Omar Degan Profile picture
Pan-African Architect | Fragility and Emergency| @Tedx speaker | Principal of DOArchitectureGroup | Obama Africa Leader @ObamaFoundation
Jan 8, 2021 80 tweets 86 min read

In Africa there are 54 countries , each one of them with unique architecture and design that represent the cultural identity and history of the people.

54 days , 54 projects one for every African nation .

I’ll start with Morocco I’ll ended in western sahara.

Enjoy Image Day 1.

Morocco .

This 18th-Century Home renovated in the historical center of Essaouira it is an incredible example of traditional Moroccan architecture .

A traditional house renovated and decorated with a contemporary touch.

Between tradition and modernity. ImageImageImageImage
Jun 1, 2019 11 tweets 9 min read
So, after the "hot" discussion about the importance of the design in developing countries, I decided to do a THREAD about beautiful and low-cost facilities all made in Africa.

Hopefully will highlight what can be done and inspire all of us to do it better especially in Somalia. PROJECT 1

lOCATION : Yeboahkrom, Ghana

COST: 12.000 USD

ARCHITECTS : Andrea Tabocchini & Francesca Vittorini