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Sep 26 14 tweets 3 min read
Eric Adams is accused of:

1. Accepting illegal travel benefits (2015-2021):
- Multiple instances of free or heavily discounted business class flights on Turkish Airlines
- Free or discounted luxury hotel stays in Turkey and other countries
- Free meals, transportation, and entertainment in Turkey 2. Soliciting and accepting illegal campaign contributions (2018-2023):
- Accepting straw donations from Turkish businesspeople and their employees
- Soliciting and accepting contributions from foreign nationals
- Orchestrating schemes to funnel foreign money through U.S.-based straw donors
Sep 19 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: GOP candidate Mark Robinson, who’s spent his political career spewing hate against the LGBT community, has been exposed by a bombshell report from CNN in which he said he enjoyed watching transgender porn. “It takes the man out while leaving the man in”, he said Image Robinson also stated on this online forum how aroused he gets recalling the memory of peeping on teenage girls Image
Sep 15 13 tweets 4 min read
JD Vance lied today when he claimed the Trump administration didn't try to destroy the ACA.

Here are the receipts: Repealing the Individual Mandate
2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Elimination of the ACA’s individual mandate penalty in 2017, which required people to have health insurance or face a financial penalty. While the mandate itself wasn't repealed, the penalty was reduced to $0, effectively removing its enforcement. The individual mandate was a cornerstone of the ACA to ensure broad participation in the insurance markets.
Sep 14 14 tweets 5 min read
Let's talk about Breonna Taylor's MURDER. Okay, so this crusty dusty ass mayo demon Joshua Jaynes LIED in the application for the warrant to get into Breonna's home by claiming her ex-boyfriend got his mail there. He said he verified this with the USPS but instead he was told this by another fellow officer who also LIED
Jul 6 14 tweets 3 min read
Molly, A woman in West Virginia, laid in bed with her two sons Delmer (3) and Justin (5). She read them a bedtime story, they fell asleep, then decided to take their dog for a walk. While out she visited her parents who happen to live directly across the street. Her husband was asleep in their bedroom when the room filling up with smoke woke him up. Their house was on fire, and he couldn’t get to the boys’ room because he couldn’t see. Then he tried to get out of the house but couldn’t. The door wouldn’t open.
Jun 26 6 tweets 2 min read
A white couple from rural West Virginia adopted Black children and kept them in their barn to live as slaves. Image Police conducted a wellness check at the home and were shocked to discover two of the couple’s five adopted children living in deplorable conditions, padlocked inside a ramshackle storage shed on the back of the property, which had no working lights or running water.
May 17 5 tweets 2 min read
JUST NOW: Marjorie Taylor Greene made a derogatory comment about Rep. Jasmine Crockett and "false eyelashes" during a House committee hearing.

Personal attacks against other members isn't allowed, so AOC requested a motion and asked for an apology which was blocked.

Rep. Crockett responded with:

“I’m just curious, just to better understand your ruling: If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blonde bad built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?”Image
Apr 30 14 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Things the Donald Trump administration did to destroy the environment: Executive Order 13783 (2017): This order, signed by President Trump, directed federal agencies to review and rescind or revise regulations that may "burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources." It specifically targeted Obama-era climate policies.
Apr 22 13 tweets 3 min read
Black Americans are while voting overwhelmingly Democrat since the southern strategy, have always been ideologically more conservatives. But right now we are dealing with younger Black Americans, millennials and zoomers, being “red pilled” due to social media. There is evidence that younger Black Americans tend to hold more conservative views on certain social issues compared to their elders. For example, surveys have found that Black Millennials are more likely to oppose abortion and same-sex marriage than older Black generations.
Apr 10 11 tweets 1 min read
Ten industries that are desperate for workers, a thread: 1. Healthcare: Nurses, physicians, medical assistants, and home health aides are expected to remain in high demand due to an aging population and increased healthcare needs.
Apr 2 31 tweets 5 min read
Matthew Boynton went to have dinner with a colleague at Waffle House. He received a text from his wife Jessica that said “I can’t do this anymore. Take care of the children. Please tell them I love them everyday. I have been suffering for a while now and no one has noticed... ... I have not been able to recognize the person I see in the mirror. This is not the 1st time I've had suicide thoughts. I love you & the boys.”

