William Gaius Profile picture
all my posts were ironic all 4 years of them your honor
3 subscribers
Jul 9, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
After spending most of my life in Africa let me explain to you how it works:

Africans, as a whole, exist solely because there are 10k white guys who get paid immensely well to keep the lights on for your ruling african elites

The moment they leave its GAME OVER for you You can't even realize the extent. Nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY nothing built in Africa in the last 40 years was done by actual Africans: Chinese, French, Dutch, Portuguese, they all get hired by the African ruling elites for this purpose. All your food? Imported.
Aug 22, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
Jan 20, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
Imagine this: you are a general, your army is outnumbered and outsupplied, deep in enemy territory. You lost a previous engagement by having your supply lines cut and acting rashly.
What would you do?
This was Caesar position in 52BC at the Battle of Alesia. Image This was the last major engagement between the Romans and Gauls, and one of Caesars greatest military achievements. His enemy was Vercingetorix, a chieftain who managed to unite the Gauls into opposition against Rome. His army was positioned in a defensible hilltop fort. Image
Jan 6, 2023 45 tweets 22 min read
Who was Afonso de Albuquerque?

Would you believe me if I told you he was the second only European in history, after Alexander the Great, to establish a city in Asia?
Or that he was the first Portuguese duke born outside the royal family? Image Or that he took the stronghold of Ormuz containing 9000 men with only 500 soldiers and zero casualties?

This is the story of the Caesar of the East, the Lion of the Seas, whose military, religious and political actions cemented the Portuguese Empire in the Indian Ocean. Image
Jan 3, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
How far would you go to avenge your son?

This is the story of a great man of power, the Great Dom Francisco de Almeida, who against the King's will embarked on a manic journey to avenge his son's murderers. Image A Portuguese nobleman, soldier and explorer, Almeida came to prominence for his exploits during the Catholics King's conquest of Granada in the late 14th century.

[The Capitulation of Granada by F. Pradilla] Image
Sep 26, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
@RolandGunnTN @KhalkeionGenos Some small additions if you may allow me sir:

Knowledge of the americas was much prevalent than historians like to claim.
The statue is one of the clues, but carthaginian and cyrenai coins from the 3rd century BC were also found close to Corvo Island. @RolandGunnTN @KhalkeionGenos It is certain ancient Greeks knew about the isles but also many after them. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the decline of Western Europe during the middle ages and the closure of the Mediterranean during the Islamic expansion, knowledge of the lands west of Europe became myth
Sep 24, 2022 18 tweets 7 min read
In 1997, the polish émigré filled with ethnic resentment Zbigniew Brzezinski, published "The Grand Chessboard" a book concerned with geostrategy in Central Asia. It explains why the west has been financing this pathetic little project called Ukraine uninterrupted since 1994. The theory follows Mackinder's 1904 Geographical Pivot of History, which regards the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power. It formulates a Eurasian geostrategy in which no Eurasian challenger should emerge that can dominate it and challenge US global pre-eminence.
Sep 22, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
When I was young I got possess with crop circle, would spend hour looking at them, reading book but I forget many things and this revive so many memories, I show some archive of special examples and explanation The Jubilee Plantation, 2011

This was large, about 300 ft with 3 concentric part, central, middle and outer, with different structure, very complex elaborate design
The central pattern is inside a ten pointed star, containing a penteract inside