noodle Profile picture
30 | she/her | pinch's literal wife | 18+ (minors dni) | check carrd for ao3, cc, & ko-fi banner by @__mikankan
kenma Profile picture Céli 🦊 still Atsu :) Profile picture 2 subscribed
Nov 24, 2021 47 tweets 9 min read
banter | sakuatsu, nsfw-ish

People don't seem to think that Kiyoomi is funny. Most people seem to take his off-color comments or abrupt rebuttals offensively. Misread him as mean, cruel, or even poorly socialized.

And that suits him just fine.+ Kiyoomi doesn't need everyone around him to get his jokes. His jokes are for him, and he thinks people who truly make jokes just for the benefit of others are hacks.

Atsumu is kind of a hack, even though Kiyoomi is probably the only one that finds him genuinely hilarious.+
Jun 28, 2021 30 tweets 8 min read
yeah but has anyone who has shit taste in music done this yet Image 1. discovered this month. an absolute bop.…
Jun 6, 2021 82 tweets 15 min read
for @vanellabean11 - enormous thanks for being patient while I handle irl things!

split || sakuatsu, bodyswap AU, nsfw

Atsumu loves Omi in the early morning. Well, he loves him all the time, but this Omi is his favorite. + Sleep softens all of Omi's edges. His mouth falls open in a soft oh and his body melts into the sheets, long limbs dangling from the blankets to cool off his overly-hot body in the night.

And he's just so amenable.

Atsumu shifts closer, folding the blankets back before tossing+
May 14, 2021 78 tweets 14 min read
for @atsumufkr - huge thanks for giving me such a cool, challenging prompt!!

foreplay | sakuatsu, college au, nsfw

"Oh, fuck."


Atsumu huffs and drops his phone on his chest, staring blankly at his small dorm television. Toad is racing ahead on the Rainbow Road.+ It's Omi's turn to play; usually they would play together, but after incident that cannot be mentioned involving Osamu, Suna, and too much sparkling wine, Atsumu is down to one controller.

"You remember tinder guy?"

Omi hums, eyes fixed on the TV. "Big dick or weird thumb?"+
May 12, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Osamu knocks on Atsumu's apartment door at nine in the morning on the only Saturday they've both had off in three months.

They'd had to coordinate to make it happen. It's like that when you're adults, but finally the day is here.

Pancake eating competition day, to be precise.+ He's lifting his hand to knock again when the door slowly creaks open. He arches a brow when Atsumu's head pokes through the doorway, one finger pressed over his lips.


If Osamu is reading Atsumu's face correctly (he is), Atsumu has fully entered fight-or-flight mode.+
May 7, 2021 68 tweets 13 min read
for @0SAMUTIDDIES who said "royal Omi and head of the guard Atsumu" - an banger. strap in, folks.

obey || sakuatsu, royalty AU, NSFW

The press would have a field day if they knew.

Kiyoomi sips his wine. It stings his tongue and the bitterness does nothing to improve his mood.+ He loathes nights like this, when there is no escape from his title or the people who worship him for it. He is surrounded by decadence. The sound of glass clinking and inane chatter makes his ears ache.

He is stuck in conversation with his eldest sister and her dearest friend.+
Apr 26, 2021 46 tweets 8 min read
Moment | sakuatsu, body-swap(ish), tw panic attack

Atsumu wakes before his alarm.

Their room is still completely dark. Their blankets are bundled around them in a warm cocoon, and in the night, as usual, Atsumu had wrapped himself around Omi's body. + He notices that Omi feels a bit thin. He reminds himself to stock up on the high-calorie bars Omi favors, to offer him on breaks at practice.

Then he notices that Omi's chest is hitching unevenly beneath his hands. He can hear his breath, wet and thick. So that's what woke him.+
Apr 24, 2021 52 tweets 9 min read
Fleeting | sakuatsu, body-swap(ish)

When Kiyoomi wakes up, Atsumu is not in bed beside him.

Well, technically he is. Technically the other person sprawled across their sheets is Atsumu. Just not the one that belongs to Kiyoomi. + The first clue that something is amiss is the bright sun leaking through their blinds. Kiyoomi doesn't have much of an internal clock, but he's used to waking to milky rays across the floor and Atsumu nuzzling his ear. Long arms draped around him and quiet morning greetings.+
Mar 31, 2021 42 tweets 8 min read
inspired by @bottomikun asking the "who climbs in the lap"

Virtue || sakuatsu, nsfw

It's their day off.

They haven't moved from the couch since slapping together a lazy lunch. The television is humming in the background. Two minutes ago, Atsumu leaned over to kiss him.+ It's slow and soft. Atsumu tastes clean, like the matcha sherbert they'd shared for dessert. Kiyoomi’s hand is curled against his shoulder and both of Atsumu's hands are framing his face, finger massaging gently into his scalp.

It's been two minutes and nothing has happened.+
Mar 31, 2021 56 tweets 10 min read
for sweet @hamaiasa

Bad Taste || sakuatsu, nsfw, foodplay

Kiyoomi should have known that Atsumu was up to something when he left weight training an hour early.

But when he walks into their bedroom, this was the last thing he had expected to see. + Their linens have been stripped and replaced with decadent red sheets Kiyoomi has never seen before. Their dimmer is set to low and there are candles burning on every surface. The scent is mild and crisp, the only kind Kiyoomi enjoys.

And in the middle of it all is Atsumu. +
Mar 28, 2021 32 tweets 6 min read
look || sakuatsu

When Atsumu wakes up, the bed is empty beside him. This is weird for several reasons.

