Shugyosha. Paranoia principal, privacy developer. Programming language nerd. In a previous life, I was a JRuby core developer and language designer - he/him
Apr 11, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Today it is exactly 3 years since I was illegaly detained. 3 years since some government highups decided to corruptly use their power to kidnap me. 3 years since the police kept me from my lawyers for over 17 hours. 1/12
Since then, there have been delays at every stage. There have been violations at every stage. Everything has been a struggle. And to be honest, it is impossible to even describe how hard all of this is. 2/12
Apr 10, 2022 • 30 tweets • 5 min read
Tomorrow is 3 years since I was illegally detained here in Quito. This Friday, the prosecutors office effected an illegal raid on the offices of my organization. Inbetween, the government of Ecuador has committed hundreds of violations of my rights. 1/30
In this thread I would like to tell a little about what happened this Friday. Sadly, it's a pretty long and complicated story. The cliff notes: the government once again tried to attack me and my work, trying to scare us, and working to disrupt the trial against me. 2/30
Jan 24, 2022 • 69 tweets • 9 min read
Last week the trial against me finally started. We spent 3 days with prosecution witnesses, and then the trial was suspended indefinitely. In this thread I'll try to tell you all some of the things that happened. 1/69
But first, there were several observers at this hearing. I really appreciate all their support. If you read Spanish, ODJ has extremely good coverage from all these days, at @odjecuador. 2/69
Jul 16, 2021 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
In June 2019, a tribunal confirmed my Habeas Corpus request. This Habeas Corpus also confirmed that my detention, arrest, kidnapping by the Ecuadorean state had been illegal, unjustified and abusive in a number of ways. But the persecution of me still continues. 1/15
You might expect that after the Habeas Corpus, the government would be more careful about violating my rights, but the opposite is true. These violations keep happening, every single day, and we don't know when it will end. 2/15
Jul 1, 2021 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Yesterday we had the final part of the pre-trial against me. This should have happened in September 2019, but was delayed for a long time, with a range of excuses from the judge. The latest delay was over 6 months long, from the second part of the hearing until the final. 1/25
At the end of the previous part, the judge had heard all the arguments from both my defense and from the prosecution, and the goal was for the judge to come up with a resolution about whether to call me to trial, and whether to exclude any evidence from the trial. 2/25
Jul 1, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Yesterday, my lawyers presented an accusation of "process fraud" to the prosecutor of Pichincha. It took several hours to present the complaint - the prosecutors office did not want to accept the accusation when they realized it came from me. 1/6
The accusation itself shows extremely strong evidence that the penal process against me was started with documents that had been manipulated - making the whole penal process completely illegal (even more than it already was, based on all the rights violations). 2/6
Apr 23, 2021 • 53 tweets • 9 min read
Yesterday, after 7 (!) months, the first stage of the Habeas Data has finally concluded. In theory, we won - at least against CIES, the central intelligence service of Ecuador. In practice, the situation is a lot more complicated. Let me review in this thread what happened. 1/53
This all started in August 2020, when we submitted several official requests for information to different government agencies. Because of the extreme amounts of illegal surveillance against me, we wanted to find out who ordered it, who was doing it, and all data collected. 2/53
Apr 11, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Hard day today. It's been exactly two years since I was illegally detained and imprisoned. Two years of surveillance and harassment. Two years of over 150 rights violations. Two years of no justice. We are still waiting for the pretrial to even finish.
It's hard to think back on that day. The cops violated my rights in a number of ways. They hid me from my lawyers. They never told me what I was accussed of. They never informed my embassy. The same morning, the interior minister said they had plenty of evidence of wrongdoing.
Jan 18, 2021 • 53 tweets • 9 min read
I posted about the Signal messaging application versus Telegram a while ago, and I received a lot of answers about different applications as alternatives. So I'd like to write a thread giving an overview about my perspective on the security of different applications. 1/53
It's very important to remember that this thread is only about messaging applications for mobile phones, and the evaluations are based on my own perspectives and needs. In some cases they will be subjective, and you should investigate before applying the advice to yourself. 2/53
Dec 18, 2020 • 22 tweets • 4 min read
There has been a lot of abuse, violations, harassment and downright illegal things happening in my case. But not all of it has been directed at me. Many people around me have also been subjected to this. In this thread I want to document some of these incidents. 1/
Just to be clear, these are just a few of these kinds of incidents - there are more than I could detail here - in fact, it's been so much that I don't even remember most of them. But let's jump in to them. 2/
Dec 17, 2020 • 57 tweets • 9 min read
Hi all - so, after some rest and trying to find my equilibrium again, it's time to recount what happened this week. As I've mentioned, it was painful and frustrating, and the pre-trial is still not even concluded. This will be a long thread with lots of craziness. 1/
First, let's remember what the purpose of the pre-trial in Ecuador serves. The parties first present reasons why the process was illegal (so called "nullities"), then the prosecution and parties presents their accusation and supporting evidence. 2/
Dec 17, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I don’t know how to explain this. I’m not looking for sympathy or special consideration in any way. The simple truth is I’m lying in bed trying to sleep but I can’t stop crying from the frustration, sadness and hopelessness this situation causes.
I’m just extremely tired of all this. Not knowing when or if it will ever end, the continuous attacks, lies and absurd allegations. The attempts to intimidate and harass me and my friends. Some days it’s too much.
Dec 16, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
In a few hours the pretrial against me will resume. The only legal path would be for the judge to declare the process null and void because of all violations from the beginning (which the habeas corpus tribunal confirmed). However, we are not hopeful that this will happen.
More likely is that the judge will call to trial, even though this should be completely illegal, and another violation. If that happens, we will go through and discuss all evidence that will be used in the trial. Obviously we will try to exclude everything, since ...
Dec 15, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Just finished my book writing for the day. I had a period of about 4 months when I couldn't get any writing done - I finally broke through it by deciding to just write a little, but every single day. So I write one screen-ful every day now - about 2 pages.
In this way, I've managed to keep writing since I broke through the block in June. I have currently finished 13 chapters, I'm writing on one, and I have 4 four chapters left to write. But the majority of the content is definitely ready, in first draft form.
Oct 25, 2020 • 33 tweets • 5 min read
It's been almost 1.5 years since I was first arrested, and it's been a while since I gave an update about my legal situation here in Ecuador, so I thought I'd summarize what has happened up until now, and what the current status is. 1/
On April 11th, 2019, I was illegally detained and later arrested at Quito airport. I was on my way to Japan for a martial arts training camp that had been planned since several months. 2/