale and Eurofighter are much more capable and those two are still less capable than the F-35A.

Even the F-15EX is more capable than the Gripen E. No Air Force with access to either F-35A, Rafale or Eurofighter
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will buy the Gripen E. It's just not happening.

The Gripen E carries the least amount of weapons over the shortest distance.

And stop with "Gripen E is improved for arctic conditions": where do you think Eielson Air Force Base is?
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Feb 7 25 tweets 8 min read
This is the North Atlantic Ocean.

The ocean that both, the US and Europe, need to be free of hostile submarines. Chinese and russian submarines can only enter it by six routes. Three of which are impassable for them.

But the easiest & shortest open route is past Greenland.
1/25 Image During WWI German submarines sank 6,000+ allied ships and during WWII 3,500+ allied ships.

In both wars the allies had to deploy 100s of destroyers, corvettes, subchasers and aircraft to hunt Germany's U-Boote.

(Photo: a U-Boot is hit by a US Navy plane on 16 July 1943)
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Feb 4 22 tweets 7 min read
This is the North American continent.

It consists of 4× nations:
🇺🇸United States
🇩🇰Denmark (Greenland)
🇫🇷France (Saint Pierre & Miquelon)

and 6× air forces, the smallest of which is Canada's.
The map shows bases with fighter jets (details in the next tweet).
1/22 Image Bases with fighter jets:
• Blue: US Air Force
• Dark Blue: US Navy
• Yellow: US Air National Guard
• Green: US Air Force Reserve
• Orange: US Marine Corps
• Red: Royal Canadian Air Force
• Grey: NORAD Forward Operating Locations
• Black: former US fighter jet bases
Feb 1 41 tweets 13 min read
This is Ireland.

A beautiful, green island, inhabited by the North Irish and to their South the worst defence scroungers of the continent.

With just 0.25% of GDP for defence the Republic of Ireland is the lowest defence spender in all of Europe.

Even the Vatican spends
1/41 Image GDP-wise ten times more on the Swiss Guard.

Ireland is shamelessly scrounging off the UK for its defence.

Even more infuriating: the Irish had a budget surplus of €25 billion in 2024. That's +8% of GDP. And yet they expect the UK to deploy its limited military resources
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Jan 29 24 tweets 7 min read
As many people do not realize the importance of 🇬🇱 Greenland for the defence of the 🇺🇸 US, I will explain it:

• 🇨🇳 chinese nuclear submarines

If you watched The Hunt for Red October, you already know the reason the US has been, is, will be worried about enemy submarines.
1/24 Image Enemy submarines operating off the US East Coast would sink US ships, blockade US ports, launch cruise missiles at US cities, and disrupt US supply and reinforcement transports to Europe.

Today russia's Northern Fleet has 5× cruise missile and 9× attack submarines at
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Jan 29 5 tweets 1 min read
Top 3 countries in Europe:

Ordering new main battle tanks:
🇵🇱 Poland: 180× K2, 250× M1A2 SEPv3
🇮🇹 Italy: 240× KF51 Panther
🇩🇪 Germany: 123× Leopard 2A8, 17× Leopard 2A7 A1
Ordering new infantry fighting vehicles:
🇵🇱 Poland: 1,000+ Borsuk
🇮🇹 Italy: 679× KF41 Lynx
🇨🇿 Czechia: 172× CV90 Mk IV
Jan 29 9 tweets 3 min read
After the end of the Cold War 🇸🇪 Sweden demilitarized #Gotland island, the key strategic location in the Baltic Sea.

After russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Sweden remilitarized the island. The new Gotland Regiment (P 18), an armored formation, is a signal to enemy and allies,
1/9 Image that Sweden WILL DEFEND Gotland.

Sweden also formed a second amphibious battalion, ordered Blekinge-class submarines, bought Patriot air defence systems, grows its air force with Gripen E fighters, ordered modernized RBS 15 Mk. IV anti-ship missiles, etc. etc.
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Jan 27 15 tweets 3 min read
🇩🇰 Denmark

They last added a frigate to their Navy in 2011. They plan to add the next by around 2032 (!).

This is an unserious clown-show!

Alas, they are just as unserious as 🇩🇪🇫🇷🇬🇧🇮🇹🇪🇸🇸🇪🇳🇴🇧🇪🇵🇹🇳🇱🇮🇪. Governments in Europe refuse to accept that we are in an emergency far
1/14 worse than any in the last 80 years.

• russia is invading Ukraine, which will fall if we do not triple our military aid.
• China will invade Taiwan, which will cut off all trade with Japan and South Korea
• Trump is gonna break all bonds with Europe, and invade Panama
Jan 25 30 tweets 5 min read
Combat brigade reductions of #NATO nations 1989 vs. 2025:

🇺🇸 -52×
🇩🇪 -40×
🇫🇷 -27×
🇸🇪 -25×
🇬🇧 -24×
🇮🇹 -17×
🇳🇴 -13×
🇪🇸 -11×
🇳🇱 -9×
🇩🇰 -5×
🇧🇪 -5×
🇨🇦 -1×