For one, Omi never wakes up first. Ever. Getting him out of bed takes at least ten minutes of coaxing and usually bribery. + Second, according to their alarm clock, it's three in the morning.

Atsumu slaps the bed beside him and squints towards the bathroom. Omi isn’t really a night pisser, but who knows. There's no light escaping from beneath the door, though, and Atsumu forces himself upright. +
Mar 25, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
thinking about soft skts mornings. about atsumu waking up first, shuffling to the kitchen, turning a playlist on low while he waters their plants and starts breakfast. omi forgot to do the dishes before bed, but atsumu doesn't mind doing them now when everything is still fuzzy.+ omi doesn't join him until breakfast is nearly ready. his eyes are barely open and his lips are pursed like he tastes something sour.

he still greets atsumu with a soft kiss. he wraps him up in warm arms and mumbles, "hello, atsumu" against his ear with a sleepy slur. +
Mar 19, 2021 62 tweets 11 min read
for @dalla_nebbia aka THE SWEETEST

Exhibit D || sakuatsu, enemies to lovers, nsfw

Atsumu is a responsible person. How could he not be, when he's in his second year of law school in the most prestigious program in the country?+ Admittedly, he knows he doesn't seem very responsible at the moment, when Bokuto and Kuroo are gripping his knees and chanting, "Chug, chug, chug!" while his mouth is firmly attached to the nozzle of the keg he's currently upside down on top of.

But he is.+
Mar 11, 2021 31 tweets 6 min read
edible arrangement || sakuatsu, tw weed

Atsumu has convinced Omi to get high exactly one time before.

Not like, convinced him in the gross peer pressure way. Convinced in the "I legitimately think you would like it so much, if you ever want to try it, I will answer any and all+ questions and guide you through it, baby, if you ever want to" way.

And Omi had liked it, at the time. Atsumu had watched him slowly melt into their couch cushions fifteen minutes after Atsumu had gotten him to properly inhale. They'd spent the afternoon like that, in a hazy+
Mar 8, 2021 35 tweets 6 min read
bumper cars | sakuatsu, meet (again) cute

Atsumu doesn't mind doing his chores. He didn't mind when he was still living at home, and he doesn't mind now that he's a big boy with an apartment of his very own. + Dishes? No problem. Vacuuming? Sure thing. Dusting? He has few other opportunities to pretend he's a fancy French maid, so he'll take what he can get.

There isn't a chore that can't be made better by blasting music and sliding across the floor in his socks. +
Mar 8, 2021 23 tweets 2 min read
let's gooo. 🔥 Image 1. nine complete, and a record high number of wips (seven)
Feb 28, 2021 112 tweets 19 min read
multifaceted | sakuatsu, nsfw-ish

Joining MSBY has severely effected Kiyoomi's sex life. The problem is multifaceted.

Problem one: the life of a professional athlete does not lend itself well to free time or opportunity. + College had been... lucrative, for Kiyoomi. There had been no shortage of potential partners, from curious teammates to doe-eyed art students fascinated by his "musculature." Kiyoomi assumes this was a code word for his cock, based on the usual results.

But the pro-circuit has+
Feb 23, 2021 28 tweets 5 min read
clean and tidy // sakuatsu, hurt/comfort

Kiyoomi is exhausted. He has been exhausted for the last week. Today's exhaustion stems from visits to several doctors scattered across Osaka, who had all said the exact same thing.

"It's just a simple fracture, Sakusa-san." + No one had offered any miracle cure that would shorten his recovery time from six weeks to, preferably, tomorrow. Kiyoomi hadn't expected them to, but he believed in doing his due diligence.

Six weeks without his right arm. No practice, no lifting, no dexterity training. +
Feb 20, 2021 81 tweets 15 min read
grinder hook up // osamei, est. sunaosa // NSFW

It was Suna's idea.

"Baby," he said, "I don't have time to come home, but you deserve to get fucked. So why don't you do something about that while you're with 'Tsumu in Osaka?" + Osamu scoffed it off, at first. Suna just smirked across their video chat and said, "Just tell me about it after, mmkay?"

It's not until he's sitting alone in Atsumu's apartment that he actually thinks - maybe. Maybe it wasn't that crazy. It had been almost a month since Suna +
Feb 18, 2021 41 tweets 7 min read
sakuatsu, kiyoomi's hair // nsfw-ish?

The first time Omi blows him, nearly a month into dating, the very first thing Atsumu does when he can see straight again is laugh.

Omi, who has his cheek pillowed against one of Atsumu's thighs, stares at him, unamused. "What?" "Sorry, Omi, it's just-" Atsumu snorts. "It's just yer hair is-"

Omi lifts a hand to touch his hair, brows furrowing together. At some point under Atsumu's touch, his curls had transformed into a cloud of frizz, somehow both voluminous and flat. Omi's expression morphs into-
Feb 10, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
gas station romance, sakuatsu //

atsumu has a favorite gas station. not for the ambience or the snack selection or because it always has his preferred brand of cigarettes, but because of the night shift teller with the long legs.

"Pack a camels," he says the first night, and- -squints to read the teller's name tag. "Menthol please, Kiyoomi-kun."

Kiyoomi slides off of his stool to retrieve the pack and returns. As he rings it up, Atsumu says, "Ki-yo-omi. Kiiiyoooomi." He leans against the counter with his best grin. "Bit of a mouthful, ain't it?"