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Human Capital Enjoyer; The frontier of anything and everything There is no conservation of misery!
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Feb 17 31 tweets 8 min read
McNamara’s Folly and The Denial of Individual Differences 🧵

The utmost importance of Intelligence in war, and the grim reality of what happened when the Military drafted over 300,000 low IQ men. Image Robert McNamara, the eighth Secretary of Defense, was a genius.

At different points in his life was an Eagle Scout, the youngest and most highly paid assistant professor at Harvard Business School, and a president at Ford Motor Company. Image
Jan 21 13 tweets 4 min read
Taleb / Carr have an erroneous 'insight' over the nonlinearity of IQ along with a conceptual misunderstanding.

On linear and non-linear IQ relationships 🧵 Image Here's the interaction, the premise is that :
a) There exists some (unspecified) degree of nonlinearity
b) This is somehow a 'devasting' critique of IQ Image
Jan 4 13 tweets 3 min read
About the paper behind this figure: The moral circle

🧵 Image The paper is from Nature, entitled "Ideological differences in the expanse of the moral circle" by Waytz et al. They combined a few different surveys to produce this study.
Dec 23, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Mackenzie Scott plans to donate her and Bezos' $36 billion divorce settlement. She has given over $2 billion this year. An update on what exactly she funds🧵

First, her most well-funded focus has been on racial causes (and prev. years at ~$5 billion). In fact, over half of the recipients have a racial focus.Image Here's the picture for all years:

It's quite similar despite most of the recipients being new orgs she has not donated to before. Her mission is clearly similar through time. Image
May 19, 2024 60 tweets 16 min read
The Chinese Communist Revolution consolidated its power by taking land from the elite. In the following generation, the previous elite once again reclaimed their social advantage.

This is not an isolated phenomenon: A Thread on the persistence of status 🧵 Image The Cultural Revolution is one of the most extreme efforts of wealth equalization in all of human history, over 43% of all land assets were transferred to others. The goal was explicit: to eliminate income and wealth differences between the rich and poor in perpetuity. Image
Apr 14, 2024 26 tweets 7 min read
Vision is expensive. One bit of information in a photo receptor costs 100x to 1000x more energy than in a synapse.

This adds up to ~4% of the entire body's energy budget.

A Story of Energy, Information, and Evolution (Thread 🧵) Image This is the base reality: The number of ATP molecules used to power transmission is much greater in photoreceptors and LMCs (A type of photocell in flies) than for a regular synapse.

In doing so each photoreceptor can make use of about 10^6 photons per second! Image
Apr 8, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
People with better childhood health are more Conservative; those with the best health were 16 percentage points more likely to be conservative than those with the worst.

This study also measured other attributes, academics.... Image Academics had the opposite effect in the attribute pathway model, with Adolescent Vigor being most strongly associated with conservatism and academics being most strongly associated with liberalism. Image
Mar 20, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Mackenzie Scott has donated over 17.3 billion dollars of her and Bezos' divorce settlement. She just released a 2024 update.

So, where is the money going?

Top focus area: Race and ethnicity (39%)
Bottom focus area: Art (1-2%)

Here's the giving by focus area:

Thread 🧵 Image First, she got her wealth in early 2019 after her and Bezos' divorce. The value fluctuates with the stock price of Amazon, she, even now is worth more than 30 billion. (Forbes) Image
Feb 27, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
This is the SEED school, a 100% Black public boarding school in DC.

These disadvantaged students here enjoy a rigorous study schedule and a spending per student of 63000$ per year, comparable to some of the best schools in the country.

So, how and what do they do? Thread🧵Image First SEED takes its unique place as being the first school of its kind, SEED was chartered almost 30 years ago and has been serving mostly Black kids in Washington DC.
Feb 11, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read
It's difficult to compare the ability of a high schooler and a grade-schooler. Fortunately, the NWEA, a massive testing non-profit allows for fair comparisons between students of all ages.

Here are each grade's Math scores:

A thread on student ability and growth 🧵Image Here are the distributions for Reading scores:

As you can see, there is slightly less reading growth overall, this is true for all grades. Image
Jan 13, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Some dog breeds are smarter than others!

This data was compiled from a battery of dog-tailored cognitive tasks such as self-control, communication, and memory.

Let’s take a look at the genetic and evolutionary basis of dog intelligence 🧵 Image Smaller dogs have smaller brains; weight and brain size correlate very well.

Brain size and intelligence correlate at r=0.45. Correcting for measurement error and averaging among breeds we can infer a correlation of nearly 0.65. Image