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Software engineer🖥️ aerospace engineering grad 🚀✈️married💒 ✝️ endurance cycling 🚴 #prolife #LifeIsEndurance #NeverQuit #EmbraceTheSuck
Mar 22 24 tweets 11 min read
🧵Image Repair Analysis, Joel Webbon's complete statement. For reference, here are the screen shots that @rightresponsem provided. Image
This first paragraph is an example of BOLSTERING. By appealing to the principle of integrity, he is giving you the idea that he is a man of integrity. And by invoking it the way he does, he is framing the issue of integrity in a way that is favorable to him. And by appealing to the work of Jesus, it is TRANSCENDENCE, which is a super-bolstering tactic.

Given the known facts, his first step should be one of humility and contrition. But that isn't what we are seeing here.Image
Feb 12 9 tweets 5 min read
Image Repair case study: Kris Vallotton

For context, I am including his complete statement here.

Let's have a look. The backdrop: the entire "prophetic" wing of charismatic movement is under fire, particularly due to the scandals of Mike Bickle--and others at IHOPKC--and Robert Morris. The history of the "prophets" is rife with scandal and even false prophecy. And Vallotton, from what I've been able to ascertain, is one of the heavy-hitters in that movement.

(Fair disclosure: I don't know a whole lot about Vallotton, whom I will address as KV; I am focusing solely on his use of Image Repair techniques.)
Dec 18, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Image Repair Analysis, Dr. Michael Brown's latest statement.

Here it is, for context: He leads off with MINIMIZATION via TRIANGULATION: appealing to family as an excuse for why he hasn't made any statements sooner.

Why is it minimization?

(a) He has already made a statement; he made one in the wake of the @reachjulieroys article.

(b) He is clearly responding to Sarah Monk--the "Erin" who has gone on the record--and Kris Bennett. The latest accusations have merit, and Brown clearly has a problem.
Sep 21, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
🧵now for Part 2.

Typically, when a revered minister goes down in a sex scandal, a block of followers--sometimes the minister himself--will appeal to King David as a case for restoration to office. After all, David was allowed to remain on the throne. This is a very flawed approach. It also glosses over the consequences of David's sins, both to David and the larger kingdom of Israel.
Sep 21, 2024 25 tweets 4 min read
🧵RE: Steve Lawson
Part 1 of 2

I'm old enough to remember the PTL scandal.

I attended an AoG church in those days: where I went to college , the AoG church ran a van to pick folks up who wanted a ride to church. And I had no car. So I attended the AoG church. In addition, the Christian fellowship group at my college was dominated by AoG folks and adjacent charismatic types.

So I became very familiar with the culture, for both better--my experiences were mostly good --and worse.
Jun 22, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
Image Repair Analysis, Gateway Elders' Email to Members

Here we are, a week after @wartwatch and @watchkeep broke the story of Robert Morris and his 4-1/2 year stretch of sexual abuses of Cindy Clemishire from the time she was 12 until she was 16.

Since then,

(1) the elders circulated an internal communication to staffers on their Slack channel--in which they ran with a narrative of Morris repenting of an "inappropriate relationship with a young lady" 35 year ago. The blowback was disastrous. #SheWas12 (2) In the wake of that false narrative, they forced Morris to resign, claiming they did not know the details.

As Cindy Clemishire showed in statement through @BozT--as well as @UT_Grad_Amy and @watchkeep-- that narrative was also bovine ejectus.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media--from the Dallas Morning News to the New York Daily News, CNN, MSN--have been reporting the details.

But the elders had not given ANYTHING to the membership of Gateway. Members were learning everything from the news media and watchbloggers.
Jun 17, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
Discerning between Damage Control and Good Image Repair: What does a real apology look like?

Case study: Robert Morris, Gateway Church On Friday, I provided an assessment of Gateway's--and Robert Morris'--responses to revelations that he molested a 12-year-old girl and continued that for almost 5 years. I Substacked it here. substack.com/home/post/p-14…
Jun 15, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
Image Repair Analysis, Gateway/Robert Morris Reponse to his sexual abuse scandal.

For context, here is the Victim's side.

Also, here is the statement by Gateway (Thank you @watchkeep). thewartburgwatch.com/2024/06/14/i-w…
Image First off, this is a statement by the Gateway elders, not by Robert Morris. While it is incumbent on them to issue a statement, what they are saying is IN HIS DEFENSE.

So this is one big use of TRIANGULATION. Robert Morris is using the leaders of Gateway to speak for him.
Jun 10, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
🧵Image Repair Analysis, Tony Evans Statement.

For context, here is the entirety of the statement: ocbfchurch.org/wp-content/upl… "It has been my glorious joy and privilege to serve as your senior pastor over these last 48 years."

This what is known as BOLSTERING. He is presenting himself to you as not just YOUR pastor, but YOUR SENIOR pastor. He is asserting his status.
Feb 15, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵Image Repair Lesson: Transcendence

Case study: Todd Bentley

For context, I'm providing a link to his statement. Let's explore what transcendence is and how it is used.

