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सर्वेभ्यःकाशिसंस्थेभ्यो मोक्षभिक्षा प्रयच्छति। ब्राह्मण/Banarasi/ Biotech Engineer Turned C&IVBanker/ Economy/ Physics/ History buff/ Vedanta
Aug 3, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Each and every word is true.

In April 1796 Sikhs massacred thousands Gossains and Naga Sadhus in Kumbh Mela documented by Eye witnesses Captain Thomas Hardwicke who stayed at Hardwar from April 1 to 19, and saw the whole affair with his own eyes.

Image "Asi Hinduon nu bachaya si" has always been the hogwash. They kept the animosity against Hindus since their establishment of panth.

Raja Sahib Singh, Rae Singh, and Sher Singh were responsible for this massacre. The Raja was by nature vindictive and also suffered from

Jun 14, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Taking Strategic Partnership to new levels!

PM Shri Narendra Modi met
President Emmanuel Macron of France on the sidelines of the 50th #G7Summit in Apulia, Italy.

This is one such extraordinary relationship between the heads of states that has delivered more than


any in the last decade or in my lifetime. There is less talk and more substance here.

The two leaders discussed ways to further strengthen partnership including in areas of defence, nuclear, space, education, climate action, digital public infrastructure,

Apr 29, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
AstraZeneca reportedly admitted in court that their covid jab can induce a rare side effect.

The side effect is called vaccine induced immune Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome.
This is blood clots and low blood platelet count.

1/n Image We can argue .0054% change a rare side effect verse 45% death without a Covid vaccination

AstraZeneca has indeed acknowledged in court that their COVID-19 vaccine can cause a rare side effect known as Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS).

Apr 17, 2024 36 tweets 14 min read
श्रीरघुकुल भूषण राम

त्रेतायुगे भविष्यामि रामो भृगुकुलोद्वहः ।
क्षल चोत्सादयिष्यामि समृद्ध बलवाहनम् ॥
सन्ध्यांश समनुप्राप्त त्रेतायाः द्वापरस्य च ।
अहं दाशरथी रामो भविष्यामि जगत्पतिः ॥

त्रेता युग में महाराज महान् धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथ और महाभागा कौशल्या के पुण्य से संसार का

कल्याण करने के लिए स्वयं प्रभु श्रीनारायण ही श्रीराम के मंगलमय स्वरूप में आये।

विप्र धेनु सुर संत हित, लीन्ह मनुज अवतार। निज इच्छा निमित तनु, मायागुन गोपार ॥

मायातीत त्रिगुणातीत प्रभु जनकल्याण के लिए बैकुंठ वैभव त्याग करके धराधाम पर आ गए।

Apr 16, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
जब अपने कलुषित जीवन से मुक्ति और मोक्ष की लालसा में बाबा श्मशान नाथ की आराधना करते हुये अनादि चक्रपुष्करिणी तीर्थ मणिकर्णिका के महाश्मशान में जलती चिताओं बीच नाचती हैं नगरवधुएं यानी सेक्स वर्कर्स।

मुक्ति जन्म महि जानि ग्यान खान अघ हानि कर।
जहँ बस संभु भवानि सो कासी सेइअ कस न ॥

जहाँ श्री शिव-पार्वती बसते हैं, उस काशी को मुक्ति की जन्मभूमि, ज्ञान की खान और पापों का नाश करने वाली जानकर उसका सेवन क्यों न किया जाए?

काशी की भूमि पर मोक्ष साधना प्राप्ति में जाति, वर्ण इत्यादि का भी कोई भेद नहीं है। यहाँ तक कि पशु भी इसके अधिकारी हैं।

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Apr 16, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
श्वेते वृषे समरूढ़ा श्वेताम्बराधरा शुचिरू।
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेवप्रमोददा।।

'देवीभागवत' के प्रथम ही मन्त्र में भगवती के सगुण-निर्गुण दोनों ही रूपों का सङ्केत इस प्रकार मिलता है-
"सर्वचैतन्यरूपां तामायां विद्याञ्च धीमहि । बुद्धिं या नः प्रचोदयात"


अर्थात् वह भगवती सर्वचैतन्यरूपा अर्थात् सर्वात्मस्वरूपा है, सब का प्रत्यक्वैतन्य आत्मस्वरूप ब्रह्म वही है, वह स्वतः सर्वोपाघिनिरपेक्ष तथा अखण्ड बोधस्वरूप आत्मा ही है। ब्रह्मविषयक शुद्धसत्वान्तमुख वृत्ति पर प्रतिबिम्बित होकर वही अनादि ब्रह्मविद्या है।


Apr 14, 2024 24 tweets 5 min read
Mr @JhaSanjay you don't have an iota of knowledge about economics.
In 2004, India’s economy was about 37% the size of China.
By 2014, it was only 19%
India had a trade surplus + with China of $1.75 billion in 2004. -
By 2014, it had turned into a deficit of $38 billion!

