Bhumika Ojha | Javascript Profile picture
👩‍💻 Front-End Lead at @ECHOIndiaTrust 👉 Follow me for threads, quizzes, and tips on all things JavaScript. 💥Let's level up our skills together!
Jan 29, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
In javascript, Spread operator allows to mention elements of the items such as array/strings/objects one by one at the required place

Spread behaves just like when we take out playing cards from the box & spread them to play


Check out the thread below to know more 👩‍🏫 Spread syntax can be used with

☝️elements that can be iterated/looped such as array or string

Note: the spread syntax loops through the object properties & add the key-value pairs to the new object
Jan 26, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
☝️The destructuring expression allows the extraction of properties from objects into distinct variables with the help of a minimum code

📌Check out the thread below to know more Image ☝️Destructure Syntax for objects
Note: ensure property name and variable name are same while destructuring an object Image