Educator. Organizer. Engineer. Yalie. Blogger. Detroiter. Black. Imagining and creating a better world. He/Him
Mar 4, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Ok I'm giving myself 5 minutes to skim this police union contract and share high-level highlights
48 hour rule is still there: "The officer being interrogated shall be provided a copy(ies) of the statement/affidavit/complaint that serves as the basis for the complaint by the complainant at the time the 48-hour notice is given."
Mar 3, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Of course. Right before the budget talks which will be starting soon so we can't touch this huge pot of money.
Bet these won't change:
$30 mil for "Training Incentive Pay" on top of paid training
Police chief can skip the formal discipline process for "Supervisory Intervention"
So, #QueensGambit. We're starting off with congregate care, Black girls being the guides and caretakers in care, the smart (non-Black) girl being given busy work because the teacher doesn't know what to do with her, and the "brilliant, but crazy" woman trope w/ mom.
But I appreciate a little opening debauchery alongside the chess. That's more like the world I'm used to.
Jun 4, 2020 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
Spending some time with the City of Houston and HPD's budgets, policies, etc to look at where funding is being allocated for FY 2021 and came up with this visualization (shout out to the #DefundNYPD folks).
I looked at the FY21 budget as well as the combined actual budgets from FY14-19 and the numbers only differ slightly. HPD has an annual budget of about *$1 billion* divided up as shown here. With another 34M coming from Special Revenue Fund(s).
Jun 2, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
#BlackSolidarityDay is an example of a day of protest and we just observed the 50th anniversary in November. Using it, we can see some examples of where #BlackOutTuesday has gone wrong.
I'll be pulling mainly from this NYPL piece:…
It was strategically observed one day prior to Election Day. It was a call to "protest against the intensifying repression that threatens the very existence of black people in America"
You see the date was intentional, and the purpose was clear.
May 31, 2020 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
Many of y'all know I've been kinda tuned out of the specifics of what's going on. But I want to explain why this upsets me so much.
Earlier this month Adrian Medearis was killed by an HPD officer. Ac*vedo held a press conference before meeting with the family (see the tweet from the family). His tweets only talk about how he won't release anything publicly.