A detailed break down follows, and also details about the former Warsaw Pact members: 🇧🇬🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺🇵🇱🇷🇴
1/28 🇺🇸 USA 1989: 110× brigades
• Army: 55× (34× Armor/Mech., 14× Infantry, 4× Airborne, 3× Air Assault)
• National Guard: 52× (30× Armor/Mech., 22× Infantry)
• Reserve: 3× (1× Mech., 2× Infantry)

Of the Army brigades 17× were based in Europe, 3× in South Korea, 1× in Panama.
Nov 6, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
What does Trump's victory mean for NATO - listed from most certain to worst:

1) Operation Atlantic Resolve, which protects Eastern Europe since russia's invasion of Ukraine, will almost certainly end.
2) The only two US Army brigades in Europe (2nd Cavalry Regiment in 🇩🇪 &
173rd Airborne Brigade in 🇮🇹🇩🇪) will very likely return to the US.
3) US Air Force units in Europe will likely be reduced, but I doubt Trump will close the bases... he needs them to bomb Iran.
4) US nuclear sharing with 🇩🇪🇮🇹🇳🇱🇧🇪🇹🇷 will likely end, leaving Europe without
Sep 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
russia isn't a superpower.
Never was a superpower.

Got whooped by Japan in 1905, couldn't beat Austria-Hungary & was trashed by Germany in 1914-17, barely beat the Chechens in the 1990s.

The only time moscow led a superpower was post WWII, after the russians enslaved the
people of Eastern Europe.
Once Poland, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan threw of their colonial oppressor, russia reverted
Aug 10, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Ukraine Kursk Offensive: first results:

1) embarrasses putin & weakens his position ✅
2) forces russia to move troops from Donbas & Southern Ukraine to Kursk & Bryansk, which weakens russian's frontline in the South ✅
3) forces russia to send fighters & helicopters forward
to compensate for russia's lack of ground forces in Kursk, which gives Ukrainian anti-aircraft units ample opportunities to shoot down russian aircraft ✅
4) Ukrainian troops continuously maneuvering / advancing, while disrupting russian communications through the use of EW,
Jun 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
#TheAcolyte - SPOILERS!

The vicious online reaction to The Acolyte shows, that right-wing "media critics" are film-illiterate grifters, who latch onto even the most minuscule line to disparage each episode. All to confirm their delusion that media involving #LGBTQ & colored
1/5 Image creators are an attack on the "white male", who they pretend to be the true arbiter of "culture".

@Lucasfilm even gave a hint in the first line of the first trailer that this is a #Rashomon style story. This didn't stop these "critics" to complete lose it after the first
Jun 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1× frigate
1× submarine
1× oiler
1× tug to tow the above home when they break down

The russian ships were shadowed by:
🇺🇸Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Helena
🇺🇸Arleigh Burke-class destroyers USS Donald Cook & USS Truxtun
🇨🇦Halifax-class frigate HMCS Ville de Québec
1/2 🇺🇸Legend-class cutter USCGC Stone
🇺🇸1× P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft

And in case the russians would have done something funny: there are some additional 50+ P-8A Poseidon at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, which is also home to the 159th Fighter Squadron, which
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May 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
For 20 years war criminals from Karabakh had Armenia in their iron grip. In 2018 they were forced by the people to allow free elections and the democratic opposition won 70% of the vote, while the Karabakh criminals' party lost 90% of its votes and did not enter parliament.
Aftet the disastrous defeat in the 2nd Karabakh war, the Karabakh clans demanded a snap elections, got it, and were crushed again with the democratic and pro-peace forces of Pashinyan receiving 54% and the two let's-have-more-Karabakh-wars parties at 26%.
Now, as Pashinyan is
Apr 28, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
How to do mobilization for war in the perfect way: the @USArmy in #WWII:

When Germany invaded Poland the US Army consisted of just 6× divisions (1st ID, 2nd ID, 3rd ID, 1st CAV, Hawaiian Division, Philippine Division).
1/12 Image In October 1939 the Army added the 5th ID and 6th ID. Afterwards the US Army fielded 8× divisions.

After the Germans invaded France with 141× divisions, the US Army activated another 4× infantry (4th, 7th, 8th, 9th) and 2× armored (1st, 2nd) divisions.

Total: 14× divisions.
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Apr 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Today Germans found out that raising and stationing a Panzerbrigade in Lithuania will cost up to €11 billion...

Of course, because if you devastate your military for 30 years and create gaps in personnel, materiel, etc. it costs MORE to rebuild than it would have cost to
1/5 Image maintain your military. Germany between 1989 and 2024 reduced its battalions (active and reserve) by the following %:

CBRN Defense -63,64%
Artillery -92,68%
Reconnaissance -45,45%
Paratroopers -66,67%
Signals -66,67%
Air Defense -100,00%
Gebirgsjäger -25,00%
Panzer -91,76%
Apr 19, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
The air defense of a large country is difficult.

People have forgotten the insane density (and cost) of NATO's Cold War SAM belts.

In Germany alone the HAWK belt consisted of (from North to South):
• 24× German
• 12× Dutch
• 8x Belgian
• 35× US Army
• 12× German

1/8 Image HAWK sites, each of which was filled with radars and missile launchers. (Photo: the Dutch HAWK site on Velmerstot in Germany).

Between the SAM belt and the border mobile radars, and short range air defense systems like Gepard, Roland, Chaparral, VADS, etc. as well as mobile
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