Whenever you, or a cause that you represent, is in crisis, your damage control/crisis communication strategy will often take several forms:

(1) Seize the high ground to shut down all critics (TRANSCENDENCE);
(2) Elevate your perception in the public eye (BOLSTERING);
(3) Shoot the messengers (DARVO);
(4) Mitigate the perceived severity of your offenses (MINIMIZATION).

What Bentley has here is classic TRANSCENDENCE. Let's look at it.
Feb 11, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Image Repair Analysis, IHOPKC's statement in response to the revelations by Tammy Woods.

For context, here is the @ihopkc statement. Image The entire first paragraph, like that by Sliker, is totally self-serving.

They are talking about their anger, their heartbreak, their sadness. While they do acknowledge the reality about Bickle, they do not acknowledge their own role in this disaster. Image
Feb 11, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Image Repair Analysis of the FB statement by David Sliker of @ihopkc

Here is his full statement for context. I'm also going to tag @jdahlmd, as her pinned tweet has a nice infographic highlighting the different Image Repair techniques. Image The entire first paragraph is completely self-centered. It is a form of BOLSTERING. Sliker is talking about his own feelings, and does so in a way that elicits sympathy for him.

The problem? He has contributed substantially to the crisis. He dismissed the initial Jane Doe. He was an integral part of the culture that enabled Mike Bikle.
Feb 10, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵This time, I'm going to address Owen himself, not the issue of what we should or should not do with the unsavory aspects of Elisabeth Elliott's third marriage.

Owen, your line of argument is both telling and instructive. It reflects much of what is wrong in evangelicalism. Effectively, you seem to be arguing, "If everyone knows the truth about her, then it becomes harder to defend our cause."
Jan 19, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
🧵Going to tag @blakecallens @ScottCross_8

Cool it, folks. I'm gonna edumacate all of you about what's going on in the SBC.

First off, there aren't "thousands of moderate and liberal churches" in the SBC. Nor are feminists or liberals threatening to take over. What you have are two CONSERVATIVE groups vying for power. But in order to gain a foothold, they are competing by marketing themselves as the True Conservatives.

The first group is the quasi-Calvinists. The Founders. Tom Ascol is their man. They are 1689ers and support CN.
Jan 18, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵Bart, in all fairness, I realize that, as President of the SBC, you don't have a lot of power to take action. You can't flip a switch and excommunicate anyone, or disfellowship a church, or fire the President of an SBC entity, or dictate policies to state or local bodies. OTOH, you DO have the bully pulpit. None of those SBC entities can silence you; only YOU can silence you.

My gripe with you here is that you are not using that pulpit. And if there were ever a time that begged for you to show up at that pulpit, this is it.
Jan 18, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I've been observing @BethMooreLPM on Twitter/X for about 6 years now. And this right here is what distinguishes her from others: her willingness to "own it" when she steps in it. She also did this with respect to the Covington Catholic dustup a few years ago.

Why do I say this? I contrast Beth's response with, say John MacArthur with respect to the Eileen Gray case (where he doubled down), or Doug Wilson with respect to the Steven Sitler case (where he also doubled down), or Tom Ascol with respect to his attacks on KSP (he doubled down).
Jan 1, 2024 26 tweets 5 min read
🧵Hyles and Patterson. The consequences of appeasing abusive Church leaders.

Once upon a time, there was a very renowned pastor by the name of Jack Hyles. Maybe you've heard of him (/s).

He was highly-regarded by Baptists in both IFB and SBC circles. Why? Hyles revolutionized the use of bus ministry and Sunday School for church growth. Hyles was also an old-school fundamentalist (lowercase f) preacher: fire and brimstone, Roman Road plan of salvation, and conservative in every sense: theologically, culturally, and politically.
Dec 20, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
This, right here, illustrates the dangers of rushing out to make the case for the great character of a church leader who stands accused of a grievous crime, particularly a felony sex offense. Fact is, everything you think or feel about this revered leader, may be a mirage he has been selling you.

Yes, I'm talking about the man who may have baptized you, married you and your spouse, baptized your children, visited you in the hospital, etc.
Dec 13, 2023 33 tweets 8 min read
Image Repair Analysis, Mike Bickle's public statement.

I'm QTing Julie Roy's, as her story includes the full statement by Bickle for anyone who wants to read it. I will be breaking it down. "With a very heavy heart I want to express how deeply grieved I am that my past sins have led to so much pain, confusion, and division in the body of Christ in this hour."
Nov 17, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Image Repair Analysis, IHOPKC's latest public statement.

For context, here is their statement.
ihopkc.org/press-center/p… "We want to start by stating that IHOPKC takes allegations of sexual abuse very seriously."

This is BOLSTERING. And it is very telling that they are doing this from the outset. Why?

Bolstering elevates their status to the audience.

They are elevating, not humbling, themselves
Nov 6, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Image Repair Analysis, IHOPKC.
"We love our global family... grateful for support, prayers, and solidarity."

This is BOLSTERING. They are elevating themselves by expressing affection coming out of the gate. This has the effect of minimizing the impact of what follows. Image "But now we need to have a family message.."

This is TRANSCENDENCE. Combined with their bolstering, they are appealing to a high road. This elevates their status and serves as an implicit attack on anyone who questions their handling of Bicklegate.