Jon Blair Profile picture
Writer/Comedian, voice of Jackson on @Peoplewatch_. Also occasionally @Wildcatsjokes @CBCBecauseNews @sextrex. I’m delightful.
Dec 2, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
Lex Luthor, a selfish billionaire oligarch who could easily feed the poor, will only do it if ONE immigrant can eat a way too big mountain of hot dogs by midnight. Superman can definitely eat that much hot dogs AND is also an immigrant so Lex is out to distract him all day (1/15) (2/15) Lex knows Superman HAS to stop and do whatever good deed he sees, so that how he decides to distract him. He blows out the tires of Smashmouth’s tour bus, so that Superman hears them playing sad music and has to pick the bus up and fly them to the waterpark their gig is at