Yoav Litvin Profile picture
Writer and photographer | anti racist | PhD in Neuroscience |“Straight, No Chaser”
D. Des Chene Profile picture David O'Brien Profile picture A Thinker Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture Palestinian Refugee 𓂆 🍉✌🏽 Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jun 28 23 tweets 6 min read
Liberal Zionists - Gatekeepers of genocide.

A thread 🧵

Israel’s ongoing genocide is part of a downward spiral for the Zionist project. 1/ 2/ Yet Zionism’s long-standing settler goals have not only thrived through genocidal aggression masked as “self-defence” with subsequent land grabs as obscene rewards for its adherents but also via its “liberal” flank serving a crucial propaganda role,

Jun 22 8 tweets 3 min read
On the fallacy of a "Jewish and Democratic" state as a core tenet of Zionist propaganda.

A short thread 🧵 1/

Zionism has been a white supremacist settler movement since its inception. 2/ Zionists coopted aspects of Judaism and Liberalism, repackaging them as appeals to identities and propaganda tools to bolster colonial expansion.

Jun 20 7 tweets 2 min read
On "pathologizing" genocidal displays.

A thread 🧵1/

War and mass killing (genocide) are not inherent to human nature; archaeological findings indicate these behaviors emerged with the onset of imperialism. 2/ Humans are a social species, and anti-social behavior has typically been viewed as a symptom of psychopathology.

Though traditionally considered maladaptive, anti-social behaviors (eg bullying) have been reevaluated by researchers like Anthony Volk.

Jun 5 6 tweets 2 min read
Standing Together (@omdimbeyachad) has initiated a “Humanitarian Guard” in Jerusalem to protect Palestinians from aggressive settlers, predominantly from the West Bank, who aim to intimidate, lynch, or destroy businesses in cowardly acts of bullying.

A short thread 🧵1/ 2/ While it is undeniably brave to stand against such violence, Standing Together fails to identify and denounce Zionism, the root cause of the issue. Without addressing Zionism, their efforts remain relatively insignificant compared to the oppressive violence perpetrated by IOF
Jun 4 10 tweets 3 min read
On the Netanyahus and antisemitism

A short thread 🧵1/ Image 2/ The contemporary Zionist collusion with antisemites and fascists runs deep and is orchestrated by those at the very top. In fact, Zionists and the current Netanyahu regime are some of the foremost contributors to antisemitism and fascism worldwide.
May 14 13 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday marked Israeli Independence Day, an important milestone in the Israeli psyche and an incomparable tool for Zionist/ white supremacist genocide-for-land-grab.

A thread 🧵 1/ 2/ Political, religious, military and economic elites easily manipulate behavioral manifestations associated with fear and anxiety in a populace to gain support for their aggressive policies, distract from their own inadequacies and suppress dissent.
May 1 10 tweets 2 min read
On counter-revolutionary liberals.

A thread 🧵 1/

In addition to the collaboration between explicitly reactionary forces in the US and Israel, the continued oppression of marginalized communities hinges on the liberal bourgeois class, a group of people 2/ Martin Luther King Jr referred to as “white moderates” in his letter from Birmingham Jail. Preaching the necessity of reforms, yet serving to undermine leftist revolutionary agendas under the guise of “practicality”, these complicit moderates

Apr 28 8 tweets 2 min read
On social media as reinforcement for displays of dominance and aggression in Zionist genocide.

Lessons from chimpanzees.

(Inspired by the work of many primatologists and behaviorists)

A thread 🧵 1/ 2/ Researchers have observed what they often term “bizarre” patterns of violence in male chimpanzees, including the disturbing acts of killing infants, biting their heads, smashing them, and pulling bones out of them. Image
Apr 23 14 tweets 3 min read
University protesters at @Columbia @nyuniversity @MIT and other academic institutions are receiving the classic Zionist treatment, or as I call it -

The "Zionist one-two propaganda punch"

A thread 🧵1/ 2/ Zionist propaganda depends on the promulgation of two major fallacies. First, it ahistorically equates Zionism and Judaism as interconnected since biblical days, instead of correctly presenting Zionism as a modern European movement with Christian roots.
Apr 19 7 tweets 2 min read
My comrade Michael Jacobsen, a US veteran and member of @GazaFFlotilla:

“I am compelled to join this non-violent mission after witnessing Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and our government’s role in supporting that genocide.”

