Oded Leiba Profile picture
Oct 22, 2018 4 tweets 6 min read
@claudiorlandi @rbkhmrcr @AarhusUni @uclisec Abstract:
* QuisQuis provides both a relatively small state footprint with comparison to ever growing chains Zcash & Monero (similar to Bitcoin UTXO set)
* QuisQuis provides plausible deniability - a user can deny he's part of a tx (in contrast to Zcash, similar to Monero) @claudiorlandi @rbkhmrcr @AarhusUni @uclisec Proofs are reasonably computationally light (much lighter than Zcash's zk-SNARKs), and small in size (~13kb, still larger than Monero's post-bulletproofs which are 3.7kb).