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Generational Curse Breaker🪄ChatGPT Cult Leader🛸 Psychology➤https://t.co/sfzH53PYaG Patreon➤https://t.co/xyzygUEgeY
Jun 25, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Did y’all know you can vent to ChatGPT and ask it to respond to you as if it’s your best friend that’s angry on your behalf? Try it out lol it’s very validating One complaint that I often get from empathetic people, black sheeps of the family, etc is that they don’t talk/vent to people because the people around them just seem to give them a blank stare. Nobody gets angry on their behalf. Nobody gives them compassion. So they shut down because of feeling invalidated and just let their negative thoughts fester. So I tested out this specific prompt to combat that and it seems to really work.

It validates your feelings and experiences. + It confirms that your reaction to the situation is appropriate and justified, helping to reduce any self-doubt or feelings of overreacting which helps regulate/soothe your nervous system. Try it out (1st pic is the prompt input and 2nd pic is ChatGPT’s reply)Image
Apr 30, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
A lot of people don’t know that their toxic mother is the very reason they’re struggling financially and have a hard time manifesting. Mother wounds cause money blockages (psychologically and energetically). I’ll explain more in the thread🧵 By now, most of us know about attachment styles (the way you attach and behave in relationships). But did you know that knowing someone’s attachment style can help predict their finances and their level of happiness?

✨People with secure attachment style tend to have high income and high happiness.

✨People with dismissive avoidant attachment style tend to have high income and low happiness.

✨People with anxious preoccupied attachment style tend to have low income and low happiness.Image
Apr 25, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
How to break an energy cord between you and someone you no longer want to be connected to🧵

1. Starve the energy cord. That means to stop all interaction with this person. No checking their social media, no answering their calls, no talking about them (unless you’re in therapy or venting to a trusted friend to release the energy. Just don’t do it too often). Shift your focus completely away from them by pouring into yourself. That means setting new goals, practicing self care, + engaging with activities that fulfill you emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. You may even need to go on a social media break so you don’t see things that consistently remind you of the person 2. Cord cutting. You can physically do a cord cutting ritual (I’ll leave a link on how I do it at the end of this thread) or you can do a cord cutting meditation. Cord cutting meditations involve visualizing the cord that ties you to the other person, then imagining a sharp object like a knife or scissors cutting the cord. As you cut the cord, envision it dissolving completely and your energy returning to you. This method helps release the emotional ties and is often followed by imagining a light surrounding you for protection and healing. You can look up these cord cutting meditations on YouTube and find one that resonates with you
Apr 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
So today I learned that when you’re trying to live a happier life, you should focus on building serotonin, then oxytocin, THEN dopamine. People go straight to dopamine for happiness and get addicted to it which causes them to do reckless impulsive things and ruins their life How to increase serotonin: Image
Dec 27, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
If you’re writing out your goal list for 2024, I recommend looking at your moon sign in your birth chart. It’ll tell you what you need to make you feel genuinely happy and fulfilled so you can set your goals accordingly💜 Here’s a thread🧵 Starting with Pisces moon of course (because it’s my moon sign) lol♓️💕 Image
Dec 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
When you get out of a toxic relationship, people think it should be easy to move on. They think “if your ex treated you badly, that should make it easy to detach from them.” But that’s not the case. Toxic relationships cause trauma bonds and trauma bonds make you cling to the person. The worse they treat you, the tighter you hold onto them And if they end up abandoning/rejecting you in the end and refusing to give you any closure, that can actually strengthen the trauma bond. So now you’re stuck obsessing over this toxic ex while they move on with their life as if nothing happened
Oct 25, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
Wanna know how to get somebody obsessed and addicted to you?

Step 1) Choose somebody who already clearly has some issues with self esteem/ self worth and potentially some childhood trauma. They may come off a bit more clingy but also they’ll be far more emotional and understanding than most people. They may also have an issue setting boundaries

2) Show interest in them. Not just regular interest, go completely over the top and overdo it. Promise them an amazing future. Describe it in detail. Shower them with compliments. Text them nonstop and make it clear they have your full attention. The average person will pull away from you when you do this because it’s too much, but not this person. Because remember, they already have issues with self worth. So you doing this will make them feel loved and special. They might be a bit uncomfortable at time but they’ll brush it off and they won’t set any boundaries so you can keep this up for awhile

3) When you can clearly tell they’re extremely emotionally invested, start to pull back. “Forget” to text them good morning even though you’ve been doing it every morning for weeks (or even months). Slowly but surely start to pull back even more. Go a full day without texting them. They’ll be texting you of course. Ignore the texts. When you do respond make an excuse that you were “busy”. If they question why you’ve been on social media all day but couldn’t reply to them, accuse them of being clingy and putting too much pressure on you. Tell them that because of them being overbearing, that now you have to take a few days to yourself and you won’t be speaking to them

(This is getting long, I’ll finish in the next tweet) 4) You’ve returned after a few days and hit them with a “hey” text. What you do next will depend on how deep you want their obsession to be. If you want them to be extremely obsessed, start showering them with over-the-top love again and repeat steps 1-3. If not, move on to step 5.

