Steve T Profile picture
Choose wisely. Love freely. Travel... safely. Living with Weltschmerz. Holding on and holding out. Maybe Kepler-452 b is having a better time than us. 🔴⚪🍉😷🧂
Oct 9, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
🧵Zimi Air 支米空气 (@zhouliang_mask) Respirator write up 😷

Disclaimers: Not a review but personal thoughts & observations after some exploration. I do not have access to a PortaCount. Not affiliated with Zimi Air.

*Photos are from Zimi Air website & my phone camera.

1/20 Photo of a Zimi Air ZM8210 KN95 white respirator So when I first heard of Zimi Air, I took a closer look and got pretty interested because there was so much information and data available on the respirator type.

Little did I know that I was about to embark on a full-on journey with fit customisation and flexibility!

Jun 25, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
"Surely they will tell us if things are this bad?"

Who are "They"?

The ones who knew it was airborne in 2020 but didn't tell us?

The ones who knew it was airborne and installed upgraded air filtration and ventilation for themselves but not us?

The ones who gave us magical unicorn thinking that wearing a mask to your indoor restaurant is good but you may remove it for eating and drinking?

The ones who told us to vax & relax? Then removed access to the vaccinations?

Jun 12, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵OmniMask write-up. Disclaimer - not a review but personal thoughts & observations based on a few wears. And I am not affiliated with them either.

*Photos are from Omnimask website.

1/12 Photo of an Omnimask elastomeric respirator. Version 1.0 ✅Comfort: Very comfortable. The silicone seal is great. Halo top strap keeps the balance well. Lightweight for sure.
✅Anti-fog: The clear face panel doesn't fog up at all. You won't have to worry about fogging up your eyewear unless the fit & seal is not right for you.

May 15, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵We can be our own worst enemies. It has been mentioned a few times that engineers will be the main ones who will drag us out of this sh*tshow of a timeline by providing innovative solutions. Much like history has shown. Nukit has proved to be one of the most innovative.

1/11 Once more for the people at the back, the era of clean air will have to arrive.

Air filtration - Quality Respirators
Air filtration - Efficient Air purifiers
Measurements - Understanding IAQ
Ventilation - Natural and Mechanical
Air disinfection - UVC or Far UVC

Mar 25, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I suppose it's time to share this story, because it's been about a year. An old friend of mine, who I've known since we were 13, was one of the first few who received my information document about SARS-CoV-2. He's a really nice guy and has had a lot of patience for me.

He was one of the very, very few who responded well to the information. At that point in time, his kid caught it once and his wife, the same. He managed to avoid it, somehow.

He asked all the right questions re. air purifiers, ventilation guidance and LC issues.

Mar 12, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Definitions - A Thread of painful reality 🧵

Choosing to normalise sickness and illness is illogical. Long term health and financial health is negatively impacted.

Choosing short term gratification over long term benefits is foolhardy. Especially when you pay actual money at both ends. You pay up front for the constructed pleasure, and you pay for medical fees, medicine and hospitalisation when you're older.

Feb 6, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
🧵 A breakdown on an article published today, 6 Feb 2024, that addresses all the important points of the ongoing Kovyd Panini (for algorithm's sake).

H/T to @kadamssl for posting the article.

1/24… 1) Upfront and centre in the title of the article and lead-in: It's not f*cking over!

"Rampant COVID Poses New Challenges in the Fifth Year of the Pandemic"

“We’re still in a pandemic,” says a lead COVID official with the WHO.

I like this. A lot.

Aug 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Rational fear versus Irrational fear. A supportive 🧵

I was walking into town on Wednesday, with a FFP3 respirator on my face, for a few errands.

A tall, lanky male tourist crossed the path ahead of me and fake coughed, AFTER passing my direct line of sight.

Note: AFTER.

1/14 Bullies are cowards. Let's break this particular scenario down:

I'm minding my own business, I harm no one's physical health with my respirator on. In fact, I am helping to protect other's physical health by not contributing to aerosol transmission, in an ongoing pandemic.

Jul 17, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
🧵Being SARS-CoV-2 safe with people outside your home is absolutely 100% doable. It's all about mutual respect and understanding. A nice thread for our Monday morning. Context: There was an opportunity to acquire a booster outside the absolute shit show of a jurisdiction that is the UK / Crown Dependencies. And as you may have guessed, I grabbed this opportunity with both hands!
Jun 12, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
Right! SARS-CoV-2 precaution / safety recommendations for air & other applicable travel. A thread 🧵

Disclaimer: this list is non-exhaustive and always updateable. Unfortunately I'm not a blue tick so I can't edit whenever!

Thanks to all in the community who have inspired this. 1) Respirators - N95 / FFP3 or Elastomeric are the best options. Given that it's one-way masking almost everywhere, FFP2s do NOT really do much during the high risk environments of airports nor flights (taxi and take off).

Remember that FIT is of paramount importance.