+ All by the Grace of Manmohan and UPA India lagged behind 2.8X times of China.

Now Economics tells us that a small and stable inflation is healthy for a growing economy. History shows that in a choice between 2 evils, i.e. inflation and deflation ,

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Feb 3, 2024 43 tweets 12 min read
महादेव करे सो होई, महादेव करोति सब संभव।।

बम बम बोल रहा है काशी।

चिर निद्रा में सो रहे महादेव के पुत्र पंडित केदारनाथ व्यास को आज आंशिक संतुष्टि मिली होगी अपने सुपुत्र आदरणीय जितेंद्र व्यास जी को 30 वर्षों के बाद व्यास तहखाने में पूजन कर‌ देखते हुए जिनके

1/n वंशजों पूजनीय पंडित सोमनाथ व्यास सहित 150 वर्षों तक ज्ञानवापी की लड़ाई लड़ी और ध्वंस किये गये मंदिर पर बने मस्जिद के नीचे तहखाने पर जिसका मालिकाना हक रहा। 30 वर्षों के बाद आज अविमुक्तेश्वर एवं अप्सरेश्वर की सेवा उनके वंशजों द्वारा हो रही।

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Jan 17, 2024 17 tweets 8 min read
In that case The Mang people are the born enemies of the Mahars. This is from 1881 AD.
Yes, the same Mahar caste to which Ambedkar belonged. Mahar people used to exploit the Mang caste and used to torture them.

Ambedkaites often accuse the upper castes, mainly the Rajputs,
Image that the Rajputs do not allow them and their ancestors to ride on horses or mares, and do not allow their wedding processions to take place on mares.
Let us understand the reality of this story from where it begins.

Dec 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Spain has ejected two staff members from the United States embassy in Madrid, following allegations that they bribed Spanish intelligence officers in exchange for secrets.

Spanish Minister of Defense Margarita Robles,who oversees the CNI, summoned the U.S. ambassador to Spain,
+ Image Julissa Reynoso, to her office to explain what happened. Such actions are considered hostile and are not expected between two allies. The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, also spoke with Reynoso and expressed the Spanish government’s unease over the

Dec 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This faux Story Originated from a Mallayalee Painter Chitrakaran's blog

Now this Painter writes:
Translation-“Since devotion to Gods (bhakti) is becoming popular (he calls it as ‘madness’) in the society, thought that it is relevant to think about the breast size of
Image the brand name of bra and panties which she uses etc”

This painter also thinking of how many penises Lord vishnu and brahma had and writes
Translation:“Let me also reveal that Chitrakaran (addressing himself) has been thinking about how many penises and vaginas the gay God

Nov 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
तीर्णोऽहं कर्मपाशाद्धि कृच्छ्रात्प्रारब्धसंक्षयात् ।
संसारादपि तीर्णोहं काशीवासफलाश्रयः।।
(काशी रहस्य)

मैंनै कर्मपाश से छुटकारा पा ‌लिया है; क्योंकि मेरे प्रारब्ध का क्षय हो गया है। मैं संसार से भी पार हो गया हूं; क्योंकि मेरे पास काशीवास का फल है। काशीवास करने से समग्र

1/n Image कर्मपाशों से मुक्ति प्राप्त करता है।

काश्यां विदेहकैवल्यं भवतीति सुनिश्चितम् ।
काश्यां विदेहकैवल्यं प्राप्तेरूत्तरकर्मणाम् ।।
(छान्दोग्य उपनिषद्)
काशी में विदेह कैवल्य की प्राप्ति होती है, यह सुनिश्चित है मरणोत्तर कर्म होने के पश्चात् जीव को विदेह कैवल्य प्राप्त होता है।

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Oct 31, 2023 29 tweets 7 min read
Iron Man of India, #SardarPatel Merged 553 Kingdoms for United India & Created Republic of India. India will remain indebted and gratitude to the vision,diplomacy and pragmatic approach of #SardarVallabhbhaiPate,who annexed 562 princely states with Union of India
+ Image The princely state Hyderabad was brought under the Indian Union on 17Sep 1948, as Indian Army moved into Hyd in what was codenamed as 'Operation Polo'.

"One-Man Crusade Split India"
But, however the boundaries are drawn, there will be millions of Hindus in Pakistan and tens of
+ Image
Oct 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
A very few Indian Elite at the Top hold above 40% of the nation's wealth acc to Oxfam .

Since this is burdensome for them, they Transfer their excess savings via exports or Investments into Non Productive assets like Real estates and others

1/ntribuneindia.com/news/business/… Productive investments create jobs which will raise wages.

