Nona Willis Aronowitz Profile picture
sex + love @teenvogue • BAD SEX for @plumebooks coming aug 2022 • other words @nytimes @thecut @ellemagazine etc • @fsp_nwu member • nona200 at gmail
Jan 28, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
So, I had an abortion the other day. Among other things, my experience made me realize just how supremely fucked up these fetal heartbeat bills really are. I meticulously chart my cycles, so I knew I was pregnant right away. At 4.5 weeks I went to my gyno and was told it was TOO early for an abortion—they couldn't yet see anything on the ultrasound.
Nov 28, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
The deepest saddest irony I’ve felt in a while is grappling with how much Amazon has made life easier for my disabled 85-year-old father, a former factory worker and union organizer... After working on the line in Hell’s Kitchen and Newark in the 50s, he traveled across the country organizing steel mills, textile mills, clothing workers. Once he got his PhD, he managed to get tenure at CUNY and build up a sweet pension...