nvpkp Profile picture
wallflower at the mmorpgy
Jan 9 18 tweets 4 min read
my dad had custody of me and my sister for the summers when we were kids. he took us to sam's where we would buy gusher's in bulk and for weeks we would stay awake until 3 a.m. littering the ground with wrappers and watching whatever movie came on tv. we didn't take vacations during these summers. he continued to work, and we squandered our time in the culture and food desert that is suburban-industrial tennessee.
Oct 27, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
life hack work in a restaurant bw the ages of 18 and 24

not a joke "i didn't get the typical college experience"

go work in a restaurant
Oct 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
women management thought leaders: don’t become a mommy manager!

women in management: been thinking about this lately and i’ve got a rough draft hypothesis for why this happens
Sep 11, 2022 83 tweets 13 min read
at some point in our life, after our journey from which we've returned a champion, after we've collected our brass trophies

after we buy the house in the country and win the jealousy of everyone we know

we will have to face that even here, there will be dishes alas, even in our superior state, the dishes will still need washing, the clothes kept off the floor, and the broom to make an appearance once in a while

but no one taught us these skills, so how do we do it?

well, it seems we want a pie. so let's create a universe.
Sep 10, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
i once imagined inspiration as a golden pearl gifted to me at birth, from which i could shave small slivers to create stories and ideas and drawings and poems

i feared taking from this inspiration too much. it would be gone soon and then who would i be, without my pearl? it’s true that taking from the pearl depletes it. if you look closely, you can see how some artists cling to their original vision until all they know how to do is rub the final shard though it has long since stopped giving.
Sep 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
if i taught a writing class, i would have the whole group write the same story. some basic story arc, nothing wild. mythically simple. to discourage attempts at creativity, i would tell them the punch line up front:

the lesson isn't find how different we can be, but how difficult it is for us to be the same (even when we're trying)
Sep 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
considering that maybe “luck” was an old word for intelligence. to describe the kind of person who knows how to swim with the currents of serendipity i learned a few years ago that the greek navy has a place on their forms for judging whether sailors are fit specifically for luck, and that an unlucky sailor would never go to sea
Aug 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
what is citizenship?

it's a pity that a word that could be otherwise so rich in social meaning instead has the texture of wood-stained fiberglass and miniature plastic flags when i imbue the word with the power to teach me something, i feel an interesting shift that creates the idea of a middle distance

the language we use to create the ideas of local and global maxima makes it seem like "middle" is a metaphor for lacking conviction, but, hmm
Aug 4, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
well, this turned out to be a provocative parable, that in my opinion shines a light on people's alignments regarding values and methods i have generally been of this opinion, that one's personal responsibility is to consider the appropriate season for where their attentions lie. sometimes its internal healing; sometimes it's outward influence.
Aug 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
i need a website to scroll during meetings that is not twitter ok, so here's my genius idea

it looks like twitter
and it scrolls like twitter

but it's not twitter 😎
Aug 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
using twitter has made me realize that the writing workshop model is way more broken than i realized, and i considered it quite broken already now this. this has legs.
Aug 3, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
a responsible user of software will discuss features and areas for improvements with sobriety so far i am loving the feature set and browser interaction proposals here, let's start there. i'm not sure if i'm a particular easy or difficult user to win over, but they've got me. let's say that to begin with.
Aug 2, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
soooooooo actually arc (by the browser company) is actually....... uh, pretty freaking delightful to use i imagine the reason for all this invite-walling is to encourage a critical mass of adoption before general release, bc i can see the other browsers incorporating a lot of these proposals into their designs
Aug 2, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
coming up on 2 years of taking skincare a bit more seriously, and my thesis is:

drink water, sleep well, de-stress, gently wash your face twice a day, keep it moisturized, add a few serums in there occasionally if you want to spice things up. that's it. my latest shift in skincare has probably been the most influential, being that instead of rigorously cleansing all sin from my pores and scrambling to reconstitute the lost oils, i replaced my facewash with something gentler and switched to occasional use of a chemical exfoliant
Jul 30, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
if i taught a writing class, the first story assignment(s) would require you to max out every meta and self-aware impulse you have as a storyteller. to really feel the scream of the engine there. this isn't *exactly* a demonstration but it was close. i was thinking about how everyone wants to wish for more wishes, but in my view being human is the state of having more wishes