Matthew called EMS & asked them to go to the house because he was afraid for what Jessica may have done to herself or their children
Feb 23 10 tweets 2 min read
This girl was receiving stalking letters in the mail for years going back to her being a teenager. Anonymous letters with images of porn.

At some point she found out that they were coming from a boy she had a crush on at school, but... ..that didn't make sense when she thought about it because the letters began before she ever even knew him. He was a foreign exchange student and wasn’t even in the country when she got the first letter.
Feb 7 18 tweets 5 min read
Rosewood, Florida was a thriving town with a bustling economy. The population was 95% black and most of its residents owned their owned homes and businesses.

That was until a married white woman had sex with a man who wasn’t her husband, and told the town it was a “nigger”. #BHM Image Fannie Taylor — the white woman — lived in Sumner. A white town that was a few miles from Rosewood. In Gainesville — which was 48 miles away — the Klan was holding its biggest rally ever in that city. 500 people attended.
Feb 3 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s very interesting that when you break down the white woman vote, there is a vast difference based on who’s married and who’s single.

Imagine being that weak-minded that you just go along with what your husband wants you do. Image Also, note that conservative women feel the least connected to other women while the reverse is true for liberal women Image
Feb 2 11 tweets 3 min read
Seneca Village was a settlement of mostly black landowners in NYC. It was a refuge for newly freed slaves. There were churches, schools, & the homeownership rate was 39x higher than the city avg. It was destroyed to create what is now known as Central Park. #BlackHistoryMonth Image Seneca Village spanned 82nd to 87th Streets along the western edge of Central Park

The community was said to have had connections to the Underground Railroad with abolitionist Albro Lyons owning property and living in the village Image
Jan 31 4 tweets 2 min read
Levittown, PA man Justin Mohn killed his father Michael Mohn, a federal employee, and then displayed his severed head online in a 14 min YouTube video that remained up for hours before being removed. In the video he calls for other militia members to execute all federal employees Image Mohn, leader of what he calls “Mohn’s Militia” declared an online revolt against the "Biden regime" and the "army of illegal immigrants"…
Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In an interview with The Atlantic, Democratic Presidential candidate @deanbphillips says he's "heard from others" that @KamalaHarris "doesn't have the right disposition to execute the office of the Presidency", should she need to.

He continues "it's pretty clear she's not somebody people have faith in."

I would like to remind Congressman Phillips, whom no one can explain why he's running for President, that
@KamalaHarris has high approval ratings from Blacks, Hispanics, and voters under 30 — demographics Biden is weaker in heading into 2024.

Additionally 11% of voters who say they’d back a hypothetical Kamala Harris Presidency are not currently supporting Biden in 2024, meaning she is a valuable asset to the ticket, especially for young voters of color.

via @latimes
Oct 29, 2023 33 tweets 8 min read
Gather around y'all cause I've got a good true crime story to tell you, and buckle up because this shit is a doozy. And I guarantee you won't expect the twists and turns this story takes. Jennifer and Jamie were a happy couple living in the Dallas area, on a beautiful suburban street where all the neighbors knew each other and had a loving neighborly Christian community. The type of place where you can go next door and ask to borrow a cup of sugar. Image
Jun 26, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
Josh Duggar police report /1


Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Ajike Owens’ children were playing in a field near an apartment complex when a white woman yelled racial slurs at them and said to get off her land.

The children left behind an iPad which she stole. When one of the children came back to retrieve it she threw it at him and hit…… ImageImage Ocala, Florida police say it’s “not clear” if the tablet was thrown at the child or if the unidentified white woman just threw it and it happened to hit them. They say they are trying to determine if the shooting was justified under “Stand Your Ground”.

To be clear: she has not……
Jun 4, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
I just started the Duggar documentary and they said the Mom got pregnant with their second child while on birth control but the pill caused her to have a miscarriage. So she got on her knees and begged God for forgiveness and they were "blessed" with twins Why do they make the girls dress like they're extras from M. Night Shyamalan's The Village?