Olly Connelly will not be getting quaxxed, ta. Profile picture
Left vs right is a false paradigm. It's freedom vs totalitarianism now. #GreatReset, that's the real story. Stay in touch: https://t.co/XBaVdOv96x
Oct 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
// This is not "Putin's war", it is NATO's war (again)

While I am no Putin fan, nor do I trust him, for balance...

Russia has not so much been at war with Ukraine the last few months as NATO - or rather a tiny few military-industrial fat cats * who control it, the UN, the WEF, the WHO by the way, and most everything else - have been at war with Russia for decades, the final insult to Russia having been to break the #MinskAgreements by sitting their weapon systems in Russia's back yard, a kind of Cuban missile crisis in reverse.