Nathan Taylor Profile picture
My substack is about tech trends and the near future. Here on twitter I mostly tweet links about science, tech, econ. Mostly.
May 30, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
"less than 14% of the variance in SAT scores can be explained by SES in two massive and representative samples"

"Stop saying that the SAT is an income test. It is not."… "The predictive effectiveness of the SAT is inconvenient for liberals who hate the test, but it is about as empirically well-justified as a claim about education can be, so they try to dissemble their way around it."
Apr 7, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Decent write up of the Fermilab Muon g-2 results. Which are intriguing.

But the highlighted sentence is exactly backwards. The standard model doesn't leave deep questions open, rather it has answered (nearly) everything. Making new theories unneeded.… I mean, I get the intent. There are open issues with understanding dark matter, dark energy, and quantizing gravity.

But the reason the standard model is so hard to overturn is despite looking hard for things not predicted, and they haven't been found.

So maybe. But we'll see.