Why is this Important? In any economy there are only three sources of demand: domestic consumption, domestic investment, and the trade surplus . If a country has a very low domestic consumption share,
Sep 22, 2023 43 tweets 10 min read
Kashmir was an erstwhile princely state ruled by a Hindu Maharaja with majority of Muslim population

Hindu Dogra Maharaja Hari Singh inherited the vast state of Jammu Kashmir comprising of the Jammu Province, Jägirs of Poonch and Chenani, Province of Kashmir and
1/n Image Frontier Provinces of Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit. The credit of consolidating a vast territory and the founding of the state rests upon the vision of the warrior and statesman, Maharaja Gulab Singh, the great-grandfather of Maharaja Hari Singh.
Apr 25, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Was taxation rule the only driving factor of investing in international funds for Indian investors?
We recently saw Axis S&P 500 ETF Fund of Fund NFO being called off after the recent tax rule changes in the budget.

The behavior of investors seems to be indicating towards
+ Image no other benefit apart from tax. Additionally, some studies in the past have found that in periods of crisis, the correlation across markets increases, thereby challenging the whole premise of international diversification

But, the good news is that a recent study highlights
Apr 25, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणानाम् आलयं करुणालयम्।
नमामि भगवत्पादं शङ्करं लोकशङ्करम्॥
शङ्करं शङ्कराचार्यं केशवं बादरायणम्।
सूत्रभाष्य कृतौ वन्दे भगवन्तौ पुनः पुनः॥

भगवद्पाद श्रीमदाद्य शङ्कराचार्य जी महाभाग की 2530वीं जन्मजयन्ती की समस्त सनातनधर्मावलम्बियों को हार्दिक शुभेच्छा। 🙏🏻🚩
+ Image कुछ विभूतियां परम्परागत दृष्टी से चिन्हित रहते हुऐ भी विश्व आदर्श विश्व प्रेरणा और विश्व धरोहर बन जाती हैं। उनका व्यक्तित्व सीमाओं के पार चला जाता है। देश, काल, वस्तुकृत परिच्छेद से उत्तीर्ण उनकी किर्ती हो जाती है। आदि शंकराचार्य वस्तुत: वही व्यक्तित्व हैं जिन्हें सीमाओं में
Apr 24, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
The Indian railway stocks saw a sharp rise on Monday, with several scrips showing an upward movement of up to 10% Stocks of Ircon International Ltd, Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd RVNL, and Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd (IRFC) were among those that recorded significant gains.
+ ImageImage RVNL's shares rose by almost 11 percent to reach a high of ₹86.56 at 2:36 pm, hitting a record high of ₹87.50 on Monday. Ircon International's shares rose by 10.28 percent, reaching a day high of ₹69.65, and currently trading 6.57 percent higher at ₹67.30.
Apr 24, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
RBI In its weekly report, bank credit rose by 15.7% YoY in FY23, marking the highest growth since 2011-12 when it was 19.3% .
Accretion during the fortnight with FoF growth of 1.2% absolute accretion of INR 1.7 tn versus INR 1.3 tn in previous fortnight
+ ImageImage Additionally, bank deposits expanded by 9.58% YoY in FY23. This growth comes amid intense competition among banks, with many offering elevated interest rates on term money to attract more funds

Deposit saw strong fortnight addition with 2.3% FoF growth Vs average of
Apr 23, 2023 32 tweets 10 min read
"खउलल खून बहल नस-नस में देख के गुलामी,
त जवानी पाकल मोछिया पर आइल कुंवर के"

अस्सी बरस की हड्डी में जागा जोश पुराना था
सब कहते है कुँअर सिंह बड़ा वीर मर्दाना था।

जिस उम्र में लोग शैया तक से उठ नहीं पाते है,
उस उम्र में रजवाड़े, अपने भुजबल से रण रचाते थे।
+ Image 1857 के प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के महानायक, 80 वर्ष की आयु में अंग्रेजी शासन का नींव हिलाने वाले, बिहार की शान अमर स्वतंत्रता सेनानी बाबू वीर कुंवर सिंह जी को विजयोत्सव पर शुभकामनाएँ और उन्हें सादर नमन!

यूँ तो वीर भूमि 'हिन्दुस्तान' में सैंकड़ों राजपूत महानायक पैदा हुए,
+ Image
Apr 23, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
ICICI Bank Q4 Results: Posts Highest-Ever Quarterly Profit
Net profit jumps 30% YoY at Rs 9,122crore Amidst Growing Indian Economy
final dividend at Rs 8/share.
As a trader, Bank Nifty could give good move on Monday upside or can open gapup. But if BNF sustained above 42500,
+ Image Target could be Big in this week.

ICICI Bank has reported a 30% YoY increase in net profit, totalling ₹9,121.9 crores in the quarter ended March 2023.
Core Operating Profit (excluding treasury income) witnessed a growth of 28.1% to Rs.49,139 crore compared to Rs. 38,347 crore
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