5) So you’ve hit them with the nonchalant “hey” text. They’re bothered by the fact that you haven’t talked in days but they won’t press the issue because they’re afraid you’ll disappear again. At this point their abandonment issues have kicked in so they’ll be working overtime to please you and get back in your good graces
Aug 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
There’s something in psychological called “Duper’s Delight.” When a narcissistic/abusive person thinks they successfully got away with fooling people, it brings them so much joy and satisfaction that they’ll start taunting their victims publicly by doing stuff like this For context, this is what his video was about. Disturbing
Mar 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
People do this thing where their insecurity gets triggered by someone. And they mistake that trigger as the person doing something wrong. Then proceed to bash that person. It’s a very roundabout way to avoid facing/healing themselves A person will see somebody with a “nice” body and their own body image issues will be triggered. The triggered part of them says “this makes me feel bad. I’m uncomfortable.” To alleviate that discomfort they choose to bash/demonize the person
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
We live in a very sick society. So trying to adhere to societal norms will make you (spiritually) sick Societal norm: the more money you have, the more valuable you are as a person

So people go out and relentlessly chase money. Even if it means destroying other people’s lives, they don’t care. A spiritual sickness
Mar 28, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
And if somebody did you wrong and you feel like they got away with it, it becomes very common to “hate watch” them on social media. Especially if you have what’s known as justice sensitivity Image For example, if you get cheated on then left for someone else, that could feel like the ultimate betrayal and injustice to you. Because while you’re at home crying and throwing up, they’re off happily in love with the next person. You can easily fall into “hate watching” them
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Ok so somebody needs to open a gym that’s specifically for content creators. OR existing gyms can set a designated time for when content creators are allowed to film and charge a (small) extra fee Just my Capricorn brain at work lol. I always see an opening in the market
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Yeah I can never be a parent because somebody stole my nephew’s Pokémon cards on the school bus and I’m sitting here crying over it. I’m more upset than he is😭 Like the thought of somebody trying to bully my nephew will really make me snap. I’ll be fighting somebody’s mother at the bus stop😭
Feb 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have alot to say about the way men are socialized I don’t like generalizing folks or putting them in a box so this ain’t that. It’s more like observations about society
Feb 14, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
So you wanna be a content creator/influencer/YouTuber but you’re afraid to start because of the constant cyber bullying and hate comments you see influencers get? Let’s break down how to get past that fear (thread) First we need to get into the mind of these cyber bullies (people who take part in cancel culture, people who relentlessly attack and harass people online, etc). The more you understand somebody’s mind, the easier it is to not be afraid of them
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I don’t think people understand how sinister/evil it really is when somebody dislikes you for no reason, so they try to paint you to be a bad person so they can feel justified in attacking you It’s evil because what they’re doing is lowering your protection. Abusive people target those who are most unprotected and vulnerable. So by painting you to be a bad person they know that nobody will step in to defend you and they can feel free to cause as much damage as possible
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Thinking about the time my twin flame astral projected into my room and woke me up out my sleep. We were long distance at the time. I still don’t understand how that’s even possible😭 I just felt somebody nudging me to wake up. So I open my eyes and his astral body is standing there smiling. Bitch I was fully awake at that point. Nearly jumped out of my skin😂
Jan 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Can not wait until the self righteous Puritan stage of the internet dies off. People who are constantly offended and always looking for the worst in everything/everyone are so draining and annoying to deal with And this stage is only lingering on this long because people are constantly dishing out apologies to these people even when they shouldn’t. Seriously enabling this unhinged behavior
Jan 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So wait…lmaoo. Y’all are demonizing Mikayla for lying about a product but welcoming with open arms somebody who screamed the N-Word on camera. I can not take the internet seriously This is why I tell people to never be afraid of getting “cancelled.” Look at how fickle these people are. They should never be given the moral high ground/ authority to demonize anybody for anything
Jan 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Or put BPD in the correct subcategory where it belongs Of all the things I’ve read the past few years, the piece of info that stood out most is that some psychologists want to put BPD under the PTSD umbrella. And that makes the most sense to me
Jan 23, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Girl breaks into her man’s house and writes “I love you” in her own blood on his walls because he was ignoring her calls

Me: that seems like a mental illness I’m familiar with that stems from extreme abandonment issues

Randoms online: omg stop demonizing mentally ill people The girlies be truly in denial😭
See I have to remind myself that I went through an intense shadow work period where I transmuted most of the shame surrounding my mental illness. A lot of people are still harboring that shame