A thread 🧵 1/ Image 2/ “It is profoundly heartbreaking that so many of my fellow citizens are blinded by the ongoing use of extremely sophisticated media deceptions that fuel, the myth that, ‘the United States supports freedom and democracy around the world’ by fighting some undefined...
Apr 18 5 tweets 2 min read
'The Qatari newspaper "Al-Arabi Al-Jadid" reported today (Thursday) that the United States agreed to Israeli action in Rafah, in return for not carrying out a large-scale attack against Iran. According to the source, Israel plans to divide Rafah into districts, and to act

🧵 1/ 2/ in a targeted manner in a different area each time, which will cause the local residents to be pushed more and more towards Khan Yunis. The source stated that as part of Egypt's preparations for action,
Apr 10 12 tweets 3 min read
The liberal Zionist group @BtSIsrael functions to sanitise and revise the reactionary, settler-colonialist and white supremacist essence of the movement and obscure its motivations – expansionism and apartheid.

Disappointing to see them on @democracynow

A thread 🧵 1/ 2/ Duplicitously, BTS presents Zionism as compatible with democratic and progressive values and human rights, possessing a true desire for peace, justice and complete integration into the Middle East.
Mar 28 11 tweets 3 min read
On Zionists, fundamentalism and an alliance involving starvation of Palestinian people and red cows.

A thread 🧵 1/

Over time, secular Zionists have cultivated a symbiotic relationship with extremist cultoid fundamentalist groups, both Christian and Jewish. Image 2/ The arrangement has been straightforward: Zionists offer military protection, cover and a modicum of respectability for these extremist cultoids, their beliefs and actions within a so-called liberal state,
Mar 27 7 tweets 1 min read
The genocide in Gaza will be over sooner or later and the world will have to confront a new reality. Here’s where things can go.

A cautionary thread 🧵1/ 2/ Israel and the US have lost, meaning the decline of the “west” led by the US empire, Europe and the white man is inevitable and will accelerate.
Mar 21 15 tweets 3 min read
Short reality check (3/20/24): For the past 165 days, since Oct. 7th, 2023, the Palestinian people, particularly inhabitants of Gaza but also the West Bank, have been enduring a brutal Zionist campaign of murderous violence, annihilating tens of thousands of lives,

A 🧵 1/ 2/ leaving countless injured, without adequate medical care, starving, and unsafe from Israel’s US-supplied bombs, even within churches, mosques, schools and hospitals. According to reports from Al Jazeera, the numbers are staggering and mounting by the hour:
Feb 28 14 tweets 3 min read
The Zionist one-two propaganda punch. A thread in response to @NoahRFeldman's essay on "the new antisemitism"

🧵 1/

Zionist propaganda depends on the promulgation of two major fallacies. First, it ahistorically equates Zionism and Judaism... 2/ as interconnected since biblical days, instead of correctly presenting Zionism as a modern European movement with Christian roots. This false equation serves to foil resistance by regarding any criticism of Israeli policies towards Palestinians as an affront on all Jews,
Feb 16 16 tweets 3 min read
Short reality check (2/16/23):

For the past 132 days, since October 7th, 2023, the Palestinian people, particularly inhabitants of Gaza but also the West Bank, have been enduring a brutal Zionist campaign of murderous violence, annihilating tens of thousands of lives,

A 🧵 1/ 2/ leaving countless injured, without adequate medical care, starving, and unsafe from Israel’s US-supplied bombs, even within churches, mosques, schools and hospitals.

According to reports from Al Jazeera, the numbers are staggering and mounting by the hour:
Feb 13 7 tweets 2 min read
Brief survey of Israeli media in Hebrew

Every few days I scan Israeli media in Hebrew to see whether there is any kind of resistance. I always come back discouraged.

A thread 🧵1/ 2/ In general - Zionism is the consensus and only gaining strength. There’s no debate about the morality of this genocide. Quite the contrary - it’s heresy.
Feb 5 9 tweets 2 min read
It is crucial to remain vigilant against the reemergence of liberal Zionist narratives. If there's any progress to be had from the hell Palestinian people have been immersed in, it's the death of this pernicious propaganda.

A thread 🧵 1/ 2/ In contrast with the call for BDS and the failures of decades of negotiations, some insist that peace and justice can be achieved by means of dialogue and compromise between Palestinians and Zionists.

[Reupping this by @BDSmovement on @omdimbeyachad]

Jan 27 4 tweets 1 min read
In a special address for Holocaust Remembrance Day, Netanyahu:
(i) stresses Israel is a rogue state with no intention of upholding international standards;
(ii) regurgitates debunked atrocity propaganda about Oct 7 (babies, rape et al.);

1/ Image 2/ (iii) slanders South Africa, the UN and Hamas (“the new Nazis”);
(iv) says the primary lesson of the Holocaust is that “only we can defend ourselves.”;
(v) the IDF is the most moral army in the world;
(vi) the only solution is destruction of Hamas;
Jan 23 7 tweets 3 min read
Israel has broken nearly every taboo during this genocide. This will affect us all. They’ve targeted:

~ medical personnel and hospitals
~ children and schools
~ journalists and media
~ citizens and residential neighborhoods
~ houses of worship

Is there anything sacred left?

~ the dead and cemeteries Image